Speaking in Tongues - Part 1: Human Languages or Ecstatic Utterances? | Acts 2 | 1 Corinthians 14

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The subject of speaking in tongues is highly debated among believers today. What was Paul referring to in 1 Corinthians 14? Was it different than what happened in Acts 2? Is speaking in tongues referring to human languages? Ecstatic Utterances? Something else?

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Blessings to 119 for spreading the real Gospel


A couple of years ago my wife and I attended a local gathering of believers. Most of the speakers spoke in our local language Afrikaans which is similar to Dutch or Flemish (Belgian language). My wife was raised English and did not understand most of the speakers. However one Pastor spoke as most of the others except that she understood every word this specific person spoke even though he spoke in the same language all the others did. Both my wife and I were moved by the words of the earnest Pastor although it was not apparent to us what was happening. In this case the words were revealed in a supernatural means. The miracle was not in the speaking but in the hearing and understanding and even more so in the moving of both our spirits.


The gift of speaking other languages was given so that the apostles could preach the Gospel far and wide, not to confuse their countrymen or self edify for nought but carnal feelings. The gifts are given to carry out God's commission, not to stand around and boast.


Bless you 119 Ministries for rightly dividing the Word of God. Many preachers and churchgoers would do well to learn from 119 Ministries.


In revelation the Temple measurement standard of Angels is the same as the temple measurement standard of Men. I think the tongue of Angels is the tongue of Christ i.e. the Hebrew language.

Also if the leaders of the church are called Angels of the Church then I think Hebrew is the Tongue of Angels.

I love this topic being a linguist



There was a short period of time in my life where something attempted to take control of my speech. If it was a "gift" of tongues, I rejected it. If it was a true "gift", I'm a "no, thank you" guy. The gifts of YHWH are irrevocable. If it was from YHWH, Who is a Gentleman, He has not tried to force it on me---ever.


When I first came to Yahshua
I prayed and fasted about tongues, cause I’d heard arguments for every Christian should speak in tongues, and teachings like this. My husband was baptized in an apostolic church as a child, and swears up and down it’s the Holy Spirit. This subject has affected me more than anything. I always end up questioning if I’m really loved by God because I don’t speak in tongues. Look I struggled with abandonment issues. Anyway, for the last year a couple had come into our lives. They were telling me the same thing. I don’t have the Holy Spirit. I don’t speak in tongues. The only thing separating us is I don’t speak in tongues. I hate truth because I didn’t care for this “apostles” deliverance of the gospel. This man was really rude and arrogant. But, the people that were telling me everything I’m not…don’t keep the sabbath. Don’t do Passover. They say the sabbaths everyday and everything is everyday. Listening to these people really threw me off. Plus my husband love for the apostolic religion…when I’d say anything that differed from their theology he would get upset with me…I wasn’t good enough to speak on biblical things cause I can’t quote scripture and verse. I absolutely hate this subject. It’s left a bad taste in my mouth about the brothers and sisters in this religion…really the religion in general. and that’s not good. We are supposed to love. This has affected me so much you have no idea. I am now putting those things away. I have the last month. The doubts about myself and not feeling good enough. Focusing more on my obedience instead on “tongues” getting ready for Passover my favorite time of year. So, I’ve been feeling lighter and loved. My husband is listening to me more…and not getting upset when I point things out. He now has questions to…but he’s focusing on his obedience.
I’ve been prayed on etc…I’ve been baptized 4 times cause I was told my first 3 wasn’t good enough. I was baby baptized, and before I understood Jesus I was more new age, and after I found Yahshua I was baptized… then I had to do it again….pretty much to help me get tongues and the people that did it before “weren’t holy enough”. This is what this doctrine has done to my life…I’m back where I need to be, but it hasn’t been easy I tell you that.


When a young teensger i spoke flugent proper German to my German mother. She later encouraged my father to allow me to arrend diff religios functions such as Pentecostals erc.


Thank you brothers speaking truth and word of G-d. I m glad and thanks to the Lord because I don't have kundalini spirit.


