'You Are Gods': What Did Jesus Really Mean?

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In John 10:34, Jesus tells that Pharisees that it is written in the Law that "you are gods". He is quoting from Psalm 82:6 where it says, "I said you are gods, sons of the Most High. All of you". In the New Age movement, this verse is misinterpreted in a gnostic context (such as that taught by the Gospel of Thomas), or the mystical context of Christ Consciousness (such as that taught by Eckhart Tolle or Deepak Chopra) to support the idea that we are all little gods. It's asserted that Jesus was a mystic, or that Jesus was a Buddhist, or that there are some secret teachings of Jesus that the church omitted from its theology.

In this video, we will do a Bible study on what Jesus really meant in the New Testament, what the Pslamist meant in the Old Testament, and how we can know Jesus was not teaching that we can have some kind of spiritual awakening or gnosis whereby we become gods.

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I have struggled with this understanding for 10years. Today I found a truthful answer to this question. Thank you for this clarity and may God bless you and keep you safe. I have tears of joy letting go of this struggle, so I thank the Father for sending your helping hand.


Funny how they are quick to believe/quote some of Jesus' statements but not the ones that say he is the way, the truth, and the life or that talk about his resurrection or being messiah. Really funny. Good job Stevo.


Hi Steven! Brand new Christian here (literally 2 days ago), just came out of New Age and I’m trying to throw out and reconcile some of the new age beliefs I developed about Jesus and the Bible. Particularly the idea that he was someone who became enlightened. Reading the gospel of Mary and Thomas did not help and it’s not easy to just throw these ideas out of my mind, as I used to study this topic in the new age realm extensively. If you have any ideas about their gospels I’d love to see a video. For now I am praying for guidance and to not be deceived, your videos are really helping me. Thank you 🙏


Your such a gift from God Steve. I was also heavily into the new age, astral projection/travel, lucid dreaming, meditation etc. Until the entities that I thought were benevolent became aggressive and violent towards me in a string of demonic attacks against my soul during sleep. They knew I was "waking up" to their true nature. During one of these experiences, sexual in nature, i called on the name and authority of Jesus Christ and the entity at the time was "peeled" off of me, off of my spirit, as it was stuck to me. As it was peeled off of me I heard it screech as it was removed from me and thrown back into the abyss. It still took me another few years for me to fully yeild to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and I have been born again almost 3 years. God let me have these experiences so that I could see that HE was true, these frightening attacks, mostly sexual in nature brought me to God. He showed me what these things were, intelligent, malevolent demons that first disguised themselves as friendly spirit beings that were there to enlighten me, they do this to suck you in and then they reveal themselves and their true nature, especially when they know that you realise they are not what they pretend to be. Now, these demons have no power over me but occasionally attempt to subtley catch me off guard when asleep physically but awake spiritually, but I quickly rebuke them in the name and authority of Jesus Christ. God bless you and anyone experiencing this, you are not alone, turn to Jesus Christ before these demons completely turn on you, I guarantee that they will if you do not take them seriously. They are masters of deception.


Psalm 82 is about the lower elohim (gods) that our Father in heaven had set over the nations. In Psalm 82 He is addressing them and how they led the nations astray and that they would die like men. Dr. Michael S. Heiser, who is an ancient language scholar and worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls explains this well on YouTube and in his book titled, ""The Unseen Realm."


It is so simple, "We are all gods" means "We are all immortal beings. We are spirits dwelling inside a flesh and bone body...As spirits we are going to live forever...!


I just started to read the bible, I was an agnostic for many years. Jesus and God came to me a year ago. I found your channel and has become like a beacon for me, it helped me correcting some mistakes and deepening knowledge from Jesus.
Thank you so much for your wonderful work and the time you take to clarify such important matters that make people fool and full of pride.
Greetings from Chile.


Thank you for your work bro, I used to be a deceived new ager too... but Jesus saved me too


THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Thank you! I just escaped the new age! Thank you for revealing truth!


We are gods in the sense that we are the sons of God, children of the Most High.


I pray you never stop making videos. You have been blessed with a "speakers" voice and understanding. It might not be as popular in the world but, man, the way you speak the Truth it will stay with anybody who even hears it. You're awesome and a mighty person in the Church. God bless you sir.


This is so correct, you couldn't imagine. 100%


Why do people think our souls are not a part of God? Because we were programmed to believe otherwise! But in reality our souls is a part of God and always will be! We were never separated from God! Wake up and remember who you really are!


"I, and my father, are one."


Family, dont get your self confused, what Jesus meant, is we belong to our Almighty Creator God, we are God's Children, we are God's family, Love you all, take care and many Blessings.😇


I just wanna tell you to keep up the AMAZING work my brother in Christ. I was SUPER happy to hear you came to the Lord, and I just wanna let you know, that your past and testimony is SUPER powerful. The New Age doctrines have need to be publicly proven wrong more like this. The bible has consistencies everywhere, and zero inconsistencies. The Lord is the same today, as he was yesterday, and even will be! HALLELUJAH! All praises to the LORD, to Yeshua(Jesus), the Christ.


You are absolutely correct my brother! 100% spot on! And, you used actual Holy Scripture, Old and New Testament, to explain everything. GOD bless you!


We are to conform to the image of
When he appears don’t you know we will be like
You are the sons and daughters of
Jesus, the first of many
Remember when the world hates you, it hated me
God is our father therefore we are sons and daughters of God just the same as Jesus because Jesus is God and was the son of God to teach us how to be sons of God.


Thank you soooo much for making this video. I, too, was a "new ager" like another commenter, and have finally found out how Jesus paid the ultimate price for us! Keep up the good work! I really hope and pray that someone watches this and is saved!


Whenever I hear Deepak speak, I have the urge to wobble my head
