Vegan Diets and Weight Loss

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Learn how a vegan diet can help you not only lose weight, but keep it off!

Dr. Vanita Rahman and “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll dive into the science showing how a healthy “new you” and a plant-based diet go hand-in-hand. From fat and calories to carbs and nutrients, everything is on the table! Plus, you’ll learn how quickly you can lose weight after going vegan!
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I lost 30 lbs overall on a vegan diet. As soon as I dropped the meat and dairy I lost close to 10 lbs soon after. I then adapted a low fat high antioxidant diet (lots of fruits and whole plant foods) I steadily was able to get to my ideal weight and stayed there with little effort. My energy has improved, lowered my cholesterol and feeling my best. It's the best decision I've made 💚 🐷🐮🐥🌍❤


I was 230 and am now 160lbs. I used to wear a size xl and now wear size medium. It works!


Went from morbidly obese at 249 to currently 200 (plain obese) mostly due to WFPB. Switching to completely WFPB now to get the rest off.


I've lost 90 pounds. I started to reduce animal foods and adding more plants to my diet 1 year ago, WFPB/ vegan since 11/19.


What a transformation for Chuck. I had no idea. I lost 45 pounds total. No more yo-yo diets now that I eat whole food, plant based for 10 years now. BMI 21 was 29.


I started the plant 🌱 based diet in February 2021, weighed 193lb and now March 30th/21 with 175lb. My goal is to weigh 140lb and can’t wait.


I’ve lost 38 pounds since going plant based a year and a half ago. I was addicted to dairy and swore for decades that I could never give it up. Finding an almond milk that I liked the taste of was key to getting me started and it grew quickly from there. Now I’m WFPB and oil free and I’ve never felt better. 😀


I lost 40 pounds on a Dr McDougall high starch plant-based diet and I'm now at 22.4 BMI, fastest weight loss occurred on his maximum weight loss program, which I did for a few weeks.


I am vegan since March, from 98kg..and now I am 65kg..and my gold is in till 50kg to be exactly to the same kg before giving birth on my 7 child( 7 c section, and my last ) I am 1, 63cm and 39 years old..well succes to everyone!


You're an inspiration, Chuck! And a great host, too 😁


I didn't lose any weight as a vegan eating junk/processed food (I was already in the healthy range, but didn't feel my best) switching to whole foods only and more veggies, low fat (lower calorie density) is what's working for me!


Yes! Finally someone understands! His story of being addicted to food.
I had a friend who came her from China she was slender. But I did notice over time her little face being fuller. She wrote to me and said her family was shocked at how much she had changed.


I am glad that you have mentioned that people need to go to the businesses owned by black people but
at the same time I would appreciate if you will not forget other Minorities like browns and yellows and all other colours who also suffer with blacks. So let’s make it about all minorities not only black. thank you.


Amazing what you did, Chuck. Congratulations!!! I stopped my medications for metastasic cancer in September, starting feeling better right away, and in March my markers started to go down.;-)


I’ve only been eating vegan about 1-1/2 years, starting with eating less meat. Much easier to eat more of the veggies I like! I’ve yo-yoed a bit, lost about 9 pounds and several BMI points. My BMI is still too high but it’s coming down.


Chuck. Thank you so much for telling us something about your journey. I am so glad to see that even though you were in the basement literally and emotionally, yet you managed to come out of it and get to a healthy you. Thank you.
Ps. In an episode like this when you are talking about weight. Pls, pls, pls can you do a little segment where you tell us more about YOUR journey- especially the little bits of wisdom that got you going along the track you are on now.


For me its not really the weight its to be with out a Very Painful Tummy for 50 plus year I Feel Fantastic Will Recommend the Plantbased way of eat. My Husband lost quite a few kg but we both going strong in our mid 60s. Enjoy your Program New Zealand 😊


I was vegan for three years and did not loose any weight, unfortunately. There's alot more to this than being vegan. 😅 Nowadays it's easy to be unhealthy as a vegan too. Beware of sugar and food with alot of carbs or fat. Stay away from processed food! 😅 I'm trying to loose weight now. Lost 9 kg on keto (meat free) so it works I guess, but then got stuck on a plateau so I'm trying to do an anti inflammatory diet... 😆


I am half Asian and half Caucasian and my BMI is 23. I’m 5’2” and weight 127. How do I calculate a healthy BMI since Asians should have a lower BMI? Should I defer to an Asian BMI or Caucasian BMI? Should I lose weight for piece of mind?


I’m stuck at 206 lbs I went plant based and Whole Foods and lost 19lbs my goal weight is 160/170 does anyone have any tips? I’m stalled. I want to cut carbs
