Oberheim OB-Xa - one song - one synth

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Here is a short demonstration of the sonic capability of the mighty OB-Xa. All sounds except drums come from the OB-Xa. Composing or producing a song with only one synthesizer is quite a challenge, since you do not really know, where the musical journey takes you. You are restricted to a single instrument. Making sounds on the fly during the process of composing is mandatory, but can bring you quite a lot of trouble when you need the same sound in another part of the song. Anyway, enjoy the music !!
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That's the sound why people love the OB-Xa, good track, thumbs up!


This track sound amazing! Really nice to hear some unique patches for the OB-Xa as well. Most people just play the Jump Sawtooth patch. Haha


Great song and demo! Having owned an Xa I really appreciate the fact that you didn't wash everything up in effects (which most demos do) so that you really got a sense of what the Xa sounds like. Most demos have so many effects going, the synth loses its character.


You did very well, Mr. Bruening. It’s probably easier to produce a complete piece on the OBXA than on a monophonic or dupphonic model. Just yesterday, I took a stab at building a track with just my Korg clone of the ARP Odyssey (drums included), one part at a time. I ended up caving in and overdubbing Guitars, but it was fun laying down all the ARP parts.


Love your track! What reverb have you used on the pad? It's very clean sounding.


Nice composition. The OB-Xa is a true monster. I love it. It is so expressive and can go from gritty, to thin, to ambient, to warm rich sounds without losing your attention. It's nice to see you created this piece using only the OB and some drums with minimal effects. It's okay to see someone playing just sounds to show the boards' capability, but it's another to see it "in action" within a composition to really show it off. Nice job.


I love OB-Xa with ping pong delay! This thing always sounds like JMJ!


Bernd Bruening, I really like your songs and the sounds you create. Both remind me of J.M. Jarre, but you have your own signature. That S&H sound effect at 1:06, with ping-pong delay is identical to the one you can hear at the end of Equinoxe VI. How did you do it? S&H for frequency and LFO square modulating the VCA?


What’s the yellow button on your OBxa ?
