Why These Christian YouTubers Left the Hyper-Charismatic Movement

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Paul and Morgan are Christian YouTubers that some of you might have come across on your Tubes of You scrolling adventures. Through a very interesting series of events, I came across a video that they did about how they left the Hyper-Charismatic movement. (This is purposely called *hyper* charismatic because it's an extreme belief about how God works in the supernatural.) Intrigued, I watched it and reached out to them afterward. I asked them to come on my channel and share more about their experience and they kindly agreed. God works miracles, heals, and speaks to us.... but not like this. The abuse of signs, wonders, miracles, revival, words of knowledge, touch not my anointed, false prophecies... We talk about it all.

Paul and Morgan's Initial Video about leaving the Hyper-Charismatic Movement:

My Video about Addiction to the Supernatural:

My Video About the Prophecies of the 2020 Election:

Paul and Morgan's Socials:


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Instagram: @melissaldougherty

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Pumped for this😊! Just loaded a plane, will watch as soon as we land. God bless!


As a recovering Jehovah's Witness it is important for me (and others) to remember: You can be confident and WRONG!


When I lost my son I begged and pleaded with God. I literally weeped the question, “my God, who can bare to lose their son?”
He spoke to my heart “I can”. And with those two simple words I was flooded in my thoughts of Jesus on the cross, and the broken heart of God. In that moment. I also immediately understood that though my son would not come to me, I would surely go to him. And until that day, I could trust my grief and broken heart to God. Because he truly understands my grief.
I do believe God speaks to us, but I really don’t know about all the words of prophecy we see being passed out like mints.
That’s my experience. It was beautiful. And it was for an experience I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy if I had any.


I’ve never heard of the “hyper-charismatic” movement, but I do agree that people can idolize the gifts of the spirit, particularly prophecy. However, in these discussions we also have to be careful to not demonize the gifts of the Spirit. These gifts have been and are mishandled, by those who have been incorrectly taught or have followed the examples of others who are mishandling these gifts. That’s why no matter which side of the aisle you are on, you MUST have a cultivated, personal relationship with the Lord, not one that hinges in the spiritual walk of others.


The thing that rocked me out of the Charismatic Movement was when Jesus said that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign. After that, all things fell into place.


The hyper charismatic movement really broke my heart because I wasn't experiencing the things they were talking about. The hearing the "still small voice of God" or having the consistent visions. I thought "What is wrong with me? What am I doing wrong? Am I even saved? Why am I not having this experience?" So I was in a lot of pain because of that. I wanted to hear from God in that way too. Well, the Lord led me to sound teaching, studying His word and a biblically sound church where they do expository preaching. And a lot of that worry and concern has left me because I am hearing sound teaching and relying on Scripture rather than what someone else may have to say, even if they say it in a very confident way. And I am so grateful. So grateful to the Lord. He is so merciful and gracious. And in a way, I am glad that I had that experience because now I love the Word and I am learning slowly but surely because the Lord teaches me.


I completely agree! Some YouTubers seem more like “psychics” with a christian label. It has such a strong impact on believers and unbelievers alike. As Christians, we really have to sieve/filter/test what we hear and, to do that, we need a deeper understanding of the Bible.


I became an addict of going to healing conferences! I struggle with Lyme disease and was told I didn’t have enough faith and that’s why I am not healed! I would go from conference to conference wanting someone….anyone to lay hands on me for my healing!!! I was chasing the healing not the healer!!!! I am no longer in this place and still struggling with Lyme disease but more stable in my faith ❤️ thank you for this encouraging video!


It's VERY encouraging to see young Christians coming into MATURITY.


Great video! I don't quite know how to explain it, but it feels like the hyper charismatic movement promotes things that are ultimately carnal: prosperity, feel-good messages, giving to get, how to get our own way. Living the disciplined life is not emphasized - because it doesn't feel good. I was in this movement for 29 years and am so happy to be free of it. I no longer go to church to focus on improving myself and getting my ego stroked. I am no longer there to feel the "wow factor" at the next sign or wonder. I want to love God for who He is, not for how He can entertain me at my demand. I go to church to worship God and learn about walking with him as a disciple, in a disciplined life in the Word of God.


