Are all statues bad? #catholic #protestant #christian

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I know a Protestant organization that purchased a previously owned Catholic building. They took down all the statues and paintings, yet at Christmas they set up their own Nativity scene.


If all statues were bad, why did the ark of the covenant have angels on it? And why did the altar and braziers have animals on them?


We aren't supposed to worship statues..
I don't know any Catholics that believe statues are an actual God or ", .. worship or serve them..".

It's wonderful to see young people come to the Catholic faith..

God bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit 🕯️✝️🕯️



Gwe gwe wacha we we protestants don't worship idols


Christ be with you
Too many do not look to why God gave this commandment

*You saw no form of any kind the day the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore watch yourselves very carefully, *so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman, or like any animal on earth or any bird that flies in the air, or like any creature that moves along the ground or any fish in the waters below. And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. But as for you, the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance, as you now are.

God has not shown his form at that stage.
The people of this era where prone to making household Gods.

but since this time God has revealed himself to us fully though his Son, Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit was seen as fire and a Dove.
The Father reveal himself to us as the Ancient of Days in Daneil 7 and in his Son.
So we know who we worship.

Idolartry is rampant today but it is not in Catholics honoring Mary and the Saints, or kneeling before the crucifix.

Idolatry today is it the form of ones own pleasure.
It comes in the form of Love for Money, Covertness and Sexual Lusts.
We turn out backs on God to worship this false God, We leave our fellow man struggle rather than put our pleasure at risk. We kill babies in the womb because it may interfere with our lives a blood sacrifice to this false god.

People need to stop worrying about nothing and worry about true idolatry.

God bless you


There's absolutely nothing wrong with using statues or idols in your spiritual practice! In fact I have many idols on my altar depicting, Lucifer, Lilith, Leviathan, Baphomet and my favorite is the Serpent circling the apple. I'm a devout practitioner of the occult.

I'm a firm believer that statues & idols are conduits that help entities/spirits/gods channel their pressence through that effigy so they can connect with those praying to or invoking them. It doesn't mean you're worshiping the idol itself, your connecting with the being that's manifesting through that statue.

In pre biblical times: many ancient civilizations such as Sumeria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Scandinavia all used sacred idols depicting their gods & deities long before abrahamic religions were established. Idols have been used since the dawn of civilization. Take the Venus of Willendorf for example, thats probably the oldest idol ever used in practice & worship.

It's no different for ancient pagans & shamans to use idols than it is for catholics/christians to use crucifixes, statues of saints or the virgin mary - it's literally the same thing and there's nothing wrong with that. Thanks so much for this video! 🤘🍎🐍👹🖤


we don't bow down to or pray to pictures of family members, or believe they're spiritually present in the image 🤦


yeah unc built a raised pedestal with Mary centered on it, stood for 50 yrs then when daughter wanted to sell house real estate agent suggested she remove statue and put plants there witching a month house INDIANS


Also, I think this was covered at the The Council of Hieria in 754, but I haven't read much an it so I'm not sure.


The discerning difference is that statues are ok if they are used for religious instruction but not ok if they are venerated (usually statues of Mary) which is just another word for worshipped.


Statues, paintings, obviously not the point of the verse. Offering incense or candles to images (IE idol worship) is forbidden and many Catholics flat out do this


Not a sound argument. Strawman of non-Catholic argument. I dont use the Cross, but to equate the cross to a statue is really poor.😢


The worship of statues is a sin but the venartion and just plain maling and honor statues is not a sin (mainly honoring Crosses) but the worship as if an pagan where to is a sin


The Church dealt with this heresy a long time ago. It was called iconoclasm. Heretics were running around over 1000 years ago in the Eastern Church destroying images of Christ, Mary, and the saints because they considered this idolatry. Islam continues with this misunderstanding. This was an age when most people could not read or write. Communication of God's truth was conveyed through such devices. This was the way of proclaiming the Gospel to the illiterate masses.


Possession of idols doesn't constitute idolatry any more than possessing meth involves you in illegal drugs. 😂


You see you have misunderstood what the Bible said

God forbids the use of idols or worship of other gods some people worshiped a statue named Baal and broke Gods law but no where does it say that we can’t have or use statues


Idolize no objects im sorry we all need to repentant. I really don't see how the Lord can stand us. Some act perfect Holly then most. Behind closed doors is starting to tell off on all no cover up
