The Reason Why Charismatic Theology Is So Terrible

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The Reason Why Charismatic Theology Is So Terrible. This video is on Charismatic Theology and why it is so bad. Just so many problems with charismatic theology. Partially because their aren't many charismatic theologians alive. Gordon Fee died recently who was on the the greatest charismatic theologians on the planet. Martin Luther lead the protestant reformation which was good. We needed a break from the catholic church. But as a result we now have over 350 protestant denominations and which all have different theology. The demonational churches were a bit better then modern churches because priest needed training to become priest. This requires a seminary degree. So at a minimum these priest weren't make sloppy mistakes.

For Instance, Popular mega church charismatic pastor Bill Johnson from Bethel Church Redding wrote a book "When Heaven Invades Earth". He committed heresy in the book without realizing. He claims Jesus "Laid aside his divinity while on earth". Many theologians begged him to revise the book and finally he did. So the whole book had to be revised and reprinted. Even teenagers in demonational churches would understand that Jesus is both God and Man. 100% God. 100% Man. This whole mistake could have been avoided if Bill Johnson had basic foundational education in theology. Bad theology leads to bad practices. Bad theology hurts people. Not only do these Pastors have bad theology but they often have no understanding of church history. On top of this these Pastors and churches usually have very little accountability or oversight. These churches quickly become dysfunctional or a hot mess. The NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) has become a popular catch term. This is another way to nicely say they are a crazy charismatic church

So now we have tons of Charismatic churches. They all have different theology. And their Pastors usually look down on education. So they aren't trained to do what they are doing. They are learning on the job. Now you don't need a seminary degree to be a Pastor. But it really helps. If you are a pastor who is going to be doing a lot of writing, creating theology and in debt teaching then you do need some theological training

Charismatic Pastors are notorious for mis-using and mis-applying even simple bible verses. They often skip over very important details. A good example of this is the Old Testament scripture "Touch not my anointed". Many Pastors use this verse to teach blind obedience to church leadership. So when Pastors misuse scriptures then this causes bad practices.

The God's Generals such as William Branham and A.A. Allen had ministries with great power, signs and wonders. But they went into great theological errors and even heresies. This is all because they had no theology training.

#charismatic #theology #newapostolicreformation



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BS Degree from NYU in Counseling
MA Degree Theology Equivalent from Bethel University (Not Bethel Redding) and ORU University
Studied Inner Healing and Deliverance at Orbis School of Ministry Run by Ken Fish
Graduate of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Mini MBA Program

⛪Ministry Experience
Several Years as a Youth & College Pastor
Deacon At New Life Fellowship church home of Emotional Healthy Discipleship started By Pete Scazzero
Mentored by Pete Scazzero and worked under him for 5.5 years
Led living waters and cross current which is a program for the sexual broken and the LBGTQ community
A ministry leader in Inner Healing and Deliverance for 8 years
A US and International Chaplain
Leading in Street Outreach and Social Media in my current church

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When one studies the ideologies of the men who started the modern charasmatic Word-of-Faith movement, it's not hard to see where the church slowly went askew...


This seems like a drive-by take to condemn something as a whole because certain parts are problematic. Sam Storms, Wayne Grudem, Jack Deere, Craig Keener, NT Wright, even John Piper can all be considered charismatic (continuationist).

“We must be very careful in these matters. What do we know of the realm of the Spirit? What do we know of the Spirit falling on people? What do we know about these great manifestations of the Holy Spirit? We need to be very careful ‘lest we be found fighting against God, ” - Martyn Lloyd Jones


Charismatic churches are usually weak in understanding on the bible, theology and church history. Bad theology often leads to bad practices.


I've never heard of charismatic theology my whole life. That's because it was never a denomination, it was never organized by anyone nor officially recognized leaders. It was spontaneous, a work of the Holy Spirit, in which a breeze of life and refreshing was flowing simultaneously through many of the established denominations in the 60s 70s (which I think is a strength rather than weakness). Many of those established denominations were themselves a breath of fresh Holy Spirit air when they started in their hey day, but dried up very fast under the weight of doctrine without the Spirit.
NAR is more of an offshoot of the latter rain movement. I can hardly call them chatismatic like I know it.


There are people who do not share the excesses of the
charasmatics. And there is agreement that some put culture above truth. What is your position? Are you a Roman catholic, lutheran, cessationist?


Chuck Smith and Lonnie Frisbee Co labored together in the Jesus movement. Smith was a pastor and great bible teacher who in fact popularized and pioneered a model of studying the Bible verse by verse. Smith is recognized as very solid theologically. And on Lonnie Frisbee, he was great friends with Derek Prince. Prince loved Lonnie very much and ministered to him in his last years


Hey brother. I would love to look into this more myself. Can you give me the books you used or sites for your research?


