Why the Charismatic Movement Is SO Problematic | Justin Peters

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Why is the charismatic movement is SO problematic? In this episode of the G3 podcast, Josh Buice, and Justin Peters offers an in-depth answer to this controversial question, highlighting relevant Scripture.

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I spent over 30 years in the WOF movement. Justin and his ministry has played a huge role in opening my eyes and getting me out of that nonsense.


Thank you for this video! Reminds me of a quote from Charles Spurgeon: "Discernment is not the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong; rather, it is telling the difference between right and almost right."


I can't hold to a full cessationism position because the exegetical case is unconvincing. However, when I look at the charismatic movement, I do believe most people who are practicing within the realm of" gifts" are actually just imagining the majority of what's occurring. I also think that full cessationism borders on the mindset of "God can't use someone to heal or prophesy or speak tongues" and that too I believe is a logical fallacy if we consider the nature of God and the mysteriousness of his ways as acclaimed in scripture. In any case, my prayer is that God would be glorified even in our misunderstandings and most definitely in what is true and good and satisfying in his sight. May the Lord Jesus bless you and your families. Feel free to reply, I love discussing the richness of God's word and how it applies to our lives.


Back in the 80’s Kenneth Copeland came to Jacksonville fl. and his meetings were like Bennies and I remember him taking up the offering and I couldn’t believe it, I don’t know how they counted it so fast but it wasn’t enough and K C said “pass it again, ” and he seemed kind of angry, and he did this before he would preach, and I do know he NEVER came back to Jacksonville again. The w o f movement really mess me up, I got out of it, and I have a hard time trusting churches now, but am still following my Lord, just won’t ever join a church again Thanks Justin for exposing these false teachers, with Kenneth Copeland being the head “god-father” 🙏✝️🕊️


I couldn’t have imagined people having so little desire to read, listen to, and study God’s Word that they lazily trust the likes of any word-faith preachers, but here we are.

So much of their false teaching requires almost no effort to refute.


Wonderful seeing this interview on G3. It's easy for us to think that we "know all that" about Christianity without having ever read the Bible through cover to cover. There is a great protection against false teaching with knowledge of the word combined with the Holy Spirit's guidance that will help us through this. It's vital for healthy Christianity both personally and world wide.


Thank you Justin Peters. Because of you I got out of my charismatic health and wealth church that I was faithfully serving in for 10 years. I feel so sad because in 10 years, I've learnt nothing about what the bible says. Instead, I have only learnt what my pastor have interpreted of the Bible.

I'm glad I get to give my children a good foundation in my new Bible based - Word based church


I was raised in the word of faith movement. Even as a young child, I didn't understand the point of speaking in tongues. I watched everyone around me do it and I thought they sounded so stupid. It actually takes thought to say gibberish unless you repeat the same syllable like sid Roth. I wondered why you wouldn't just pray silently if you wanted to have a private conversation with God. I'm so glad God showed me the truth and the truth behind what tongues actually were.


Charismatics prefer their feelings and sensual experiences over plain, obvious scripture.


So where exactly in scripture does is indicate the gifts, signs, miracles, wonders etc. died off?

Don’t get me wrong many in the charismatic movement have tainted such things, but if we believe the Bible to be true and we have access to the gospel and spirit, where does the Bible indicate the signs that follow them that believe died off?


False teachers are dishonest, and that is sad. There goal is money.


I have never been in a charismatic church but when I read the Bible and it spoke about the connection of baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues I prayed to God that I wanted to receive that and He did baptise me and enveloped me in a love I had never experienced before and He gave me the ability to speak in another tongue which is actually a gift from Him and is my personal language of prayer. Anyone who has genuinely received this gift would rather put their life on the line rather than deny it!


I lost my cat on Saturday night despite praying for full healing and recovery and for a miracle. I came to faith in the hyper charismatic movement and it's times like these when I realise how dangerous the WOF theology is. I 'know' God is sovereign but I 'feel' I did something wrong like not prayed enough, didn't have enough faith for a miracle and I should have fasted to combat the spiritual attack. My husband praise God has been instrumental in me coming out of the deception, but honestly it messes with your head.
I am so sad right now about my cat and the only thing that brings comfort is knowing God will wipe away every tear because of His grace and not dependent on my beliefs in Him or my prayer life. Thank you G3 ministries for bringing truth.


Any doctrinal controversy needs to be judged first by the question “What does the scripture say?” not by a review of the genuineness of its proponents. On the question of what is called the charismata, or gifts, I would therefore begin by asking “What does the scripture say about the gifts?” 1 Cor 12.28 says that God has appointed these in the church. That is a good starting point. Abuses, malpractice and fakery do not nullify the scripture. Be careful that you do not fall into unbelief because of bad examples in the church.


Miracles do happen today, its just that it doesnt happen through "man made idols and false teachers" because they do not have authority to heal. However, people are getting healed directly with a man from God if there is faith that God deems worthy.


“Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages in a circuit, teaching.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

For anything to work in the supernatural there needs to be faith. It’s no wonder you don’t see or experience anything supernatural.

The Bible warns that in the last days there will be believers who have a form of godliness but deny the power.

I’m sorry you didn’t get your healing for whatever reason but I have seen several healings first hand, one where a club foot opened out in front of those praying for him. I’m sorry you weren’t there to see it, you may have a different opinion if you had.

Praying God opens your spiritual eyes. That would be the bigger miracle.


Agree with you with about fraudulent preachers. But we are still encouraged to pray for one another and the answer to prayer is an intervention of God.


When you make categorical statements that there is no proof that miracles are happening shouldn't you at least take sometime to verify if the claim you are making is true or not. I had a hand healed of paralysis after it had deteriorated to the point where we may have had to amputate it. The person who prayed for this healing is not particularly well known and I have met him just once in my life. This is medically verifiable and is a complete miracle.


Justin mentioning Benny Hinn selling Spurgeon books on his website beings back memories of a church i went to with the Pastor quite often talking of famous preachers of the past ( Johnathan Edwards, John Wesley, Spurgeon) but he never preached the gospel like they did. Nor did he believe the bible like they did. He believed for instance 3 different authors wrote Isaiah. Which is unbelief in the miraculous in that book.


I don't know much...but, I do know this. From 1994-2005, I had to wear eyeglasses to be able to see far off. I was prayed for (as a skeptic) in a Church service in May 2003, but, nothing happened. In June of 2004, I sat on my glasses and bent them by accident. When I went to get a new pair of glasses in Franklin, Tennessee my eyes were 50% better than my prescription. I elected to not get new glasses and was able to get my mechanic to bend them back into shape. I started just not wearing them in November of 2005, and then, out of the blue, they broke. I went back in May of 2006 to an eye glass place in Green Hills (Nashville) and got glasses, but, took them back because they were not needed. I have been eye glasses free since then, though, over the past year, I've noticed that my "up close" vision gets fuzzy at times. Again, I don't know much....but, like the man in John 9/10, I do know I was healed.
