Stihl FS56 VS Echo SRM225

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In this video I explain the differences and compare the STIHL FS65 and the ECHO SRM225

I'm sure you can tell that I definitely prefer the Stihl. Both are great trimmers but I don't see why anyone would buy the Echo over the Stihl especially after seeing how well the FS56 holds up over time. When you bump the head on the Echo, the engine really struggles to keep the rpms up enough to cut the line when the guard is on and when the Stihl is using the same line, it cuts it with no issues. The overall quality of the Stihl also seems to be much better as well.

Let me know your opinions in the comments down below!
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I ran the 56rc for about 5 years with no issues until the clutch went out doing roughly 20 yards a week. Love the Stihl but I also have an echo 225 as my edger unit. I agree the echo seems much less powerful and the Stihl has top notch throttle control. Echo has more reliable starting and isn't nearly as temperamental as the Stihl. The problems I've had with the echo are due to it not being able to take the abuse the Stihl can. My choke lever and the throttle control on the carb have broken off by being thrown around in the truck. You could say I should take better care of my equipment, but the Stihl had been in service years longer and could handle the abuse due to its plastic cover over the carb area. Both great trimmers in their own right, used to hate on the echo but I replaced my Stihl blower with an echo unit and I'm glad I made the switch.


I am just starting my small lawn mowing business and I bought the Stihl and I love it so much and I have literally cut small branches on a tree with it before


I've never used the Stihl. I have had Echo 225 from about 5 years, with no issues at all. My father in laws weedeater was giving him problems at the end of this season, so I figure I might get one on sale at this time so he is ready for spring. The Echo were all out of stock but they have Stihl, so this is why I'm watching this video. From the look of it in the video, and by the comments, they are very similar, and the one someone might perfers will come down to personal taste. I just want to say, I have not had any of the issues with the head. Yes it will jam if you put too much line in it. But that is a user mistake, not an issue with the head, and will happen with any trimmer head if you put too much line init. The only reason it happens more often with the Echo is because it is simply easier to feed more line into it. With regards to it spitting out the line when you bump the side. Not once in the 5 years of use has head sent out more line by me bumping the side into any post, tree etc. If it is spitting out line by bumping the side, it is either not assembled correctly or it is defective.


One thing is clear from all these comments. People are biased in favor of the unit they like, including the poster and me. My first bottom of the line Echo trimmer lasted 33 years and I bought the same (upgraded) model again. Should last the rest of my life. I think to get a truly unbiased opinion visit Project Farm.


I have both units. The main difference in servicing them is that the carb on the Echo is easier to take off. It takes 2 screws and is off. With the Stihl, you have to take some of the casing off to service the carb. Servicing the spark arrestor is easier on the Stihl. Both units perform about the same.


Some good points but I like my echo for my 1 1/4. Lot 5 years so far no issues


I've had an echo 225 for a decade now and it still runs great! I also have an old 210 from the 90s that still works fine! those machines will last for as long as you want. not knocking stihl though.


4 or 5 yrs now of Home use with the 225 and I have done nothing to it and feel guilty but this thing a great tool for my mid size yard .


The Echo 2320T is the commercial version of the 225 and it will run circles around any Stihl while weighing a lot less.


What do you mean echo has no power my echo srm225 cuts through thick tall weeds .


The echo needs the brass plug popped out of the back of the carb so you can tune the carb trust me night and day diffence and it'll also stop it from leaking oil out of the exhaust, also remove the spark arrestors from the muffler so the thing can flow better. I work on small engines for a living and Echo is my choice.


just bought an echo srm225 as my first gas engine weed eater and i love it.


I have and prefer echo equipment. Just my preference, Their products never let me down and are easy to work on .


Love my Stihl fs56 RC string trimmer first Stihl weed eater ever I used this season best weed eater I have bought my self it's all ready broken in the use of it the trimmer is still new it doesn't take much to break it in a string trimmer


Great review! I'm a Stihl guy, but my mower dealer is an Echo dealer. I asked if I could demo an Echo trimmer for a week. They had the small 225 they left me to demo. I demoed it this week and it doesn't even come close to my Stihl stuff. Very little power and difficult to start and operate and it looks to be built cheap. Everything you mentioned I found wrong with it. Glad I atleast got to demo it and can give it back. I'm way happier with my Stihl tools!


I’ve had both. If you repair your machines get the echo. Parts are cheaper and more available. The Japanese are amazing engineers and I believe made the first commercially available chainsaw. They have been around for a century and are extremely reliable. Stihls have the name but for the price are hardly justifiable. You wouldn’t believe how many Stihls I see at the dump compared to the echos. At the end of the day though, use these machines with care as intended and you’ll get a lot of life out of them. I have an echo hedge trimmer from the 70’s and it barely smokes for a two stroke. Same with my stihl chainsaw from 76’. Take care of them and they’ll take care of you.


Thankyou for making this video. It was excellent!
Which brushcutter blade and conversion kit do you use with the Still FS 56?
Instructions say none are compatible. Please let me know.
I was going to purchase the Renegade for my other SRM 225. Would that work to cut tall grass?


Just the video i was looking for, i was looking at buying the echo but they now selling the stihl at $199. I have the FS90 for over 10 years but i'm looking for a string only trimmer. Too much trouble to switch from blade to string and the FS90 is a tank for grass trimming. Considering the stihl is lighter i think ill go stihl as im looking fir a lightweight grass trimmer. At only $200 and lighter weight its not worty the time swapping from blade to string on my FS90


I have a question: Can I use the fs56rc for commercial use, or is that questionable


Most of your problems could be solved by using the guard
