Echo SRM-225 Review | Scooter's Lawn Care

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Watch a quick review of our Echo SRM-225 weed-eater.
We're happy with the strength and capabilities of this weed-eater. They have a long life for as inexpensive as they are.
The only problems we run into is a broken trigger that we replace about 3 times a year, and that's just due to the trimmer rack on our trailers - so it might not be a problem for you. We also have to replace the chokes every so often, but again - cheap fixes.
At the end of the day, we're very happy with the performance of the Echo SRM-225, especially for the value.
What do you use? Any recommendations? Brands or models to stay away from? Let me know, let's hear it in the comments.
Have a great week, everybody.
We're happy with the strength and capabilities of this weed-eater. They have a long life for as inexpensive as they are.
The only problems we run into is a broken trigger that we replace about 3 times a year, and that's just due to the trimmer rack on our trailers - so it might not be a problem for you. We also have to replace the chokes every so often, but again - cheap fixes.
At the end of the day, we're very happy with the performance of the Echo SRM-225, especially for the value.
What do you use? Any recommendations? Brands or models to stay away from? Let me know, let's hear it in the comments.
Have a great week, everybody.
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