Top 5 Reasons Not To Move To Canada 🇨🇦 #canada #canadaimmmigration #immigration

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In this video I'm putting together all reasons to why you should not move to Canada. Why Canada is not for you and why you should think twice before moving to Canada? Worst possible things about Canada and all the negative things I could possibly come up with to help future immigrants.

Moving to Calgary? Looking to Buy / Sell Real Estate?
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Igor Ryltsev is a Licensed Real Estate Agent with eXp Realty.

Need a mortgage? Anywhere in Canada?!
Phone: 587-889-7096
Neethu Ryltsev is a Licensed Mortgage Associate at DLC Clear Trust Mortgages
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Yes I 101% agree.. I am here now in Calgary but still hunting for a job😒


Can't do much a bout the cold but we can certainly do something a bout Trudeau and the rest will fall into place.


I was born in canada and left almost 20yrs ago. Never looked back. Emmigrate if you still can.


A typical immigrant who comes to Canada with high hopes and get disappointed in years and try to question himself if this is the country I want to love forever: typical immigrant dilemma! He still cannot adjust himself living in Canada if he still questiones it!. Canada is not for everybody my friend!


Why you uploading videos on YouTube on your channel and talking about immigration to Canada and working in Canada and on your website talking about immigration programs and now you are doing the opposite?
