Discrete noncommutative Pythagorean time-frequency ratios: Connes 'Quotient Space' 5D chord music Qi

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The secret of the Pythagorean "infinite spiral of fifths" has finally been decoded by Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes as the secret of the inverse frequency noncommutative 5D resonance of nonlocality for meditation alchemy training, just as the "three gunas" of India and the Daoist yin-yang-Emptiness explains. Chapter 41 of the Tao Te Ching is finally revealed. The two, three, infinity equation of Connes is the same as Daoism.
This video shows the actual math proof of Connes and it explains the secret of the "Quotient Space" as the subtraction of the noncommutative inverse exponentials of the Pythagorean rational discrete ratios.
The "spacetime interval" that Dr. Ruth E. Kastner utilizes, as per the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony, is similarly based on the Pythagorean secret that de Broglie realized: As the quantum frequency goes up for a particle going towards the speed of light, time also gets bigger (slows down) due to relativity, and since frequency is inverse to time, therefore there HAS to be a negative frequency (virtual photon) and reverse time (noncommutative imaginary number) dynamic that is a phase harmonization process guiding us from the future.
The alchemy secret is to resonate this noncommutativity to the macroscale as Eddie Oshins realized for his quantum psychology Neigong training via the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Thus the "demonstration" of the Dirac Dance is also the "silk reel" exercise in Tai Chi with the outside of the hand as yang and the lower body as yin while the inside of the hand is yin and the upper body is yang.
Study the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" for how this noncommtuative phase nonlocality applies to the whole body. Eddie Oshins applied the same principle to Wing Chun training that he taught and Bagua and also Yiquan. So for example in Yiquan the left hand is visualized as charging with the right foot.
This dynamics are found through the body via the coherent biophoton laser energy that then resonates with the virtual photons that can be absorbed and stored up as increased magnetic moment charge from the reverse time and negative frequency (or inverse frequency) energy.
This was the ancient secret of why 2/3rd was sacred in Egypt and the "infinite spiral of fifths" the same in China and in Pythagorean teaching just as the "three gunas" as the oldest philosophy of India.
My book "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" gives more details.
And see my recently newly published articles for more quotes from Connes, etc.
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