'Low fat diets could kill you' | PURE Study or POOR Study?

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Saturated fat saves lives, all carbs kill, and don't worry about eating a lot of veggies. Are we missing anything?
- Links and Sources -

Aleksandra Andersson - Russian Channel:

Main Study Links:

Developing Country list:

Katz Article:

Mortality Rates and Socioeconomic Status Brazil:

India mortality and assets:

Whole grains lower mortality:

High vegetable intake and mortality:

Okinawan Study:

Statins by Astra Zeneca:

Vegan and omnivore cholesterol levels:

Low carb diets and all cause mortality:

Whole food vegan unclogging arteries study::

Vegans lower mortality rate:
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It's funny how they say vegan food is expensive since we only eat grass and leaves🤔


So essentially, the PURE study found out that being poor isn't good for you. Next the'll tell us smoking causes cancer.


You never fail blowing my mind Mic, you are awesome.


Thanks so much for the shout out, Mic. :) I am *really* grateful for that!

And of course great video on a very important topic. But that goes without saying by now lol


Here in Chile, things are stupidly screwed up. We've got advertisements, backed by the government, saying that you should drink milk and that (and I quote) "if you want the best breakfast, make sure you're not missing eggs". Sadly, here veganism is not a big deal yet, so vegan equivalents for regular food (such as cheese or milk) are crazy expensive. I have to do it as natural as possible, which I actually prefer, but it makes it hard for people to go vegan when they have to go from processed everything to natural everything.


When you are starving to death, any food looks like a health food in a study.


Thanks for the shot out! Normally just seeing that you uploaded a video makes me smile and want to watch it right then, but today it was just unbelievable that you had mentioned my channel. Just the fact that you noticed me was awesome but when I realized I had gained over 20 subs (when you have less than 100 it really matters xd) I felt really blessed and grateful. Thanks for sharing such awesome content, for spreading veganism and for helping small youtube channels :D


Dr McDougall talked at length about this on is most recent webinar and had the guts to say it was all lies and the Lancet should be ashamed of themselves and withdraw the article. Love him 😊


I recently came across someone claiming that raising plants for food kills off as many animals as raising animals for meat and eggs. The self-deception and levels of cognitive dissonance among the low carb acolytes are astounding. All in the name of justifying food choices that they know - deep down - to be damaging to themselves and the environment. Deeply buried guilt drives them to lie to themselves and others.


Great video, I delved into it myself a bit more and decided to email them with a request to retract this article. It's insane that they published this!


I was watching the sandlot for the 49th time but now I'm here and I've never been so early.


Thanks for the clarification. There are too many 'paid for' studies, polluting the science.


That's really cool about the spotlighting. I'm sure it helps small channels immensely.

Just shows that you're really interested in growing the community Mic., so props for that.


Another amazing video, and thank you SO MUCH for the shoutout. You're an absolute legend Mic xxx


I figured they must have been lumping all carbs together in this study. So of course, processed sugary junk won't give healthy results. Couple that with the socioeconomic variables you detail, and bingo!  Instant carb fear mongering!  Genius!  :)  Thanks for this one, Mic., that study REALLY needed such a debunking.  It was clear that something had to be amiss, to yield such whacky results, and you've explained very clearly just how it went off the rails.


It's so sad that studies like this get all the headlines. I had a discussion with a couple this morning. People are so afraid of eating carbs now and consider fats to be good. First the woman told me that she stopped eating porridge in the morning because she said it was making her fat? Yes really! her reason was that porridge contains carbs and carbs make you fat, then I had her partner tell me about the PURE study that shows eating carbs is bad for you. When I told them that after going vegan and increasing my carb intake I had actually lost weight and that that carbs from whole foods are different than processed carbs they simply said that it may work for me, but it doesn't work for everyone. I left it at that.


Your body needs fats, whither that’s from animal sources or plant sources we have to have these as at least 30 to 40 percent of our total calories per day.


Great timing Mic! I already had all of my non vegan friends waving me the article in the face and worrying for my health


Thanks for posting this video, Mike! I came across the clickbait about this study on facebook and was wondering if you were going to make a video about it. Sure enough, as soon as my whole-grain bread was done baking, I was notified that you literally just uploaded this video! I could enjoy my PB2+banana+raisin sandwich while watching your video. ;)

Great observations, and I totally agree. Here's what I had originally posted to facebook:
"I'm highly skeptical of non-mechanistic, questionnaire-based studies such as this one. Another red flag is raised by their statement: 'Global dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these findings.' Unbiased science typically does not tout an agenda."


When’s the all-dairy diet fad going to start?
