Ye Are Gods! What Did Jesus Mean? John 10:34 & Psalm 82:6 Explained

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Are we gods? Didn't Jesus say "ye are gods"? This view is pushed by heretics like Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer and Steven Furtick. In this short video I take a closer look at the words of Jesus in John 10:34 and examine the true meaning behind the text. The little god heresy is blasphemy and completely unbiblical. When the church allows uneducated men like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland to have so much influence then it ends up being filled with false teaching and blasphemy. I have also created another video where I expose Steven Furtick for claiming to be like God. In that video I discuss the true meaning of Genesis when it says we are made in the image of God. Check that video out.

Pretty much every bible commentary and study bible will agree with my interpretation of the Bible on this topic and subject. Therefore, the fact that many professing Christians believe differently is very disturbing. It means that people are not studying the Bible. They are going to churches and listening to pastors and teachers in the Christian world who do not read the Bible or care about the true meaning of the text. Heresy abounds and its time that Christians begin to expose heresy and mark false teachers.
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Thank you. This is a very important topic. It's continually misconstrued by false teachers and false prophets.


Hebrews says we are a royal priesthood in the order of Melchisideck. Not gods. That verse always spoke volumes.


I agree with you. It’s so damaging when preachers teach their congregation that they are gods! Search the scriptures and see what God is really saying!!


Thanks for helping me to delve deeper into the word of God . Little by little I'm gaining more insight into what some of the key words, like 'gods', means in passages that are often misused .


Thank you so much brother for this refresher, I didn't remember this teaching anymore.
Listening in my car; it was also nice to hear pages flipping instead of clicking.


Thank you Brother, This really makes this clear and puts this blasphemy to rest. Love from Jamestown CA


I first wanted to say I agree with 99% of what you teach. Wanted to share a thought. Michael Heisner is a Bible scholar who teaches Psalm 82:6 is referring to the divine council of God and not mortal men, in 82:7 "However, you will die like humans..." If they were just human rulers that would be a nonsensical statement you will die like men.


God bless you man! Very Important to know the word in this very corrupt generation.


Amen! Brother... God bless you! Stay firm in the Lord Jesus!


I receive this message. Thank you Jesus so much for this clarity through this gentleman. ❤


You explained this pretty well . Jesus is bringing a charge against these Jews who are accusing him of blasphemy. He is essentially calling them unjust judges because they are accusing him of blasphemy yet he is doing the work of his father. Yet they won't bringing accusation of blasphemy against the psalmist who is calling these wicked judges gods . The psalmist is inspired to call them gods because they have been given authority by God to judge and they are abusing this authority.


Reading Psalm 82 in light of the principles presented in Romans 13 is also very helpful in terms of identifying judges and authorities as administers of justice.

I am shocked by how people are ignoring the Creator/creature distinction so clearly presented in scripture to try and say that we are gods in the supernatural sense. I think Heiser's influence on conservative thought has been extremely unhelpful and even harmful to the church body at large. Great video!


Thanks for the great explanation. I included a link to it in an article on my Christian Answers for the New Age website.


Some of the best teaching I have heard on these passages. Thanks for posting. I would be interested in your commentary on the phrase that follows in Psalm 82:6. God bless.


I listened to our local Christian Radio station in my country where the Pastor also told the congregation that he teaches his children that they are Royal! yes we all are whom are children of God, but not on this earthly realm, only in the Heaven's. Doing so instills pride, a feeling of being better than the rest. for Jesus was of royal blood, but came to earth as a humble man, not dressed with expensive silky cloths and gold and silver.
we should therefore only trust the Holy Spirit to translate scripture and not man, because it can be easily taken out of context, which then lead many deceived!!


Excellent explanation. I like seeing the preparedness of those who dobthese videos. I apologize for thinking to throw a curve ball but I wanted to see how studied you were. God bless your work. I study those that preach and pay close attention to words spoken, keep up with the videos.


Thank you so much for your videos! They are really helping me to understand years and years of false teaching!!


Thank you brother for the great job you are doing in contending for the gospel. Keep up the good work 👍


@iThinkBiblically This is an excellent explanation of what the Lord said and meant! ty! So many new agers turning it into something its not.


Thank you my brother for this teaching God bless you 👍👍
