Carl Jung vs Jordan Peterson | Views on God | Philosophy

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In this video I look at the similarities and differences of Carl Jung & Jordan Peterson when it comes to their views of God and Christianity, this video is made with the intention to analyse (to a certain degree) how much influence Carl Jung had on Jordan Peterson when it comes to religious views of what God is, to do this I will be comparing what Jordan Peterson has said in the past with what Carl Jung wrote in his God letter due to its cohesiveness
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"For the modern man, a conscious encounter with the autonomous archetypal psyche is equivalent to the discovery of God. After such an experience he is no longer alone in his psyche and his whole world view is altered. He is freed to a large extent from projections of the Self onto secular aims and objects. He is released from the identity with any particular partisan faction which might lead him to live out the conflict of opposites in the outer world. Such a person is consciously committed to the process of individuation...Individuation seems to be the innate urge of life to realize itself consciously. The transpersonal life energy, in the process of self-unfolding, uses human consciousness, a product of itself, as an instrument for its own self-realization." - Edward F. Edinger ( Ego and Archetype)


Haven't commented before but I like your videos and just want to say that I've noticed your speech becoming more clear sounding throughout time - you're definitely improving. Thanks for all the content.


Very good comparison, thank you. Jung seems more along the lines of a classic 'Deist', believing in an 'impersonal' God, much like Einstein, Thomas Jefferson and many other intellectuals out of the European tradition. But Jung's God also embraces Eastern thinking, by being a part of His creation, including both Good and Evil. Whereas Peterson seems more about the Christian ideal of a good, all-loving God.
Though ironically when it comes down to their 'relationship' with God, it's Jung who sees himself often being personally 'influenced' by God in mysterious ways, while Peterson instead seems to see God as mostly an 'ideal' to strive for.


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Jordan Peterson said in one speech: "I act as if God exists."


Hey man. There is a guy called Logan in your comment section asking "wanna be friends?"
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I'm a Muslims and I like both J P & C J

But I noticed that Carl is more liberal and open minded man when it comes to reading the other religions after Christianity

Carl had read the Quran and wrote one of the best and deepest explanations that I read for some Islamic stories

This wide gaze in Carl Jung is something I miss in Jordan Peterson ideas

A lot of Peterson Ideas have a lot of similarity in Islamic philosophy and sufisim


Beautiful and honest effort my friend, keep up with the good work!


Very good young man!! Look forward too hearing more from
You! Your voice is perfect!
Thank you! Mary Wilkerson


This is wonderful, Jordan Peterson and Jung are helping my reconcile my definition of God with a non fundamentalist perspective.

What was the second speech with Jordan Peterson in the golden tie? I’ve got to watch that one.


I really respect this video. PARTICULARLY with you not talking about things you don’t feel confident in, eg Gnosticism. It shows that you are wise and humble.


This has been a blessing for one of my undergrad assignments 🙏


This was a fantastic primer on the similarities and differences between these two powerhouses. Though I would not characterize myself as a Jungian, I think there is a ton of value in what he says. Cheers!


Well done with your video. I agree with most of what you said, although perhaps not the point regarding the primary difference between Peterson and Jung.

I don’t think JPB ever directly asserts that God is good. In fact, in most of his Biblical lectures he makes at least one statement indicating his uncertainty about such matters. More often what I see him doing is linking the idea of God directly to natural phenomena in our psyche that we must consider as “ good “ if we are to make our way in the world, advance our civilization, and ultimately rescue ourselves from Nihilism.

The clip you showed in the lecture with Sam Harris has JBP saying something like “ God is the pinnacle value in a given hierarchy of values”, which you then take as his profession of the goodness of God. But in the instances that I’ve heard him speak, that is not what he’s really saying. His first few Biblical lectures establish this point in fuller form. As humanity evolved, we developed patterns of behavior that “worked”, i.e. led to our survival. These pattens became instantiated in our nervous system (and our unconscious minds) through reciprocality with our environments. This instantiation eventually led to greater survival success, then civilization, law, policy, etc.

If you wanted to, you could choose to pause and observe this process at different points in its development, then considering the different hierarchical value structures that are emerging at a given time and for different groups. Then for a given group, culture, etc. at your chosen observation time (and part of the world), God could psychologically be considered as the pinnacle of that hierarchy.

I think that being less of a mystic/gnostic, Peterson is much more comfortable with an approach to God that is strictly through a Psychological lens. I almost always hear him qualifying his ideas this way. In contrast, Jung was so much broader in his considerations that he had to specify exactly what he meant, and was probably more likely to say things directly such as “I am not willing to assume God is good or evil” (I’m paraphrasing obviously).

Good job on the video!


When Peterson says God is the highest value in the hierarchy of values he isn’t making an objective claim like “God is good” - what he means is that whatever is an individual or cultures highest value is their conception of God, which is why Sam Harris is a Christian on Peterson’s account. Harris, like Peterson, holds truth as the highest value, he just uses the term truth while Peterson uses logos


Jung's writings can make you crazy.


This is excellent, Spencer. I would love to see a comparo on Gnosticism and Hinduism if you think it interesting.


Great video man, you've gained a new subscriber! Also, what's the intro music in your videos? It's very 👌👌


This was very clarifying on a lot of points of thoughts I had about both of these thinkers thinking