Such a pity when a whole section of the church gets tarred with the same brush.
In a true sense of the word a charismatic Christian is one who believes that the gifts ( charismata) of the Spirit are still for today and still needed today to help a Christian be more effective. Cessationists however believe that the gifts ceased after the first Pentecost as recorded in the book of Acts and are no longer for today
From first hand experience it is true that there has often been weak doctrinal teaching in some chararismatic churches and often an over emphasis on the gifts with sound ongoing teaching being neglected., resulting in immature Christians lacking depth and understanding.
These things said I believe that, according to scripture, all churches should be charasmatic, hand in hand with sound Biblical teaching. I do not believe it's a matter of either/or but both if we really are going to glorify God.
I believe it worth noting that Charles Spurgeon and Derek Prince could be said to be charasmati as their theology included belief in the gifts of the Spirit for today.
Paul prayed that "the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Ephesians 1 vs. 17). That is what I have been praying for myself and will be praying for the church.



I am skeptical about Martin Luther. Why? He added a word to his German translation. He added the word “allein” (alone). As in, “saved by faith alone” which confuses Ephesians 2:8, 9. It is by Grace through faith which leads to works - not for salvation BUT rather BECAUSE one is saved do they do these good works which is concordat with what James teaches.

Be blessed. I enjoy your videos.

And you hit the nail on the head, mist have no ir very little knowledge of Early Church history.

I do find it significant that Phoebe, a female deaconess of the church that met at her own home in Cenchrea (one of two sea-ports near Corinth) to carry his letter to the Romans (his largest work or opus magum). Paul entrust a women to deliver his netter. He could have given it to a number of men, but Paul chose Phoebe.

The ESV has notation that reflects each time Paul writes “brethren” it means brothers and sisters (adelphoi). Other translations use “brothers” which is a somewhat different rendering than what Paul specifically addressed.

I know you went to Seminary or you attended two seminaries. I grew up Catholic. But there is a reason why I left that Church. I find myself using my Orthodox Study Bible more and more, because it’s Old Testament base text is the Septuagint (LXX) which is exactly what the Early Church used. The Masoretic Text (MT) is a reactionary text (Biblica Hebraica Stuttengarsia based upon the Aleppo Codex which traces to the first century AD. The oldest copy today being in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It is a tenth (10th) century document. The MT is part of the reorganization of the Hebrew faith. They had to cope with how to continue in Judaism without a Temple, without a Priesthood and without daily sacrifices to cover (logarithm innHebrew) their sins. All this, as they watched the explosive growth of Christianity! Therefore, their texts were altered-either knowingly, or unknowingly due to inherent bias which they may have unintentionally done-giving them the benefit of the doubt.

There was a very clear and sharp distinction between the beginning of Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity. I always remind people that the Judaism you read about in the New Testament, is a far cry from the Rabbinic Judaism we see today; they are NOT one and the same.

In interpretation, they say “context is king” and I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. There is another precept that impacts interpretation; use if the original words, when possible, for example adelphoi or presbuteros or Ekklessia.

The problems with many modern movements is that they have no historical perspective. I graduated a Baptist seminary with two degrees, but I am disappointed that Baptists have down played the value of the Early Church Creeds-Nicene-Constantinople, the Apostle’s Creed, the Didache. Further, they have eroded the congregational impact by calling the Lord’s Prayer a “model prayer” and refrain from saying it in a congregational setting-which IS EXACTLY- what Jesus intended. Note the plurals and the context of its origin-the Apostle asked-Lird teach US How to pray. Since the original Church was ALL Jewish, we have to stop and take note, the Jews know How to pray!

For me, there are benefits from the Reformation and there are detractors. The Eucharist ( which expresses a thanksgiving to God, is now only the Lord’s Super in Baptist and Orotestant circles, thanks to the efforts of the “Regormers” like Urlich Zwingli who championed the memorial view of the Eucharist. Ah! The slipper slope of small changes that go I noticed, but over time the damage is cumulative. In the Catholic Church they kneel. Christ said “every knee shall bend.”
The Orotestants have also done violence to the Holy Scriptures by removing the Deuterocanonical books. The Eastern Churchvretains them to this day. These books were printed in every Christian Bible produced in America. My very Baptist friend was surprised to learn that the King James Version (KJV) had these books until they were unceremoniously ripped out in a England in 1830, and then in American Protestant Bibles. I credit the Catholic Church for creating these books for their historical and moral value, if for nothing else.
1 and 2 Maccabees gives us information on the Feast of Dedication (Chanukah). I ask people all the time the following question:”Did you know that Jesus celebrated Chanukah? Most all say “no!”
First, realize that Jesus ministry was based in Caoernaum. He left and traveled to teach and preach, returning to his base of operations. Therefore, if Jesus was in Jerusalem, it was either to teach and preach and also, in addition to these, to worship on the High Holy Days. Lastly we need to know that there are eight High Holy Appointed times in Leviticus 23. However, there are two additional Holy Days, both of these are post-explicit Holy Days still celebrated by Jews even today:
Purim (Esther)
Dedication (Chanukah) 1 & 2 Maccabees.

