CHILDFREE BY CHOICE: Top 5 Reasons We Chose NOT to Have Kids

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➡️ Is having a kid right for you? If you have recently made the decision to opt out of parenthood, are unsure, or have been living a childfree life, you are not alone! In this video, we share our Top 5 Reasons we chose not to have kids.

This video explores the childfree choice by counting down why we don't have children and lead a childfree life. As a childfree man and a childfree woman in their 40s, we opted out of parenthood and decided not to have a baby. We celebrate our life without kids and share our reasons why we don't want to be parents. Are your top reasons not to have kids similar? Let us know!
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The Childfree Connection Membership Community IS OPEN!

✳️ If you have been wondering how you can connect with other childfree people, we have the answer! For a while, Rick and I had been thinking about a new and exciting way to connect our community even further. Your requests about wanting to meet other childfree singles and couples around the world and locally- motivated us even more.

✳️ Our vision is expansive and we can't wait to launch our private membership community which will essentially be a coffee shop/wine bar/reading room and playground for all childfree people! This will be a respectful and safe space where your choice to be childfree is validated and celebrated. The goal is to start the connections online and eventually move to in-person experiences. We can't wait to meet our childfree members!


❇️ Do you feel alone, confused, pressured or judged? I would LOVE to support you!


“Is CHILDFREE For ME?” is a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive, step by step program that explores the fears, anxiety and doubts that are holding you back from living your best childfree life. My favorite part (will be yours too!) - is that you are working the program alongside me and a badass group of women who are also ready to fully embrace the childfree choice.

You will have LIVE access to me and other like-minded CHILDFREE women that you can connect with immediately!

Childfree by Choice - Dr. Amy Blackstone:

We’d LOVE to hear your personal Childfree Story!

➡️ Why are Millennials & Gen Z choosing a CHILDFREE Life? In this video, we dive into one of the main reasons.

➡️ In this video, we go DEEP! Find out the reason I ALMOST Had a baby!

➡️ We share the CHILD FREE life PERKS we love (and YOU will too!)

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Thanks again for watching!! What is your TOP REASON for not wanting kids??


One of my biggest reasons for not wanting kids is just the pain and physical trauma of pregnancy/childbirth. Every woman Ive seen talking about childbirth talks about it like they went through war. I imagine you’d want to have kids pretty badly if you’re willing to go through all that.


My top 3 reasons for not wanting kids:
1. quality sleep
2.quality sleep
3.quality sleep


I’m 34. I never had any desire to be a parent and I still don’t. It’s just not for me. I love the freedom too much. And my life is nothing but peace and quiet I would never want to give that up.


Been married 50 years in a month's time. Still in the honeymoon phase, we spend every waking moment together. Never had kids, never wanted to, never regretted it. I just think of all the things we were able to do that wouldn't have been possible if we had.
People literally sacrifice their own lives for the sake of a vicarious immortality. It never looked like a reasonable exchange to us.


I made a pro and con list once on having children. My con list was endless and there was only one reason on the pro side that is not valid at all: fear of ending up alone when my husband dies earlier then me. I decided early on that kids are not for me. To be honest; I don't really like them😅


My fianceés' reasons:
1. Chronic back problems and prolly getting wrecked if giving birth
2. Endometriosis
3. Not liking kids in general. They're loud, annoying, messy and are a big responsibility.
4. Not wanting to put her body through birth and breastfeeding.
5. More free time without children.
6. We can do whatever we want to whenever we want to.
7. Not wanting to drift away from each other as partners because we're also going to be "parents".
8. Money.
9. Spending money on us and our loved ones.
10. Sleep. Naps.
11. Hobbies.
12. Not having to plan vacations around kids and making them kid-friendly.
13. Peaceful life.
14. She doesn't feel like she would have motherly instincts. Did I mention she doesn't like kids?
15. Because we want to spend all of the time we have together and we're still madly in love with each other.

My reasons are the same (ofc not the ones I physically can't feel like birth and endometriosis) 🤗


I like my sleep. So no kids. All my co workers are exhausted from their children and I wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed. Lol.


The extra responsibility is overwhelming.
We have 3 pets and taking care of them feels like I personally am buried under so much work.
Having a kid makes me feel I might loose my identity in my years left. We don't want our marriage to become JUST about being parents.
Love being a part of this community. Really gives confidence in the decision.


I was searching for childfree channels. I’m glad I have found you. ❤️😊 having a child is a huge responsibility. Me and my husband love our lifestyle just the way it is without added stress.


i'm 25, single and still living free. watching lots of child free content has reinforced my desire to be free. plus I absolutely HATE Babysitting children.


I personally feel lack of desire, a big sacrifice and a loss of your own freedom... I am 34 years and I love to be independent go out with friends, being productive and buying things for me or the ones i love, practice my hobbies and i would like a man with the same thoughts and feelings about being childfree. Is a celebration !


I remember telling someone my husband and I don't want kids. She responded to me with, "it is a woman's purpose to have babies. don't be selfish.' My husband tells people we're not having kids no one has ever responded to him negatively. Thank you for advocating about choosing to be child free.


Reason #1 is the same for us too! When we got married we figured we would have kids because "that's what you do" but then neither of us consciously pictured our future with kids. 10 years later, we still feel the same way. Love the childfree content - thank you for sharing!


My fiancé and I don’t want to have children because:
A) Financial expense
B) Lack of freedom/spontaneity
C) Children are time consuming
D) Family would have to be involved/interfere in our lives more
E) I could die in labor and my fiancé is scared of losing me
F) Genetic roulette, our child could have a disorder/disease and need special care
G) I don’t want to sacrifice my body to pregnancy and breastfeeding
H) We like our free time and hobbies and intimate relationship and don’t want them to fall to the wayside


Totally get all 5 reasons, my husband and I definitely have those same reasons. We actually tried having kids after we got married purely because we thought that's the natural next step. But every time we thought we might be pregnant and then find that we weren't, we had a sense of relief rather than disappointment. So we talked about why we are not disappointed and really got honest about our feelings. And for now we feel super comfortable with our decision. Most people don't get that it is a choice.


1.I know having kids that I dont want will eventually lead to me lashing out at them at some point. There is no excuse to abuse a child.

2.I know what it's like to be an 'unwanted' child. My mom tried her best and made sure I never went without, but kids can still feel when they're not wanted, no matter how hard a parent might try

3. Role-reversal Parentification. I already raised my mom and dad. I dont need to spend the rest of my life raising someone else. Not to mention I still need to develop into a stable person in general in order to be a stable parent


Love this! Child-free by choice too and the most annoying judgment is when people say it’s “selfish” to choose not to have kids... when really if you think about it - wanting to have kids is equally selfish too. Think about the reasons why people want to have kids - they’re all selfish reasons too. So - that is totally a non-argument in my book. Excited for your journey and welcome to YouTube! 🙌


"You're lifestyle does tend to change"! Most underrated comment ever! Once you have a kid your life is turned upside down! Patents almost completely lose their self identity and the children become their "entire world". I've read this on tons of women's dating profiles. 😂🙄

Great video!!! 👍


This video resonated with me. For the longest time, I said I was "on the fence" about having kids, until I dug deeper and realized that I simply didn't have the desire. Owning that decision has, for me, been hugely clarifying and liberating. I'm lucky that my spouse is on the same page. Thanks so much for creating this much-needed community. There's beauty and celebration in all of our life choices - not just the ones that lead to parenthood!
