30 Secs! How to Plump Up Face Naturally, Firm, Tighten Loose Skin Exercise, Anti Aging Massage

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#plumpcheeks #faceplump #tightenskin

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Please see my other videos:

* 2 Min Only! Lift Droopy Mouth Corners & Sagging Cheeks

* 20 Sec Only! Night Massage | Lift Sagging Face, Sagging Cheeks, Droopy Jowls

* Only 3 Mins! Remove Eye Wrinkles, Eye Bags, Dark Circles, Droopy Eyes, Crow's Feet | Face Yoga

You can make your face look younger without surgery. A natural face lift that can slim your face, lift droopy cheeks, lift drooping jowls, lift eyebrows and lift drooping eyelids. You can lift corners of the mouth and get rid of double chin and tighten saggy face and lift sagging cheekbones. You can do all this yourself from home through face yoga and face massage. This is a natural anti-aging facelift with no surgery, no Botox.

Make sure you wash your hands before you begin and always use either lotion or oil before massage.

1. With index and middle finger begin doing pulses on face beginning on sides of chin and moving up toward the temple. 10 seconds.

2. with two vent index knuckles lift cheeks hop starting at the corners of the mouth and lift until you reach the area below your eye. 10 seconds.

3. Using index and middle finger as scissors slide up the cheek and scissor the cheekbones. 10 seconds.

Do this twice a day - morning and evening if possible. Most people see results in about 2 weeks. Some take a little longer.

Thanks so much for watching!

Avy Raye


Рекомендации по теме

My cheeks seen more firm after this exercise


I did the exercises and my face warmed up and it feels like I just finished a gym workout.


I put grapeseed oil on and do massage. I am starting to have juicy cheeks woohoo


Yeah.. it was like getting injections but you have to keep doing it...
