
Is the Sabbath Commanded in the New Testament? - 119 Ministries

How Christianity Went from Sabbath to Sunday

Why Some Christians Keep the Sabbath - 119 Ministries

The Mo’edim - Yom Kippur - 119 Ministries

Did Jesus Do Away With the Old Testament Law?

The Law of God vs the Law of Moses - 119 Ministries

What is the Mark of the Beast? - 119 Ministries

No Fire on the Sabbath? - 119 Ministries

No Pleasure on the Sabbath — Isaiah 58 - 119 Ministries

Does the Bible Permit Drinking Alcohol? - 119 Ministries

Head Coverings (1 Corinthians 11) - Part 1 - 119 Ministries

The Mo’edim Series - Sukkot | Should Christians keep the Feast of Tabernacles?

The Lost Sheep - 119 Ministries

The Sabbath Day - 119 Ministries

What is the Law of Christ? (Galatians 6:2; 1 Corinthians 9:21) - 119 Ministries

What Is Baptism? - 119 Ministries

Pig Science - 119 Ministries

No Law, No Love - 119 Ministries

The Mo'edim Series: Shavuot - 119 Ministries

The Error of Dispensationalism - 119 Ministries

The Unpardonable Sin - 119 Ministries

The Pauline Paradox: Part 2 - The Paul You Never Knew - 119 Ministries

Is it Wrong to Celebrate Birthdays? - 119 Ministries

Heaven and Earth & the Law of God