2017 Personality 07: Carl Jung and the Lion King (Part 1)

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In this lecture, I use Disney's Lion King to further illustrate the basic principles of the personality and clinical theories of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, student of Nietzsche and Freud, originator of analytical psychology, and great interpreter of mythology and archetype.


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Do people have any idea of the value of education prof Peterson's giving the world for free?!!


2 years ago, I stumbled upon this wonderful man. I was in a dark, self-hating place in my life. Now, I've completed my first year of college and made the deans list! I wholeheartedly give Dr. Peterson full credit for helping me when I couldn't help myself! Thank you for essentially saving my life....


I've been to university lectures for 7 years. Never seen a single instance that the students would applaud the lecturer in the end of the class. This just shows how exceptional this guy is.


The way he can just glide into subtopics so easily and then bring you back to the main one is just so amazing, it's like listening to his actual thought process when he speaks.


I was feeling horribly depressed tonight, and I can't lie when I say that I was thinking some horrible thoughts and was tempted to fall back into some bad habits. I started listening to this video while messing with my guitar and I started to feel a lot better. Thank you, JP.


FEEL Sooo honored that I am one of the students sitting in this class!


Dr. Peterson, God Bless Your existence and health. Please stay strong and healthy, you inspire me to push forward in life.


Anyone else have this problem after listening to hours of Dr Peterson's lectures?....you're super ego doesn't sound like you anymore, it sounds like Dr Peterson.


I'm having constant eureka moments with this man. God, what a *damn previledge* to listen to these lectures!
Dr. Peterson, thank you, truly!!


I graduated in Biology and always detested psychology. Jordan is such a good teacher he makes me want to go back and change my major. Universities need more professors like this. Great teacher


Like the Lion King, the majority of Disney animated classics used to be about heroic adventure and rebirth. But more recently, their messaging is far more chaotic and sometimes dangerous. Before I discovered Dr. Peterson, I felt a tinge of discomfort when I heard the lyrics to Frozened's "Let it go" sung by Elsa, especially the words, "Let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway." They just seemed so dangerous to me at the time though I didn't specifically know why. Now, with a little bit of knowledge shown to me by Dr Peterson, it's obvious how that song gave permission for lack of responsibility, unbridled rage, self destruction, and nihilism. Now of course, people will say that Love eventually triumphed in the end, though in a confusing none archetypal way, and that "Love saves all" was the lesson. However, considering how memorable Disney songs tend to be, I suspect most will remember Elsa's happy call to rage and nihilism first and remember "Love saves all" a distant second. Also no character in Frozened went through any sort of heroic rebirth journey (heck, even the harsh climb up the peak was parodied by some conveniently found stairs). Worst of all Elsa's rage was never really addressed. I believe the writers thought that Elsa accepting herself and learning to control her powers because of the love she felt for her sister could count as a rebirth. But that rebirth seemed unearned because of the lack of the heroic journey. There was no burning off of the wrong self to achieve the new self, in fact, Elsa reveled in her rage and freedom from responsibility and was presented the most beautifully on her descent into chaos. In fact, she never really ascended out of it. Instead of a heroic rebirth, she had a narcissistic nihilistic, "perfect the way you are" one. Thus, on the whole, the real message was less "Love saves all" or even "Let it go" to more like "You're perfect the way you are, you don't need to take on responsibility, and God help those that piss you off."


I can safely say that I have learned more from Petersons free lectures in 2 months than I have from my degree so far in Psychological Science that I've been doing for 2 years.


7:58 Values bubble up from fantasies
12:20 dreams help you sort your thoughts
16:56 king is the superego
18:00 animals are id/ integration of sexual impulses and agressive impulsives
21:30 mufasa has integrated shadow/ baboon is shaman represents the self
27:24 baby is all the potential reslized in the self/ the way to full maturity is to find what you lost as a child and regain it
30:42 king's evil brother/ hero adversary/ state
39:30 flood
33:40 scar/ rationality
38:17 kingdom ligh/ explored know world
40:10 conscioussnes warns about dangers but also encourages
44:55 anima
46:23 projection of ideal on women


I never went to university, I’m a tradesman, I now own my own business, but I would’ve gone to his classes. If I can learn something from just listening to him talk while I’m melting metal together then he’s a damn good teacher. I wish people wouldn’t mis categorize him so much.


this is interesting. Giving birth in Portuguese is "Dar a luz", which roughly means giving light. Makes me realize that Latin based languages are full of symbolism.


