UE4 Multi User Editing Tutorial (Without Lan)

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A tutorial walking you through the set up process for multi user editing in unreal engine 4. No need for lan.
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I'm using ue5 and this worked perfectly. Once setup, unreal will use the hamachi server to transfer all data such as creating objects, adjusting object settings in the details panel, world settings, ect. It's all completely free as well. (Also note that this does not require the same LAN connection because hamachi is actually a free VPN for up to five computers. If you want more than this, then you have to purchase an upgraded plan starting at $49 / year for up to 32 computers. A heck of a deal!). Thanks so much for the help!


You can just use the IP that appears in the Hamachi window next to the power on / off button and skip checking CMD with ipconfig/all


Use LogMeIn Hamachi to create a VPN
Plugins: enable Multi-User Editing plugin
Project Settings - Multi-User Editing: set a display name
Project Settings - UDP messaging: in Unicast Endpoint put IP from Hamachi (can also be found from cmd - ipconfig/all) with `:0` at the end
Project Settings - UDP messaging - Advanced: Both the server host and the client must add 1 element to the Static Endpoints, the server will not have any value there but the client must add the IP from Hamachi (from Unicast Endpoint) (this is really dumb but whatever, it works)


You are a god, thank you, only you could explain the UDP messaging part well enough. i think i would have mental issues if not you xD


Explicacion en Español (explanation in spanish):

En el engine activar el plugin multi-user editing
en project settings, plugin, multi user, tildar la primer opcion
elegir nick y color

tambien en plugins/udp, colocar en unicast endpoint la ip del hamachi (q esta al lado del ON/off del hamachi) con :0 al final.
En upd avanzado (flecha abajo) agregar un elemento con el + en endpoint, si sos servidor lo dejas en blanco sin nada, los usuarios clientes ponen lo mismo que arriba en unicast endpoint (la ip del hamachi propia, con :0 al final)

SI no conecta:

Si sos cliente: se recomienda ir a firewall avanzado, en entrada y salida agregar el programa UE4Editor.exe (suele estar en C:\ donde este tu motor instalado \Engine\Binaries\Win64\) y poner que tenga todos los permisos para conectarse, que nada este bloqueado.

Si sos servidor: Lo mismo que el cliente, pero agregar el "unrealmultiuserserver.exe" ubicado en la misma ruta que el anterior ejecutable, y agregarlo a entrada y salida del firewall permitiendo todo. Si tenes unreal source vas a tener q compilar con visual studio el multiuserserver antes de lanzarlo en el engine.

Se recomienda ejecutar hamachi como administrador para que tenga todos los permisos de entrada y salida tambien (y ver q no este bloqueado en el firewall).

Espero q sirva a todos!


It's nice that it works no matter how long it takes, thank you very much for your effort.


Took a few weeks but eventually we solved the issues after watching this video:
1. ONLY USE 4.26. 5.0 will not work
2. The host must not have anything in the Static Endpoint

3. The Client must put in there "UNICAST ENDPOINT" as their "STATIC ENDPOINT"
4. As a client make sure you have all command consoles or logs closed while syncing to the host.

Still trying to understand all the weird features of this plugin since it seems like connecting is based on luck


Thank you very much, we have been trying to solve this problem for a long time so that we can work together with our team. It was solved thanks to you


The robo voice to keep everthying clear and crisp is what makes me appreciate this more


This is fantastic, thanks so much for this tutorial.


Does it work with shared project files by synch apps like Dropbox and Google Drive?


Thanks for the help, ima also sub since your so close


Tested on UE 5 - it launches, but max you can do is to move and rotate objects around in one session. It crashes like mad every breath. Importing simple fbx becomes a challenge.


Hi, me and my friend tried it and only he could delete and add an object, I, as a server creator could do it too but it wouldn’t show for him (same goes for me adding stuff) any help? (Btw we tried UE5 could that be an issue, although we connected perfectly so I don’t think so, but any help pls)


Hey, i have got a question, im working with my friend on unreal engine 5 through multi user editing, and whenever we try to save any changes like when we upload some texture from quixel bridge, whenever we leave session, it doesnt save. Do you know how to fix it? Thanks btw for tutorial of how to connect with hamachi.


What about source control? To save the things we add? How do I activate it? It declines when I do


Bro thank you so much this will boost the development time for my game. I appreciate it!


It does not have multi user in unreal anymore can I get a up to date video for it because I have yet to find one


why cant i see my friends blueprints? for example he made a day cycle thing and it only happens for him


Thank you so much for the tutorial, this was so helpful! Does anyone know if after you end a session, both editors would be able to edit the project separately and then come back to edit it together? Or if that would mess things up.
