Passive Aggressive Ways People Got Revenge - Part 2

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Coming up are some awesome passive aggressive ways people got revenge.

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If you have any stories you'd like to submit for future episodes please email me: revenge[at]beamazed[dot]com


0:01 Intro
0:30 Cold call cash
1:42 A song for Abdullah
2:40 Snoring to stardom
3:33 Dog-gone delay
5:12 Hard luck
6:13 Instagram scam man
7:48 Neighborhood watch[ew]
- 8:48 Laxative cake
- 9:17 Hair removal revenge
10:05 Clash of colleagues
- 11:22 Cat food revenge
- 11:41 Mustard payback
12:10 Vehicular vengeance
- 12:41 Two space saran wrap
- 12:56 Shopping cart blocker
- 13:25 Pickaxe anger
14:02 Dirty protests
- 14:38 Dirty diaper thief
15:14 Get off my land!
16:09 Breakups of glory
- 16:59 Half house
- 17:16 Half possessions
17:40 Getting back at bullies
- 18:39 Radio revenge


In 1978, I lived in a studio apartment in LA. My next-door neighbor who would now be described as a "Karen", had her piano up against our common wall. Note that her other common wall was shared with the laundry room. She would randomly play it at all hours of the day and night. Besides being annoyingly loud, I worked the graveyard shift at a fast-food restaurant and slept in the late afternoon and evening. When repeated passive attempts failed to get her to stop, one evening, out of sheer frustration, I took a run at the wall and hit my shoulder against the wall putting a large hole in it. I know it scared the crap out of her because she yelled an expletive. Before heading out to work, I took my phone with the old-fashioned ringer and set it down on the stud between our walls and set it to the loudest volume setting. At about 3 am, I called my phone from work and let it ring until I got home from work at 7:30 am. She never played her piano again. I did successfully patch up the hole before I moved out.


I built a snowman around a fire hydrant. The bully tackled it. His mother made him wait until the icy roads were safe to go to the doctor. I heard her yell at him "How long have you lived on this street and how long has there been a fire hydrant there? Only all your life!" That had to have been a bad night. It turned out he had a broken collar bone...


Revenge tale:

I am 14 and a huge fan of babysitting for friends and family, since I'm good with kids.

Once, when I was 12 this lady next door would have her cousin come over for Christmas week, so basically a whole week before the day.
She would get paid a pretty big amount whilst I actually did the babysitting. Normally thats not a problem, but this lady would tell my parents that I broke one of this kid's "expensive" toys and would get my parents to pay for it. Not only was she getting money from the kid's parents, but mine as well. I was getting yelled at and wouldnt be allowed to do things such as stay up late or get dessert. So, to get back at this mean woman, the next time I was babysitting the kid I taught her some pretty cool "tricks and words" . She would go home the next day telling her mom and dad many non-childfriendly words and giving them "The Finger" without knowing. I don't know what happened to the lady, but I never saw the girl at her house again. And I got to eat dessert once again.


Fun fact: bird poop is very acidic for automotive paint.

I have a little revenge story of my own. Once I was in the process of making payments on pickup through a private sale. The person I was buying it from turned around and sold it out from under me, no refunds for what I had paid on it or or for the parts I had replaced. On top of that they had reported it stolen as well. My personal revenge was removing the good tires I had put on it, and having worked in a business that dealt with used tires at the time, I got the shoddiest tires I could get my hands on and put them on it. Then I took the vehicle to a parking lot and did a burnout until there was no tread left on the rear tires. I then left it there, key in the ignition.


Someone kept stealing my paper (at least 15 per month) so I defecated in a newspaper and put it in front of my door. It was stolen and the last time it was ever stolen


The second revenge story had me shocked/trying not to laugh, and I’m surprised that the band didn’t get in trouble for that. Kudos to whoever came up with that idea.


😂🤣😂 Love it especially the Queen’s guard playing the Darth Vader’s tune.


I had one such unpleasant situation in college. My class has been divided into groups for various projects for future lessons. Unfortunately, however, my "colleagues" did not want to cooperate behind me because their friend, who was my ex-girlfriend, spread false and rather disgusting information about me. I decided that since I can't contact anyone anyway, I'll do it and present the whole project myself without informing them. In addition, I expanded my work to include curiosities related to human relationships based on the situation that occurred to me during the creation of this project. My work appealed not only to my lecturer but also to the director of the neighboring center where my ex-girlfriend worked so much that I was hired in her place and my "colleagues" went without a positive evaluation for the project until the end of the year. Since I had it behind me I refused to help them when they asked me to do so.

Two roasts on one fire.


My amazing children got revenge on an ex boyfriend of mine who use to abuse me real bad. After he had spent the whole weekend away with his mistress, spending his whole check from work, he would come home and belittle me and pick fights. My children took his toothbrush and cleaned the toilet with it.... several times. A month later, after my ex got paid, he did it again by spending the weekend with this woman. My kids found out what bar he was in and went to that bar, walked up to him (in front of this woman) and said, cheating looked at the woman and proceeded to tell her about me and to never kiss him because his toothbrush is the toilet cleaner. She left him (bc she didn`t know he was in a relationship) and was disgusted he never picked up on the toilet cleaning tooth brush.


I actually had a neighbor who would just throw their empty envelopes and unused coupons in the plastic containers meant to be used for our complexes newsletters. After about a month of them piling up an ungodly amount of garbage in front of the exit to the building, I looked through to find an address and name, then collected everything, piled it into a giant envelope, and mailed them back a months worth of trash along with a personal letter about how I was "returning your lost mail to you since you seem to have misplaced it at the front door." and a statement instructing them how to use a trash can.


If I came out on the red carpet to Vader's theme, i could die happy


Being mad at someone for snoring is stupid, it’s not like the person snoring is doing it on purpose


*When a government official exits his car with imperial March playing in the background*


Here’s one:
I pulled in to the grocery store parking lot and found a spot one car away from a lady that had just finished loading her groceries into her expensive SUV, while talking on the phone. I gave her a friendly nod when she looked at me and I put my blinker on, indicating I was going to take the spot one car away from hers. She ignored me and pushed her basket into the parking spot I was just about to pull in to, then avoided eye contact as she walked back and got in her car. I jumped out and kindly gave her the cart back, parking it directly behind her car but in a way that she could easily see it in her rear view mirror. Her having to get back out to move it is great revenge right? Well it turns out she didn’t see the need to check her mirrors to make sure no cars were behind her because she backed right into the shopping cart! Great day that was.


My best revenge is being in a healthy happy relationship after leaving an abusive one, turning him into the police for a warrant, giving the police the lock code for his phone which was full of evidence of many crimes and putting him in prison.


When my mom used to work in an office a long time ago, she was friends with her boss. For April Fool's day, her boss put sticky notes all over her cubicle saying "I love Justin Bieber" which was totally not true, so she got revenge by going into his office and flipping EVERYTHING upside-down. She flipped paintings, a printer and anything else that could possibly be in an office, upside-down.


On a side note, when Abdulah visited GB, the Queen took great glee in driving him around. With a lead foot.


I was listening to the station when the last one aired!!! Oh my gosh it was a priceless piece of history I'll never forget.