Thanks to Prof Peterson, we can get psychology degree for free at the "YouTube University "


I love the way Jordan takes these personality topics and applies it to things like the Lion King / Pinocchio. Other profs get trapped in the big words and ideas but they don't land like Jordan. He makes the idea relatable.


Mister Peterson, if you ever get to read my comment, I just want to thank you for being such a bright light in this dark times of chaos. You and your lectures had opened my eyes to a reality I was reluctant to acknowledge. Thank you very much, you are inspiring a whole generation.


Sun or sunrise represents a beginning of consciousness or moving towards the higher state of consciousness.

16:13 Hierarchy -
1. The notion is is that at the top of the pyramid there's something that actually doesn't belong in the pyramid it's something that goes up above the pyramid
and can see everything
you're gonna be in a lot of pyramids in your life dominance hierarchies and different states and families and all of that and they'll arrange themselves into a hierarchy
and there'll be something at the top and the top is the thing that can do well across hierarchies so it's not stuck in any one pyramid it and it's partly associated with vision
and the ability to see a long long distance also to see what you don't want to see and to report that back to the king

2. Our eye and your capacity to pay attention especially to what you don't want to pay attention to is the thing that continually updates that model

In The Freudian perspective Of the Psyche it's animalistic and full of of implicit drives sexual and aggressive in particular as far as Freud was concerned and that's
because those two drives say unlike thirst or hunger are much more difficult to integrate into proper social being and tend to be excluded and left unconscious, we should integrate
these three things to the ego 1.Agressiveness 2.Sexual Drives 3. Anxiety

19:22 -Top Of Hierarchy -
1. standing up straight and tall and that means that being high in serotonin because serotonin governs posterior flexion and you are dominant and near the top of hierarchies
you tend to expand so that you look bigger than then you could if you shrunk down and so if you're low dominant person you wander around in low dominant postures so that you look
small and weak and you don't pose a threat to anybody but if you're at the top you expand yourself so that you can command the space.

2. When You Integrate Your Dark Side In Your Personality You will look though and then you can express full range of emotions and be capable of kindness and also of cruelty.

21:50 Potential -
1.potential is partly what you could be if you interacted with the world in a manner that would gain you the most information right because you build yourself out of the
information in the piagetian sense.
2.If you take yourself and you put yourself in a new environment new genes turn on in your nervous system they encode for new proteins and so you're full of biological
Potential that won't be realized unless you move yourself around in the world in two different challenging circumstances and that'll turn on different circuits
so it's not merely that you're incorporating information from the outside world in the constructivist sense it's that by exposing yourself to
different environments you put different physiological demands on yourself all the way down to the genetic level and that manifests new elements of you.
3. If You want to be the king you need to Integrate the tradition and rescue your father from the underworld.

27:40 -
### 1. The way to full maturity is to find what you lost as a child and regain it . You have to regain your capacity once you're disciplined and you know how to do
something you have to regain your capacity for play and sort of for wide-eyed wonder and that's maybe the childlike part of your spirit.and the
reintegration of that childlike part with the adult grown-up part Revival the adult grown-up part and allows the child to manifest itself in a
disciplined way in the world.

28:27 -
You Should Be someone who's a master at playing a game and also who's also a master at improving how to play that game at the same time.

30:44 -
the king always has an evil brother and also the hero always has an adversary and the reason for that is the king always has an evil
brother and that means that the state always has a tyrannical element and the tyrannical element exists for two reasons
1. one is the state deteriorate of its own accord and that's an entropy observation what that means is that the state is a construction of the past right but the present isn't the same as
the past and to the degree that the past is mismatched with the demands of the present then it's then it's then it's a tyrannical it's malfunctioning and so
it's it's a continual problem with the state it's always two steps behind the environment and so then that means that the awareness of living people has to
update the state.