So, did Jesus really celebrate Chanukah aka the Feast of Dedication?

John 10:22-23 (ESV) 22 At that time the Feast of Dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was winter, 23 and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the colonnade of Solomon.


I have been to many churches to find out what they build their theology on and have left as many. Not that I'm a theologian, but Holy Spirit is!


It is very possible for people to have all of their theology right and not know Jesus. It is also possible for people not to have all of their theology right and be bearing good fruit and have a close relationship with Jesus. The Bible calls it doctrine and I think that is a better word to use. We are told to endure sound doctrine. We also don't want mental understanding to trump relationship with the living God. Jesus is coming back for a bride without spot or blemish. As we seek Him with all of our hearts and study His words which are spirit and life, we will little by little be transformed into His image. The catholic church plunged the world into the dark ages. Their doctrine includes maryology and puts her as a perpetual virgin, denying that she had other children. They put her on a God level. They do not have a Biblical understanding of what a saint is and they worship saints. Can we please cease and desist from using them as a good example of sound doctrine? They have some things right, but most that I have met are not born again. Jesus said we must be. Why use a false religion (generally, in practice) as a good example vs charismatics? I grew up in Maryland ( Mary Land) . It was started by Catholics and many of my friends growing up were Catholics. Talk about a screwed up religion following a man and man-made doctrine? Look no further.


Ah ha! I thought you were a New Yorker. I have spent a good amount of time in Queen’s and I routinely fly in and out of LaGuardia. I grew up across the Hudson River in New Jersey.
Did you receive my e-mail?

All the best.

In Christ (en Christo)

Tony Tiger


Charismatic movement was a movement. It was not an institution like the denomenational churches. I've met many Charismatics with theological degrees. MDiv degrees especially.


How about Mega churches or pastors on TV? Joel Osteen and millionaire pastors.


I think you make a “far reaching” conclusion on lack of scholarship, amongst all charismatics, which is a grossly Mis-characterization that only reformed theologians are studied thinkers of Bible. By the way Derick Prince was thoroughly charismatic, and one of my early Bible teachers during the Jesus movement. I will say, however, there is much within certians strains of the movement that leads to sensationalism and at times a circus like atmosphere. Know many/most love Jesus and believe His presence is manifest amongst us!


The term charismatic was never a denomination but was brought upon the church by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit renewing the evidence of the importance of God's Spirit. So much of the church today as we call it is man made. All of these different denominations were mostly brought about by division or divorce. The Scriptures tell us to study to show ourselves approved unto God a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. Mans approval and opinions stink and I for one don't care for it myself and are told in scripture to beware of the praises of man. We need to today another outpouring.I am one who hungers for more. Seminaries may have some benefit, but do not produce the outpouring. God does when and if we meet the requirements. It is very easy to attack the charismatic and seems quite popular today. Much of the criticism is deserved. Alot is foolishness and man made. My grandfather was well educated and took the study of God's word very seriously, as do I. I believe another great outpouring of the Holy Spirit is coming and many theologians will miss it and speak against it. I say come Holy Spirit in all your fulness, with power, and signs and wonders.


I'm reporting this video and letting you know that a recent video by Alan Didio discussing about filing lawsuits for online slander against Charismatics is now being considered.


I am looking forward to some more encouraging videos on your channel than this video was.
If you are upset about other Christians, I suggest you to start conversations with them and try to get to know their viewpoints instead of looking for the straw in your brother's eye. And maybe you thus will have the opportunity to clearify some of the mistakes they have in their theology. But maybe you will also see the errors in your own interpretation of Scripture. Love unites. That is how God works in us and with us.
Blaming others especially by using generalizations does nothing good at all. Maybe you feel that thus you can warn people not to join charismatic groups. But whoever are interested in the truth will have a look for themselves.
God bless


Best Christian content bit arrogant sorry not meaning to cause problems please just remember. To stay humble before God and man.


Theological training is a man made institution.
