Launching multiple Unreal Engines into a MultiUser Session using Switchboard for Virtual Production

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This video will show you exactly how to Switchboard to launch multiple Unreal Engine editors on the same network into a MultiUser session. This is widely used in all kinds of Virtual production. For more information on Virtual Production visit our comprehensive post on the Epic Developer Community.
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This was so helpful! The peforce environment setting was not easy to find without you. We are building a ledstage in Sweden any change we can get in touch :-D


Very handy shaun. thanks for making this. I'm seeking to do a couple of things in context of a multi - user session and need a little nudge in the right direction.
I've also posted this on UDN.
1. have the take recorder, record keys from a stack modifier . I'm not able to record any keys on the camera after applying a modifier (e.g sine wave movement)
2. have one machine control the vcam via an ipad and have another machine control an attribute on the vcam (rack focus) and also pilot the vcam if needed.
3. Can I have a vcam modifier take into account keys on a sequencer timeline. e.g translation keys on a metahuman
4. Puppet any object via an input controller e.g xbox for moving a lamp prop on set
5. an e.g of the use of a more economical version control system in place of perforce
Thank you once again and really appreciate all your hard work


Where can I get perforce? I looked at their website but wasn’t sure which thing to download


Which VPN do I use? I see many different ones


Is there a discord server or somewhere I can contact you for help me I have a team and im trying to set this up but it just wont work for me. If you can help me out itd be really appreciated thanks.