Oberheim OB-X vs. OB-Xa Vintage Analog Synthesizer sound battle

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(c) 2015 vintage synthesizer demo by RetroSound

Oberheim OB-X (1979) 8-voice vs. Oberheim OB-Xa (1981) 8-voice Analog Synthesizer with identical self-programmed sound programs.

This video shows the different sound character. The OB-X is discrete analog like the SEM modul and sounds very raw and wild.
The OB-Xa based on Curtis CEM ICs and sounds more smooth.
Both are great synths and I love both a lot. The king class of polyphonic analog synthesizers.
This is the sound.
no compression, no EQ, only a bit delay used.

more info and pics:

Here can you find the full OB-Xa playlist with a lot single sound demos, synth comparisions and one synth demo tracks. Enjoy.

0:00 Einleitung
0:10 OB-X - soft pulse pad
1:04 OB-Xa - soft pulse pad
1:53 OB-X - sawtooth brass sound
2:23 OB-Xa - sawtooth brass sound
3:27 OB-Xa - filter sweep 12dB/O
3:57 OB-X-pulse width modulation
4:32 OB-Xa - pulse width modulation
4:55 OB-X - sample/hold.-- filter
5:29 'Oberheim
5:55 OB-X - Osc-Sync + Unisono
7:06 OB-X-filter reso bass
7:37 OB-Xa - filter reso bass

#Oberheim #obxa #obx #obx8 #ubxa
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The Oberheim OB-XA Synthesizer is one of the big legendary synths in music history. Used by many pop and rock groups in the 80s. Most famous is Jump by Van Halen. Here can you find the full OB-Xa playlist with a lot single sound demos, synth comparisions and one synth demo tracks. Enjoy.


Thanks! I was surprised by how different they are. The OB-Xa is much smoother and more refined, but the OB-X is far nastier, grittier and more powerful and immediate. In the sync segment, the OB-Xa sounds good, but the OB-X just screams, in a way that very few instruments can.

If I had to choose one, it would definitely be the OB-X.


Both look great but I like the OB-X more because it sounds warm and lush. One day, if I have the money, I’ll buy one.


A few things to keep in mind before writing off the Xa: the filter options (2 pole/4 pole) and the ability to do splits and layers are incredible additions over the X. To truly understand the power of the Xa you have to get an 8 voice model and design some layered patches. HUGE!


I now understand Prince's love for this synth. :)


That OSC Sync demo at around 5:51 is how Geddy (Rush) did Witch Hunt (beginning). You can really hear it at around 6:23. I mean it's not exact, but the technique is there. Hearing the sweeping sync'd pitches and filter is freakin' amazing - guttural, organic and truly visceral. Seriously, it made my insides twist


I can never get enough of the Oberheim brass sounds. Big and beautiful!


these things are sheer masterpieces, sod Moogs, i'd have one of these any day.


Oh boy, you totally had me with that OB-X opening minute, just epic! LOVE that OB-X.


The OB-X is my preference of these two but you really can't go wrong owning either one. Better yet, buy both!


According to me, after listening several times certain passages on the video, so the pads and bass, the OB-X sounds more warm and deep than the OB-Xa.


Both please, Great video, thank you Mr. Tom Oberheim


Both terrific classics, but...OB-X hands down. Depth & girth are simply unreal - almost like a perfectly-calibrated 8-Voice. There is something to be said about the merits of its almost fully discrete topology.


Absolutely one of my favourite synths. So organic that it almost sounds alive.


Oberheim fan here. Would love to own an OB-X. I have the OB-8 and I love it. It sort of gets misrepresented since it is the most "clean" of the three, but don't be deceived, it is an analog monster compared to many other analog polys. Of the three, it has a wider set of tools for sound design. OB-8 added Triangle wave and Saw+Pulse mixed wave. Also a dynamic arpeggiator and page two modulation controls.


Awesome beasts! The difference is not as big as I had imagined. They both have a massive presence.


The two greatest synths ever produced. Sound wise, that is.


I remember, i was searching everything about synths, and most of the infos were text and photos. Frustrating.
So i hopelessly searched on youtube a very hypotetical channel that would showcase all synths, even compare them.
"Retrosound" pop'd out. If i remember well, i spent the next 24 hours in Heaven, with neurons like popcorns.
Sincerely yours Marko!


Having an OB-6 and listening to this, it is really clear that it’s more like an OB-X than an OB-Xa, despite the blue stripes. It’s that discrete circuitry and SEM state variable filter. The Curtis chips are much more aggressive/harsh, less smooth and rounded. More high frequencies. The oscillators by themselves sound very different. I do envy the 12/24 switch and split/layer, though.


I love this comparison. You're the only person to do it
