Many Charismatics and Pentecostals Are WRONG On This! | Church Gone Wild #21

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If you go into a church service and see this happening, it's time to run the other way and never return. Many (not all) Pentecostal and Charismatic churches not only allow this, but knowingly encourage practices that are biblically prohibited. These need to be exposed.











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I was raised in a Pentecostal church, my grandmother spoke in tongues, she was an incredible woman but I remember when I was a teen our church was trying to get all the teens to speak in tongues. They would tell us to just pray and start uttering gibberish and the Holy Spirit will take over. Most of us could not accomplish this and we were told that we just weren’t “filled with the Holy Spirit” and we needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This troubled me greatly as I felt disconnected from God. I left that church once I became an adult and found one I felt was connecting me with Jesus Christ and his teachings, a bible based teaching church. My family chastised me terribly for “leaving the faith”. I tried to explain that I was still faithful to Christ and his teachings, just not in their church but they never forgave me for “abandoning” the church. Are we now worshipping the church over Jesus Christ himself? This has left me wondering if I was raised in a cult.


I am a pentecostal, been it all my life. I don't understand why we (Pentecostals) can't get it right when the Bible says that we cannot speak tongues out loud unless there is an interpreter present because people will think that we are drunk/crazy!
And most churches like this follow pentecostal teachings religiously with no apparent independent study. I call myself a believer until circumstances force me to identify with a group because some people can't have it without a name (generally it is those same religious people I mentioned). To make matters worst, there are pentecostal zealots who equate speaking in tongues with salvation, and what a lie of the devil this is.


I was raised in a Pentecostal church.

About a year ago I started praying to God that if he exists he may reveal himself to me so that I can truly believe. I prayed like that because I didn't feel convinced of our church and I was getting older and thinking seriously about my religion and if it is really true.

I continued to go to church but because of my doubts still praying every night that God may reveal himself and convince me that he really is present in our church.

4-5 months passed and I was at church as usual. Listening to the sermon when the preacher looked and me and through the holy spirit prophesied to me my deepest prayer and doubts word for word. I never talked to anyone about my doubts. Just me and God knew. Because the holy spirit spoke to me so personally and encouraged me that God listened to my prayers I was saved in that day. In his grace God has made me a new person with a TRUE and REAL DESIRE to serve him and obey him.

Before I was reborn keeping a Christian life was not satisfying but now I love learning about God and what he did on the cross I have a purpose and every day I see his love and patience.

Don't limit what the holy spirit can do through us humans.

God bless everyone who is reading this.


I’m glad that I came across this video. It has been plaguing me for decades. I was born and raised in a charismatic church before I even knew what a charismatic church was. I felt forced and fake. What’s more is the trauma I endured due to the intersection of church and family. Very manipulative. It wasn’t until I did my own research that I realized that the whole idea of speaking in tongues was inherently false and that I wasn’t losing my mind in believe we were supposed to be speaking ACTUAL LANGUAGES.


Every other time I watch an Allen Parr video, he's advising people to run from a church. Really? That's your solution for everything? I do mean 'your' because I doubt that it's the answer that might come from God.

Run, don't even pray about it. Wow!! That advice could in some cases be exactly opposite of what God will say.

I don't like the 'you should leave that church' response, it's too automatic and it doesn't speak to the 'hearing what God has to say' in the matter.


I agree with you totally. I had a friend we are no longer speaking because I have a different belief about speaking in tongues. She told me that I have to have the gift of tongues I disagreed and told her that I believe God didn't intend for every believer to have the same gifts and she stopped speaking to me.


I've just joined a Pentecostal Church. Everybody speaks in tongues, but the main reason I'm not leaving is because I prayed to the Lord IN ENGLISH, to lead me to a church and he sent Pentecostals same day. I believe there's a reason. It's in college also 😝.


I’m a tongue talking Pentecostal evangelical, I speak in tongues everyday & I absolutely agree with you. Tongues are predominantly for personal edification or it has to be interpreted if used in a service. It’s not meant to be a tool to massage our pride. Many churches today have the same problem that the Corinthian church had as well. Everything has to be balanced and done in an orderly manner which is by the way the intent of this chapter. Often times it drives people away who are looking out for some encouragement.


