How to Embody the Emptiness: Flipping Spirit Laser Coherent Light into the Hole of Entangled Yuan Qi

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So the Quantum Zeno Effect uses pulses of light as coherent laser light with a steady synchronization of microseconds. This enables entanglement to be maintained that is nonlocal without any external measurement as the "collapse" of the wave function. Yet light by itself experiences no space nor time and since light has a zero rest mass then there is also a hidden "heaviness" to light as reverse time energy or "supermomentum" aka noncommutative phase of light. This was first discovered by Louis de Broglie as the "Law of Phase Harmony" whereby he insisted that light actually DOES have some mass to it. So the paradox is that Planck's Constant relied on canceling out the terms of "time" so that light energy could just be measured only as frequency directly proportional to momentum. Yet we know that in fact the ratio of frequency to time is noncommutative and so it can not just be "canceled out" as an empty "per cycle" measurement standard.
in other words the "cycles" are inherently eternal motion that is inherently nonlocal and so light energy has a hidden power that is called "negaparticles" or reverse time energy from the future.
In Daoism this is called returning Shen to the Emptiness as the Dao.
So because the light can be pulsated as the "microsecond" wavelength this is actually the inverse of the ultrasound frequency. This is why the microtubules of living matter are also piezoelectric at ultrasound with the greatest amplitude increase of 3000 times due to the noncommutative phase resonance of the smaller tubulins. So microtubules are therefore a "sub-wavelength" of light as a "Metamaterial" that thereby resonates with reverse time energy itself by capturing negentropic energy and then converting the virtual photons from stored information of the future - into past new matter.
So in Daoist qigong as Neidan this is called the "Golden Key" as the "Superluminal yin matter." So that the Yuan Jing is therefore a kind of plasma of new electrons and protons created from this reverse time energy of light being turned back on itself through the pulsations of listening to the source of sound or the source of thoughts in the brain.
So in PreSocratic philosophy then "Being" as the spiritual ego is defined by Light as consciousness - and not as thinking or even perceptions. And so the light is able to act as a transducer of information from the future which then is perceived as the senses of the brain in the past via the light as an entangled worm hole or the Blue Light as the sign of the Soul manifesting.
So the Soul can not be seen but rather it is the "Hole" as the Holy Whole of the Emptiness. This was debated in ancient times as what is the true meaning of an eclipse of the Sun. Is the "ring of light" around the moon then a Hole or the Whole? Well the answer is that the Light of the sun first requires the Moon energy as the psychic Sound or yin qi energy that has to be built up first. This psychic sound or yin qi energy is then expressed as the yang qi of the pineal gland in the center of the brain. The yang qi then expresses the light as the moonlight or Yin shen. When this light then "breaks through" out of the skull it is then to be accessed as the Absolute Void or Emptiness that eternally resonates light - either as the future light or the past light.
So then this Emptiness is nonlocal since light has no rest mass and light itself experiences neither space nor time. Yet Light is secretly powered by the future as the "noncommutative phase" of the future overlapping with the past.
So then in Daoism it is said when you can see light OUTSIDE the skull and in front of the eyes - as auras or spirits - this indicates the Absolute Void is being accessed. But that light energy is built up by only being returned back inside the body and then "turned around" as the noncommutative phase of yin qi (yang shen) and yang qi (yin shen). So the light has an inherent hidden 1/2 spin as defined in Western science.
The definition of spin as "angular momentum" in quantum mechanics is misleading because Westerners want to define the "angular momentum" as a spatial symmetric measurement. But in fact spin originates as 1/2 spin which then REQUIRES a 720 degree rotation that inverts itself. Since this rotation of 720 degrees occurs in light with no rest mass as the secret "heaviness" of light then there is no way to "see" this inverse of spacetime itself.
And yet if the light is inherently coherent as laser light or spirit biophoton energy and the light is pulsated as a resonance that is harmonic or musical then this entanglement can be enlarged to any scale. Since light is a boson then it is not prohibited by the Pauli exclusion principle that explains the 1/2 spins of electrons not being able to maintain the same "space" in 4D spacetime. Phonons or acoustic vibrations as frequency energy are also bosons as quasiparticles. So phonons are not proven to inherently also be antigravitational and to not require any "lattice" of matter.
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ue to coupling with phonons and spontaneous emission, whereas spin coherent excitations decohere in microseconds to milliseconds due to coupling to other spins in the sample.Several strategies have been proposed for suppressing decoherence, including quantum error correction schemes [52, 53]and decoherence free subspaces [54]. Here, we focus on dynamical decoupling techniques [55-58]that actively decouple the system of interest from its environment by using control pulse sequences inspired by NMR spectroscopy.


