JESUS Didn't Say, 'WE Are All GODS'

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What about Jesus? How can he be the Son of God if other divine sons of God are real? And what about John 10:34 where Jesus quotes Psalm 82:6? I did a whole podcast episode on Jesus' quotation of Psalm 82:6 in John 10:34. The predominant view is, because people think that the gods of Psalm 82 are just people, basically, has Jesus, right after he said in John 10:30, "I and the Father are one." Now he quotes Psalm 82, to say, "Hey, put down the stones, guys, don't be mad at me, because we're all, you know, we're all mortals, we're all sons of God." That undermines the deity claim of John 10:30. Check it out!

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I just was reading John 10 this morning and wanted to submit a question about this verse and Ps 82! Impeccable timing!!


Ps. 81:6. (lxx) I spoke, gods ye-are and sons of-Highest all.


Rest in peace, Dr. Heiser, you unclouded so many minds. Thank you for your work. 😔


I laugh everytime I hear a Mormon try and reference Dr. Heiser 🤣


I love the Lord Jesus.

Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

Jude 1:5
Now I want to remind you, you having known all this, that Jesus, having saved at one time a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward He destroyed those not having believed.


Separation us an illusion. God lives in us. He is everything in us. In him, we are everything. We are one with our creator and the creator lives through his whole entire creation. Hes in the trees, the birds, the bees, hes in the wind, the sky, the rain and snow. God is not hiding in a far away place called heaven. He's right here, right now.


Comment 460: Have read other comments that these snippets are too short. However, just listened to "Naked Bible" - podcast 109. The YouTube algorithm had it in my queue a few videos after this.

Then I returned to this offering and checked the description: link was provided. I gotta get better at this.

Thing is, we like short sound bites. That podcast was 48 minutes and I've seen discussions offered that approach two hours.

I guess if I could watch the Bet-David interview of ex-mobster, Sammy Gravano, twice - and it exceeded two hours, maybe I could commit to expositions of God's word that exceed ten minutes....Thank you for this teaser and for sharing your faith and scholarship with us. I am finally subscribing.


But if God lives within us, is he not just saying that we all have the same connection with God. By saying you are all gods, he's basically telling us that just as he is one with God, so are we all. That doesn't necessarily mean we are God himself, it just means we have the presence of the divine within us.


Before i finish the podcast because i have not gotten hat far yet. From what i know of it, You are Eloheim or gods, because in the end it is your place to join him (if you make it but we all have the potential give or take) alongside the other eloheim to be of equal in place as it was supposed to be at the beginning. Another words in my opinion through my knowledge its looking to the future when we shed our mortal coils and become life ever lasting so to say. Because who lives forever but a eloheim, given that by Eloheim the most high.


Jesus said we are gods. Those who are saved are gods who replace the other gods of the divine council who rebelled. If He said it why should anyone believe what another person says otherwise? 🤔


There will be many Sons of God(YHVH), Jesus being the firstborn Son (Romans 8:29)

God makes Himself a big family for eternity.


I'm missing you already Micheal. See you soon my friend.
We are going to be feeding off what the Lord gave you till we're all where you are brother.


Thank you love your teachings helps me understand a whole lot more than what I thought I knew and now I know I don't know very much! Thank you Lord for continually using Dr Heiser to show us and teach us truth.


God wants to build a family, divine, eternal, for the sake of having the greatest intimacy with their beloved creatures and so leave loneliness forever, beloved ones able not only to receive His love but also to return it to Him after enhancing and enriching it with our own "I love you too". The family consists in the father, the mother and the sons/daughters. One becomes a son of God through love only. And He wants us to become His children so that in that way, and only in that way, pass His inheritance to us, that is, His own divine nature upon receiving which we also become divine.
But for the creature to become a son of God is absolutely necessary its own will. We have to say "yes, i want to be your child". Nobody can become a son of God without his own will. The Father already said "Yes, I want to be Father", also the Mother said "Yes, I want to be Mother", now its the time for us to give that "Yes, I want to be Your child". These three "Yes" are the basis of the history of christianity. The first is the "Fiat" (Let it be done) of Creation, pronounced by the Father; the second is the Fiat of the Mother (Let it be done in me) that brought Redemption; and third comes our Fiat, that we pronounce each time we pray the Paternoster "Thy Will be done", meaning that we give up our own will and its vacuum is filled up with the Will of God. Because in Heaven, in the Kingdom, in the eternal Realm there can be only an only Will. This third Fiat brings to us divine Sanctification.The fulfillment of these three Fiat is the constitution of the divine Family.


Jesus had the consciousness of God merged with his, as he was anointed by god-The father is in me and I am in him. He almost certainly never said he was the I am as a man, it was mention in only one gospel, yet was not in the three other gospels, nor the rest of the New testament. There is not anything of this being mentioned plainly, or otherwise at all- they simply don't mention it. There's no way the other Gospels don't mention this fact if he had said this! It would have been every where in the new testament.


Psalms 82 is letting Humans know they will die like a mere man not knowing their true worth if they keep thinking they are only flesh and blood. We are gods, and sons of The Almighty God. Why does religions people keep trying to keep people stuck in a low vibrational state? To simply Control that’s why.


Blake Ostler is a Mormon theologian who does a great job at explaining how Dr. Heisner's explanation here in no way conflicts with Mormon theology or the Mormon understanding of John 10:34


No He said we are "Kings and Priests " we must take up the mantle. There is nothing more powerful than faith. Ephesians 6 tells us that. 🙏


We are gods. All is One and One is All. One body many parts. United as One not separated. For we walk in the Spirit and have become the Embodiment of Christ who is Son of God and One with the Father.