I went to a Women's Aglow meeting and this woman was giving words of knowledge . She told me not to worry that I will find someone to marry . I was already married, I had no wedding ring at the time . I shied away from charismatic movement ever since .


I’ve never been hyper-charismatic, but it sounds so much like being in an abusive marriage—always wondering what is wrong with yourself, not able to question the abusive spouse, and always hoping some big change is right around the corner.


I am a Pentecostal pastor. I rarely prophecy. On one occasion, I was praying for a couple whose circumstances were a complete mystery to me. They later said they were disappointed I prayed for them because I didn't know their circumstances.

As I approached them to pray for them, I waited for a Holy Spirit lead about how I should pray. It felt like 2 or 3 minutes. I "saw" a "T" intersection. To the right was a beautiful, attractive, easy looking journey. Full of obvious promise, and joy. To the left was what looked like a highway through a barren desert. There was sand, and rock, for as far as the eye could see.

The "word" I had for them was, after I'd described what I'd seen, "Take the hard road, that is where God is for you." They said they left the meeting feeling disappointed.

Eighteen months later they came back to town to visit family and friends. They sought me out and told me about their attitudes and disappointments the day I prayer for them, but they did so with joy.

They said they decided to trust God and took the hard road. As a result, they had "been through the ringer" and had come out the other side strengthened in their faith, having grown closer to God, and having had to immerse themselves in the Word like they never had before. Their walk had changed and they had developed new habits of studying the Word and praying.

God uses people to prophecy; however, in my experience it's far less frequently than we might hope, or have been taught.


I was a worship leader and pastor in the “hyper charismatic” movement for 20 years. There is an underlying concept in regards to the prophetic emphasizing partnership with God and the idea of “prophetic potential”. They believe the “word” is from the Lord, but we need to partner with that word. Faith, action, prayer, giving are just a few example of ways we work with God to have the word come to pass. The reason why it’s rare for so-called prophets to speak of their past misses is because they don’t think they’re actually misses. Either people didn’t pray enough, have enough faith or position themself in “alignment for the word to come to pass”. The psychological damage done to people is tremendous.


Prophecy should NEVER just be taken and believed without weighing it, judging it, and rolling it back on God. Paul instructed us to do so. We have to be careful not to demonize prophecy and cause people to be afraid of it. Paul said it's the greatest gift because it builds up and encourages the whole body. Scripture tells us prophecy shouldn't be despised. Let's no throw the baby out with the bath water. Rather, let's get better at weighing and judging prophecy before we just naively believe everything someone speaks as a word from God. Let's continue growing in our faith and into the stature of Christ.


Thank you for bringing up this issue in the church. A lot of Christians in this movement push themselves to do something or want something more “spiritual” so that they can feel more spiritual or feel closer to God.


We left a “mini bethel” for lack of a better word for many reasons discussed here. The constant fortune telling was just obnoxious on top of the fake healings. It was always something to do with sore shoulders and leg pains or even an energy drink addiction. Never cripples or cancer and zero focus on sin repentance and the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ reconciling us to God by Grace through faith in His work on the cross.. the debt has been paid through His substitutionary death. Great interview wonderful to see


I think it’s good they left the hyper-charismatic movement, but still open to the gifts of the spirit… seems like they’re on a good path to finding balance.


What I have experienced with word of faith movement for the brief time I was in it was that if I didn’t pray hard enough over something to pass than it was my lack of faith. As I began reading the Bible and studying more as a new believer, I asked several questions over this and realized that’s not the Bible talks about in all the stories. I would say as with all new believers be careful who you listen and follow because the enemy will lead you astray from the truth of the Bible! Stay Focus on Jesus and put whole Armor of God each day!


This is a breath of fresh air for me. I've been backslidden for some time, but recently I've been seeking to return to God. I've watched a number of videos lately regarding near death experiences, how people met the light, and how they've been changed, and I wanted something like that. But Morgan's story of how God told her no when she wanted a prophetic word, resonated with me. His scripture is sufficient, and the Holy Spirit must deal with us personally. Thank you for this.