A combination of both the gas and light examples presented above is offered by the dramatic event of electron-positron pair annihilation. In the simplest case, just two photons are produced. Matter is fully transformed to radiation, but the mass stays. Put on a balance in a box, it is impossible to know whether or not the pair has decayed. This example shows that the equation E=mc2expresses the equivalence of mass and energy and not the generation of energy as a reaction product from mass. The confusion that sometimes arises can often be traced back to the mix-up between the words “mass” and “matter”. Matter can be transformed into radiation. Matter is taking the role of energy container, radiation is some sort of released, “free” energy, that must fly through space.


In addition to “pulsed" measurements, a strong continuous coupling to an external agent can also play the role of frequent measurements on the investigated system to induce the quantum Zeno effect. This strong continuous coupling causes a consequence of the dynamical features [50, 51]. With the continuous measurement process, the system is dominated to evolve in a set of orthogonal Zeno subspaces separated according to the eigenvalues of the measurement interaction Hamiltonian. If the continuous coupling is strong enough, the evolution of the investigated system will be limited in the subspace where the initial state exists [40]. The quantum Zeno effect has been widely studied for various quantum tasks [52–61]. Now in this subsection we investigate the application of the quantum Zeno effect to the enantio-discrimination.


this symmetry-broken property can also be found in natural matters, chiral molecules for instance [8, 9].

Chiral materials are ubiquitous in nature [10] and also play an important role in living beings [11]. Although two enantiomers, a chiral molecule and its mirror image, share many physical and chemical properties, they may be of divergent activations and functions. Therefore, analysis tasks of chiral molecules, such as discrimination between enantiomers, enantiomer purification, determining absolute configuration, measuring enantiomeric excess, and so on, are crucial adjectives. Contrast to pure chemical means, optical methods are potential candidates for performing more efficient enantio-discrimination [12–19].


. Because two enantiomers have opposite signs for this transition dipole moment, the interference is constructive for one enantiomer but destructive for the other, which can induce fully different dynamics between the two enantiomers and then make them evolve into different final states. Besides, the quantum Zeno effect [39, 40] emerges in one enantiomer when the constructive interference is enhanced, which will suppress the excitation of this enantiomer. Therefore, when the other enantiomer is excited, the two enantiomers will become distinguishable according to their individual inner states.


the gravitational mass of light is mg=E/c2.


"What makes our new scheme work is a restrictive set of states. The
analog would be, instead of using a sphere, we are going to use a torus,
or donut shape. A sphere can only rotate on an axis, and there is no
way to get an opposite point for every point on a sphere by rotating it
-- because the axis points, the north and the south, don't move. With a
donut, if you rotate it 180 degrees, every point becomes its opposite.
Instead of axis points you have a donut hole. Another advantage, the
donut shape actually has more surface area than the sphere,
mathematically speaking -- this means it has more distinct points that
can be used as encoded information."


Nowadays, ultrafast lasers can produce a wide range of complex pulses with ultrashort time resolution and extremely high peak powers [41-44]. As a result, a variety of coherent control methods based on sequences of ultrafast laser pulses have been proposed [41-44], including the suppressionof quantum tunneling by affecting the relative phases of interfering dynamical pathways [4-6]


“Matter is just “canned” energy, a box with internal dynamics, and radiation is “free” energy.” If the photon would be put to rest, its gravitational mass would equal its rest mass, and hence vanish. The intriguing question is, what would happen if we could stop the electron from spinning?


The same box, but now filled with light, and with the inner walls made perfectly reflecting, can be weighed too. Similar to the case where it was filled with gas particles, the light or, if you like it better, the photons, are gravitationally red or blue shifted at upward or downward propagation respectively. This again results in a net (radiation) pressure on the balance [2]. The shorter the wavelength, λ= 2π ̄hc/E, of the photons, the heavier the box.From the outside, it is impossible to judge whether the box is filled with a simple gas or with light.


Electromagnetic radiation carries momentum~p= ̄h~k and energy E= ̄hω=pc, and it can exert a (radiation) pressure on any object it falls upon. Hence, light has inertia that can be quantified by an inertial mass mi= ̄hk/c. Now, the principle of equivalence tells us that light must also have a gravitational mass mg, and consequently it must be attracted by heavy bodies.


On the one hand, electromagnetic radiation must have zero rest mass in order to propagate at the speed of light, but on the other hand, since it definitely carries momentum and energy, it has non-zero inertial mass. Hence, by the principle of equivalence, it must have non-zero gravitational mass, and so, light must be heavy.


Entangled electron pairs can be separated by that spin-filtering, held coherently at biological temperatures in the topologically insulated nucleotide quantum gates, and incorporated into separate DNA strands during DNA replication. Two separate DNA strands that share quantum entangled electrons can be mitotically divided into individual cells, and thus into two individual cell cultures. Initial experiments to validate the quantum DNA model have shown correlations in the depolarizations between separated cloned neuronal cell cultures, and additional investigations are indicated for further validation.