I was raised in an old school Pentecostal church. The one where men and women had to sit on seperate sides and women had to wear dresses or skirts when we stepped foot in the church especially on the alter.
Going to church was stressful at times growing up because after every service, the pastor would encourage people to go up to get prayed for. As a youth, I was practically forced to go up, if i didnt, I would be looked at ashamed.
So I would go up. The pastor would go to each person and put his hand on our forehead. Spoke loudly in our ears, practically yelled, and it felt like he was forcing holy spirit on us. Idk if it was bcuz of all the crying I did or from the craziness, but I would, so I thought, spoke in tongues or just gibberish. I repent looking back at it now.
Anyways, and with the force of his hand, I would fall to the ground. Then I would wake up with a blanket over me.
To be honest with you, I don't remember ever feeling a sense of peace afterwards.
After years in that church, and leaving at 18, now being 31, it feels like I have ptsd bcuz I get uneasy and ashamed when I think about it.


Listen i was raised in a Spanish pentecostals church and i wouldn't change it for a second and to this day iam still praising the lord in my pentecostal church i speak in tongue and dancer in the holy spirit i feel the fire of God in me there's nothing better i cant be in a church thats doesn't have the fire you don't know into God gives that gift the manifestation of the holy spirit there's nothing better Dios los bendiga God bless my people !!!!


It's always been my understanding that if there is tongues that happen in a church setting that an interpretation should follow. I've heard people in my church just praying out loud in tongues and it does bother me because there is often times no interpretation so I believe these people that are doing this are acting in their flesh.


I agree and disagree with some of the things you mentioned. Yes there have been pastors that may have miss used this gift in church and services. However, you didn’t completely show the full clip of Pastor Kenneth Hagin’s video. What he was doing was letting Holy Spirit minister to the church through him. The Holy Spirit later gave an interpretation to all of tongues he spoke following your clip. So that video was taken out of context because Pastor Hagin used tongues correctly.

Sometimes, during services the Spirit can have such a powerful move that believers simply can not hold back themselves from speaking utterances from the Holy Spirit. I have experienced this in a couple of churches. Also, believers don’t always receive interpretation when speaking in tongues. Same with how a believer doesn’t always receive interpretation when they’re praying on their own. Does that mean that they need to stop praying in tongues? No. They are strengthening their spirit.

We can’t put limits on the move of the Holy Spirit. The clips you showed of other believers speaking without interpretation, is not what they make up by their own minds. Do some people? Yes. But we can’t make that assumption for all. The Bible says that tongues is a mystery that is uttered and brought to you by the Holy Spirit. So if someone is filled and is driven to speak, whether with interpretation or not, they need to let it out.

I agree however, churches should not instigate tongues as a mandatory practice or the pastor shouldn’t speak tongues without interpretation. However, if during worship time the church is filled with the Spirit’s anointing, believers shouldn’t be stopped from speaking in tongues, even if there isn’t interpretation. Because they are still edifying themselves and they may even be worshipping God in diverse tongues. If this was bad God wouldn’t have allowed His Spirit to move in such a manner. We have to remember, WE CANT CONTROL TONGUES. It’s a gift. God granted it and He controls how it moves.


I was a member of a “Catholic” charismatic group for youths way back 2007. I first heard about tongues in that group. They also have this “slained by the Spirit” and “holy laughter” experiences.
When we worship, I could see some of them being possessed.
It was scary.
I left that group and i was saved 3 years after in a Christian church.

Now, I am blessed to belong to a Bible Baptist Church. Praise God for bringing me to this church I’m in right now.


