Все публикации

Evenings with Vanessa

My Catholic Books #2

Good morning with ThatOneCatholicGirl

My Catholic Books #1

Friendly reminder to go to confession

Confession then Mass for the win 🙌

February 1, 2024

#eucharist #catholic #christian


What is Sola Scriptura / 'the Bible Alone'?

It's Your Job to Speak Up

The Cosmological Argument: The Existence of God

Navigating the Problem of Evil: A Catholic Perspective

Existence of God: The Basics

Can you buy your way into Heaven? Addressing this common misconception about Catholicism.

Purgatory Explained: An Exploration of Faith, Scripture, and Catholic Teachings

My thoughts on the 'Sound of Freedom' Movie...

Is the Church Supposed to be One???

Where is the Church that Christ Established?

Where is confession in the Bible?

Are we supposed to be baptized?

Are all statues bad? #catholic #protestant #christian

The Mother of my Lord! #catholic #protestant #virginmary

Let’s talk about the Pope! #pope #CatholicFaith #thatonecatholicgirl #papacy #christian #peter