Study Proves Vegan Diets Help Weight Loss and Boost Metabolism

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A plant-based diet boosts “after-meal burn,” leads to weight loss, and improves cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight individuals, according to the new randomized control trial published in JAMA Network Open by researchers with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Dr. Hana Kahleova joins Chuck Carroll to talk about the study and what this could mean for your health.
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As a Texan I wasn’t about to give up meat. Then I learned I could eat lots of legumes and LESS meat! Over time, I experimented with various vegetables. Now I seldom eat meat. Yesterday I received detailed lab results from my doctor, all are greatly improved and some are at their very best level possible. 😊


Thank you, Dr. Hana Kahleova. Your talk was wonderful and easy to understand. Your voice is clear and captivating. I have been on a plant based diet for 6 months and the results are amazing. The angina disappears, the blood pressure is normal, the cholesterol is very beautiful, the blood sugar is good, the memory is very good, the vision is clear, the physical strength is very good, the spirit is very clear and especially does not need a pill. Your talk motivates people to change their lives with health and joy. I am 80 years old, pediatrician.
In the end you are very beautiful and have a very kind face. I like and admire you.


I went wholefood plant-based a few year's ago. I am in the best shape of my life. I wish I started a long time ago.


Thank u for working on animal cruelty prevention. I love and respect animals so much.


Just saw a magazine in the store saying eggs boost metabolism. -_-
The egg industry pays out lots of money to convince us to eat eggs from every angle.


I just read the study -- good stuff! Study length (16 weeks), size (244) and design seem pretty solid for a dietary intervention trial. No comment on the analysis or statistical methodology (that stuff is over my head) except that I approve that the folks doing the analysis were group blinded. Also compliance looked great, and the results were very interesting. Thanks, Dr Kahleova!


That was so interesting, especially the part about beans. It would be fun to have access to one of those metabolism measuring units, just to experiment with.


Vegan for the win! :o) I will add that vegans do need to keep an eye on their zinc levels too. Despite taking good multivitamins for years, I got low in zinc and had to way up my dose.


Appreciate that you made it so easy to donate on What do you think of adding a donate button to the YouTube page? Thank you for all your hard work.


Please make a video for amount of food per meals like cups of veg, fruits grains and beans, and best time to eat. Help thku


I just bought a digital rice maker and can make brown rice. I will start tomorrow. I will eat brown rice and beans and grapes and salad. Wishbone fat free dressing. I am pre diabetic so I Want to do this. I will eat a big breakfast a lunch and stop eating by 4pm. I saw another study you did about that. weight Watchers has a purple plan. Brown rice is zero points fruits and vegetables are zero points. legumes are zero points. I dont like to cook and unplug my stove and oven in my apartment. I have a vegetarian vitamin chewable. my bone doctor gives me vitamin D twice aa month cause I once had malacia. I take metformin. I wish Wisconsin could have a doctor at Doctors for Orifessional Responsibility. I am 212. I already have lost 50 pounds.


No such thing as a “vegan” diet. Vegan is a way of life about not inflicting harm on animals. Eating is just a result of that, and being on a “vegan” diet doesn’t create weight loss. A “balanced” whole food plant based diet does.


I ate about 1200 grams dry weight or about 4000 calories of plain wheat pasta in one meal last night and I am 115 pounds and 5'8" and I hardly do any excercise now. I eat as much as I want until I'm full and never gain weight. You cannot become fat on a high carb low fat wfpb diet.


What if you are trying to gain weight though.


Hello, I've been vegan for almost 3 years. One of my concerns is breast health. I know you've said that alcohol is bad for you, but I do enjoy the occasional beer. What do you think about non-alcoholic beer? Is it healthy?


How many vitamins do i take on this diet ? Also is this without cereals, sugar and vegetable oils ? Also do you have proof of this study ? Link please.


14% is 280 calories per DAY not per week based on a 2000 calorie intake


I'm very interested in continuing my plant-based lifestyle. However, this needs to mentioned about the RCT: the CONTROL GROUP OF THE STUDY MADE NO DIETARY CHANGES. Thus, you are comparing a LOWER CALORIE DIET (vegan) to a standard MAINTENANCE CALORIE diet (omnivore). It has been well established that any CALORIC DEFICIT DIET CAUSES THESE METABOLIC CHANGES. It is disingenuous to not mention that this study showed that a plant-based diet produces these metabolic changes vs a standard calorically deficient diet!


Please, do not commend the question!


I notice a lot of people keep on talking about Okibetonic Secrets (search on google). But Im not sure if it's good. Have you ever tried using this popular diet plan?