I grew up in church and I left in my early 20s. I wasn’t a solid believer. My aunt invited me to a church and I reluctantly agreed. About 10 minutes into the service, a group of women who were sitting at the front row started getting louder and louder as the preacher went on… within 20-30 minutes they were all yelling in tongues, including the preacher. Then he started calling people out from the audience to get prayer. He started pushing people down to the ground. I was so turned off. He did call me up to get prayed for but I wouldn’t go. And he told me from the stage that I was being stubborn. I left with my aunt. I was so turned off. I didn’t go back to church for 15 years. And I thought Christians were all a joke. So i understand what you are saying in this video


I have been in a church that disregarded Paul’s instruction and encouraged a sea of noise from the congregation. At that time in early my walk I allowed them to pray for me to receive the gift of tongues. When nothing was happening I was encouraged to “start speaking baby talk to loosen up my tongue”. I thankful declined. I have visited a main line AoG church where there was a spontaneous tongue from the back of the room. Everyone got quiet. It sounded (from my experience) like an actual language I didn’t recognize and immediately following it there was an interpretation. The interpretation was like a beautiful poetic psalm of praise. No, it didn’t have any new unbiblical doctrine it just left you in awe of God.
Once while living in Asia, co-laborers encouraged me to seek the gift for personal prayer time. I asked for it. I felt something well up inside and I merely let it flow from my mouth. Maybe it was just the Holy Spirit’s way of dealing with my skepticism, because I’m a slow talking midwesterner and my lips were moving faster than the micro machine commercial guy. It may have only lasted a few minutes but I was so edified by the reality of how close God is to us who are in Christ Jesus. He has chosen to literally dwell inside us.


I'm definitely finding this long and drawn out, your insecurities regarding this topic as made you very disrespectful and the mocking of the holy spirit is completely unnecessary.. i personally find it offensive. why are we mocking the Holy Spirit, how is this acceptable, your point could easily be respectful and unbiased but your flesh is looking for any excuse to mock or invalidate the scriptures you say you accept...
Its a Gift that you can receive if you ask for it, if you over think it and dont end up being able to believe by faith that you have it.. move on...
Its a gift, there lots of other gifts why is it bcos you havent got this one some how its okay to find the worst clips of people using there gift of tongues and nothing showing how beautiful and incredible the gift is with some one interpreting after....?? 🤔
Why are you using footage of a so called false preachers to validate your mocking when most people with the special gift of tongues don't acknowledge them as true preachers also.
I think your video has some good points but the mocking in it is such a put off...your goal is to break down something within the body that's to be respected and honored amongst those who have it and those who dont... but i know for a fact people will be put off and unbelieving because of this and will also mock the gifting because of the way you've gone about this... So disappointing and unnecessary and its put a dampener on my day. 😪


Great video on this topic, I agree with what you said 👍
When i started seeking God over 4 yrs ago I started off in a pentocostal charismatic church. I lasted 5 weeks and during that time I was pressured by the church to pray for the gift of tongues and eventually I made myself believe that had the gift of tongues and didn't realise I was faking it (that's how much I was deceived by them). I used to cry to God in my prayer asking him to reveal the truth about this doctrine cause I was not settled about it one bit and so I knew something was wrong with their teachings on this topic. During those 5 weeks I brought my bestfriend there who was an unbeliever only to see the most confused look on her face when she first walked into the church one sunday and saw the whole congregation screaming in the air babbling sounds. It was like the sound of bunch of roosters arguing. And my bestfriend was so confused as she didn't think it was normal for a church setting to be like that. It almost put a stumbling block in her way to coming to Christ.
My opinion is that these churches (especially the leaders who are teaching this) are in need to repent from this false teaching which is stopping unbelievers from coming to Christ. Praise God I'm out of these type of churches.


Praise God they are at the right church. A place filled with all mighty God


I was raised Pentecostal as well and the church I went to forced us to “tarry” for the Holy Spirit! Rather, we wanted to go or not we were forced to receive the Holy Spirit and if they didn’t feel like we received it, we would have to stay up there, literally for hours clapping our hands and saying thank you Jesus over and over until we felt the Holy Spirit or pretended like we did just so we could leave! I always felt in my spirit that this was not biblical and I’m so glad that the Lord has removed the scales from my eyes several years ago and I have left the cult of COGIC


I grew up Pentecostal an this always happened, for the first time i seen on TikTok someone speaking in tongues an there was someone to interpret, if you have discernment you would know its the Holy Spirit. People of God need discernment to know whats fake tongues an what’s real, btw Charismatic means your all for believing in the gifts 🥰