33:12 -
When a flood comes into your life, you might be destroyed because you might not have build your defenses strongly enough and may have a willful blindness and also might be cause of the
harm in your life.Where the flood comes and you're surrounded by chaos and you'll look into it you'll think I knew this was coming I knew I wasn't paying attention I knew I hadn't
sorted things out and the consequences of that will have cascaded and wiped you out and then you're in real trouble because not only did you get wiped out but you also know
it's your fault and that is not a good thing that makes you bitter and resentful and murderous.

The Evil adversary of the state or the people are generally Hyper Intelligent rational

the problem with irrationality with rationality is that it tends to fall in love with its own product and so then it comes up with a theory that makes that a
totality and then it won't let go.
[Evil Is A Thing/A person/a being that says I know all and there is no more to life then the things I know]

Rationality seems more left hemisphere focused and the left hemisphere tends to impose structured order on the world and be updated by the right hemisphere and the right
hemisphere generally updates it with negative information and with fantasy and so the left hemisphere will impose a coherent structure on the world which is
really necessary for you live in it but the problem is there's a tension between coherence and completeness and that's partly why you need two hemispheres you
need one to represent the world and you need one to keep track of the exceptions and to feed those slowly into the representational system so that it so
that it can stay updated without collapsing into complete chaos.

36:14 Reason For Downfall -

Reason that Osiris{Person/King or ruler] got overthrown by set was because he was willfully blind old senile[shaving the weakness or disease of the old age] and willfully blind
same idea as the flood myth.

38:21 On moving to a new place -
If you move into a new place that you will not be comfortable there until you've investigated potentially cleaned and repaired every single square inch of it the
more attention you pay to it the more it'll become yours and that's far more than mere like material ownership which is also relevant but in order to feel comfortable
somewhere and to dominate that place to be in meshed in that place you have to attend to it you have to shine light on every corner and you have to do that with yourself
and with your relationships as well.

39:49 On Going To The Unexplored Territory -
If you go outside what you know i.e unexplored territory] it will cause a fall because it'll damage your knowledge structures and you'll go down into chaos and that can
really destroy but by the same token if you do it successfully then the new you that arises can be stronger and more complete than the previous you.

41:40 On Hero -
The hero breaks a rule in the service of a higher good[has a judiciousness of rule breaking] but he's still breaking the rules and that's what puts them outside
the boundary of the social establishment.

42:00 On Introduction Of Tyrannical Element Of The State -
So as a child when you're being socialized you encounter the tyranny of the state and one of the best you can't yet there's no way around it.

42:13 On Happiness Discipline And Tyranny -
Children are always running around having fun and they're really bubbly and and impulsive and joyous and playful and that causes a lot of trouble because
positive emotion is very disruptive. They'll run around and break things they'll hurt themselves and they'll get into trouble.
You're always saying calm down sit down behave don't do that and it's it's not because they're crying or angry it's because there's a day I'm happy and impulsive that no one can
stand them and so and so that's a Tyranny it's like that the state puts pressure on you to regulate your emotions positive and negative and it crushes you it crushes the life out
of you a lot of it and so you end up being adolescent and you're all mopey because the holes especially because you've been forced to sit down in school for like 17 years you're
all sad and it's no wonder you know you've had the spirit taken out of you by the process of discipline.

44:47 Encountering The Female Anima -
anima the Jungian anima and the anima is the feminine counterpart in the soul.The Anima got this supercilious[behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others.]
and judgmental and teasing look on her face and she's really trying to put him down and this is what the anima does the soul, she's the thing that teaches the exploratory hero that
it's not everything it could be, it's part of the eternal tendency of women to make men self-conscious by their sexual selectivity.


I wholeheartedly thank Dr. Jordan Peterson for his online lectures. How precious wisdom is he giving for free!! Thank you Dr. Jordan Peterson. God bless you.
