Carl Jung: BEWARE OF UNEARNED WISDOM | Explained by Jordan B Peterson

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Carl Jung: BEWARE OF UNEARNED WISDOM | Explained by Jordan B Peterson


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Odin lost an eye in his quest for wisdom, something to remember


What scares me is the individuals who take trip after trip for 30/40/50 years and don't evolve in any level of their lives.


As Alan Watts said ”when you get the message hang up the phone”..


My experience with psychedelics had a massive positive influence in my life. My outlook on life became much less dark after a "mystical experience". It was the single most terrifying experience in my life.

Since then, what Peterson said was absolutely right. After then I moved into the 94th percentile in Openness. This had both extremely positive and extremely negative effects on me.
I stopped being a militant and aggressive atheist, i stopped looking to "the science" as the ultimate authority, I discovered my own potential and actuality of self righteous malice and malevolence. I, for lack of a better term, felt the fear of god.
I became open to religious and symbolic ways of thinking. I saw my old way of thinking (woke, anti religious, victimhood, hyper raltional/logical dogmatic faith in science) as being utterly absurd and my anger and hatred for religious people as nothing more than projection.

That being said, I was also alone, without guidance or support from anyone whatsoever. I was ungrounded, lacking structure, and lost in the dessert. I gained so much, but had no way to integrate it. I gained wisdom that not only i didnt earn, but wisdom that I couldnt handle. Im in constant doubt, unsure of myself, hyper aware of my inadequacies yet lacking the confidence to tackle them. I stopped seeing the world as the problem, and that has improved my relationships and material circumstances, but im constantly crushed by the weight of knowing that i was the problem the entire time. You might say that im being crushed by the weight of my sins.


Psilocybin, and psychedelics in general, are best viewed as a helicopter ride to the top of the mountain for a few hours to let you see that the climb is worth it, but if you want transformation, you still have to make the climb yourself, psychedelics just give you some perspective to motivate your journey, and can help with the journey, but they should not be confused with the journey itself.


He’s paraphrasing a dialogue between Jung and a Catholic priest in a letter correspondence following the popularity of LSD. Peterson’s quote summarizes it effectively, though. It’s published in Jung’s letters Vol. 2.


His practice of active imagination brought him transcendental thoughts


Unearned wisdom is realizations that are told to you, whether it be through a conversation a lecture or a book, as long as you’re not putting your own insights and analytical thinking to it, or if you’ve never had an experience that can teach you these wisdoms, tripping is not the same category, it amplifies your inward experiences chemically which makes you see life differently, you alone, by yourself your own thoughts, your own insights, your own inner voice, ppl who have had a life changing trip most of the time cant even explain it, bc its so intrinsic to them. I agree that unearned wisdom is dangerous, but i disagree that trip induced wisdom is artifical or unearned in anyway.


Perhaps Carl Jung got his ideas from the Collective unconscious.


Because real wisdom comes from experience. I knew how to drive, but didn't realize what it was like to drive until I started driving. Unearned wisdom is when you become too presumptious of the things you've never experienced. Young people do this alot because theres so much expectation put on some of them. Some of them expected to represent & speak for their entire generation and thats not fair to either.


I’ve experienced this. Carl Jung was right


Beware of unearned wisdom....that one's coming with me


I have had several mystical experiences throughout my life without psychedelics. A few when I was very young (about two years old) and I remember them very well. I never knew why I had them, but I think I was born with a certain openness. I truly believe that most people (perhaps all) can achieve the same state without psychedelics. You have to work harder, but not that hard.


Psychedelic experiences are earned. You can earn yourself a trip to the psychiatric hospital. It’s up to you and your readiness to detach from your ego. Before I read Carl Jung I had psychedelic experiences. When I finally did read him, I was impressed that his ideas lined up so closely with the ones I gained from these experiences. The work you do before and after psychedelics, makes the wisdom earned. I am not religious, but I do believe there’s a reason why these plants have such an astounding effect on our brains. 🤯 Life is short I’m going to do everything I can to experience all of myself while I’m here. They are a tool, but you have to do the work.


The way I see it, if you really take the wisdom to heart, from mushrooms or otherwise, you'll end up earning it somewhere down the line. Otherwise it isn't real wisdom, or you're ignoring it.


Its like getting a right hemisphere download of archrypical data without left hemisphere language or attention to detail.
You may experience it as more real than but like a dream... without your prefrontal cortex to make sense of it.... things can get nuts


Chances are Jung's mother is to blame for his ability to go beyond Freud's rational ordered way of thinking. Entering the chaos, mystical depths, intuition and archetypes.


Wisbom gained in this way needs to be thoughtfully filtered before the men in white suits arrive. Jung was bright enough to simultaneously realize both what was sane and what society would accept as sane


I had a heart attack with adding on other things.


He tells us in his books how he “knew what he knew”