Thank you for such a clear and thorough walkthrough of what the scripture says about tongues. I have been watching your videos on Biblical Hebrew and just yesterday saw you have so much other great content to help as I grow in my faith. Thanks again and may God continue to bless and grow this ministry! 🙏


I'm so happy you guys see it this way. There's a few big names in the Hebrew roots movement that push this ecstatic charismatic tongues really hard.


Thank you for your video. I did Acts on my channel last year.


Please keep in mind, that Acts 2 also records that many of those hearing what was going on thought the men speaking in tongues were DRUNK. So this clearly suggests the tongues were unintelligible babbling to some, but clearly not all. In addition, 1 Corinthians 13 starts out, "Though I speak with tongues of men AND OF ANGELS...". By including Angelic languages, clearly at times languages known only to God and the Angelic realm are being spoken by Spirit empowered humans!

One final observation. As a believer for nearly 41 years, much of that time in Spirit filled circles, though I do believe loud tongues without interpretation, or numerous people speaking in tongues at the same time are both out of order, I have heard people speaking the same word or phrase over and over again, and though I initially had a problem with that, my problem ceased when I heard of similar people who one day while saying those one or two words, ca.e across a person who recognized the language they were speaking, and the translation of those two words turned out to be extremely meaningful to them. I have only received a few interpretations of a few words and phrases God has given me in other tongues. One turned out after years of waiting to be the Greek word for deacon, another was a Hebrew phrase in the male imperative form saying, "Would you please search", one was a Swahili phrase meaning, "Go Slowly", and the final one was a Hebrew name given to me personally in a dream that revealed I was to be one to "Bring light, inheritance, supplication, and riches"!!! So my personal experience demonstrates that just one or two words in an unknown supernaturally given language can have very significant meaning if a person will but seek the Lord and do the needed research. It took me years to understand that Greek word for deacon! The others took far less time. Shalom and blessings on Yeshua!!!


There are folks that ask whether you are filled with Holy Spirit or baptized in the Spirit, and then therefore ask whether you speak in tongues as an acknowledgment of that. However, 1 Corinthians 13 makes clear that the fruit of the Spirit love, not any definition of love, but the love of that of the Bible found in 1 Corinthians 13, which is what I'd say is true love, is seen more important than "speaking in tongues." There are no example in the Bible for the tongue of angels to be random utterances, but every encounter of angels speaking to humans had conversations, in which the humans understood.


I have to disagree with respect. There are many gifts of the spirit. Curiously there was sure a bunch of commentaries included with this argument. The division is sure a bummer.


Yrs after the exp with my mother i interupted what a Hutterite Colony German ( Hiddish pastor had said ) Not even knowing i was repeating what had been said. The Colony members were shocked. To show others the POWER and to confirn to ithers what is be said 😊


IF speaking in babble was so important then we would all have it yet today despite it being supernatural most have to be taught by another human on how to do it. In the end I've had hands laid on me, Prayed over and I don't have this gift and if others do great but we're ALL baptized in the Spirit when we come to faith.


Yes now I understand, The Desciples were speaking in genuine human language. It wasn't the kind of tongue that the Charismatic and some religion do.


Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.
Acts 2:13 KJV

The spirit speaks a language before Babel. Before the tongue was divided by GOD. This is why people understand from many nations, yet some would say they were intoxicated.


I would agree and disagree with you. The gifts have not passed. There is ZERO Scripture to confirm that. Howbeit that two prophets stand at the wall in Jerusalem prophesying until 3days before YESHUA's final return and rule over the world. Faith is one of the gifts, so is prophecy, healing, discernment, all very much in proper use today. However tongues and properly are the most counterfeited in today's hyper charismatic churches today. Satan (ha satan) always tries to COUNTERFEIT GOD throughout the ages and has been quite successful at it because man will follow man over THE WORD OF GOD. He even tried it with JESUS YESHUA in the desert temptations. You've done a great job presenting you point of view. Good job Brother Man.
