Paul is a False Apostle - Hallelujah! Praise God!

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Hugh teaching you how to know that Paul is a false apostle, which is the most important news in the history of Christianity. Also... Please donate to The One True Church! Help us reach more believers and glorify The One True God. Click the link below:
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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I cannot tell you how badly I needed to hear this. of all the hundreds of questions and doubts I have about Christianity, Paul stood as my biggest blockade to faith. I'd totally join your NO PAUL church.


Thank you for this, fellow Christians at my Church looked at me side eyed when I questioned Paul's Apostleship during a Bible Study.


Paul was just a man....they (Christians) have made him a god...I don't need a Pharisee from the tribe of Benjamin to explain the simple teachings of Yahshua...keep the commandments, serve the lowly, love thank and praise YHVW through Yahshua and HE will send blessings via the Ruach HaKodesh....pretty simple how it works.


Paul has a split tongue..some his lies mixed with spiritual truths of those he killed


Paul repeatedly reminded others he was an


I searched out for other people claiming Pauls false apostleship. Being relatively new to actually reading the Bible and studying it I had a very hard time reconciling some of the things Paul said and the excuses and blameshifting he made for sinfulness. I knew something wasn't sitting right with me. So, on that basis I tentatively searched the internet for Paul being a false apostle and lo and behold there were many other who claimed the same and who opened my eyes to a multitude of further contradictions that I hadn't previously noticed myself, your video here being amongst the first.

Thank you and glory to the LORD and to Jesus.


I really believe that Paul simply thought, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
He realized that followers of God were growing in numbers and couldn't possibly kill them all, so he decided to pollute them from the inside. Infiltration, not invasion.
Thank you for your teachings on this, sir. It really enlightened me on my walk.


The preachers all sell their lying word and we cannot sell God's true word s it is free.




THANK YOU!!! Years ago, I was led by the Holy Spirit to return to the Father’s Commandments, including His true Sabbath (cast off SUNday). Also, we were to stop observing pagan holidays such as Xmas, Easter and Halloween and start watching His Holy Feast Days/Divine Appointments.

When our family began to walk in this obedience, immediately our extended family and friends started throwing all of Paul’s false teachings at us. Saying we were “fallen from Grace” and it was all “nailed to the cross”. That’s when I knew something was wrong with Paul. So I prayed and asked for understanding.

I was shown the many contradictions of Paul’s teachings when I compared them to YahuShua’s. I was also given the understanding that because our Heavenly Father does not change, He is ALWAYS testing His children. Just like in the Garden of Eden, the Bible has two “Trees”…YahuShua- “Tree of Life” and Paul-the forbidden “Tree”! Thank you for this confirmation! Be blessed ❤


I'm here to testify of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, preached throughout the bible. It's all the same Gospel!!!
Why did Jesus come to die for our sins on the cross?! THE LAW CAN NOT SAVE ANYONE.


If you look in the Torah which is where we get the first five books of the Bible or in the Bible, in Genesis, you can see that God gave Noah (Grace) because of him keeping the Torah, the law which was written in his heart! Yeshua hamashiach (Jesus Christ) said that he didn't come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it! So what Paul is saying is that if we put our trust in Christ and believe in him not just of him, then we will seek to uphold the law! As Noah upheld of the law, he was showed Grace!
So as Paul and the other apostles kept God's Sabbath and laws so should we! And we will receive Grace, not the grace that gives us a license to sin, but the grace that frees us from sin to be able to uphold the law and serve God! And we don't do this to get saved but because we are saved! You see by Jesus upholding the law and fulfilling it, he redeemed us from the curse of the law, not the law itself, but the curse of the law which is death!


The savior alone's TEACHING is the only CORRECT teachings and none other.. Any apostle or preacher that teaches differently than the savior is a liar... End of story..


So Paul went to his death proclaiming what he knew to be a lie? It's a known fact according to church history that Paul was beheaded under the reign of Nero around 64-67 AD for refusing to recant his faith. So Paul established congregations all over Asia Minor, Greece, Macedonia, and Rome based on a lie? When Jesus died on the cross, He brought in a new covenant that was foretold in Jeremiah 31:31. Right before He was crucified, Jesus had the Passover feast with his Apostles, in Matthew 26;26-27, it says, "And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, Take, eat: this is My body. Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. "For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Paul completed the work of the Holy Spirit which was to guide the believers into all truth under the new covenant according to John 16:13. You called Paul evil, a liar, and a Satan worshipper. The reason many don't like Paul is because he spoke and wrote of homosexual behavior as a sin in Romans 1 and 1 Cor. 6:9-10. Paul's teachings that came by the Holy Spirit according to 2 Tim. 3:16-17 don't go along with this tolerate everyone and anything woke culture.


Man only brings confusion and destruction if you haven`t noticed.../o/ :)


Jesus never ever mention Paul and he’s not one of the 12 disciples he is false profit as Mohammed he received his message with nobody can see it in secretly Unlike jesus he done everything in the light After all the blood of the Saint Stephanos on his hand nobody can change from been murderer to Become Saint And also all his writing or most of it been stolen from the gospel of the holy 12 which is the truth the whole truth


Psalms 12:6-7 "6, the words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7, Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.


The Gospel accounts have things happening differently at times, are you going to say their false too!? Lol oh my, Please read it properly and discern folks


The best thing about Paul is that it is a noisy gospel. When you start hearing "all Paul" you know you've overflown the runway. A fiery crash is imminent, so it's time to circle around and look for Jesus. No problem, he's in the book.


Im a Christian, but I’ve never gone to one particular church long enough to take on their ideology. What I have understood from reading the Bible without a church influence, I immediately realized Paul contradicted so much of what Jesus said in the Bible. Again, when you aren’t influenced by the church, you can read it without any preconceived ideas, and see where so many are falsely led.

The modern day church is leading millions astray. I believe we are still under the Law. Jesus said HE came to fulfill the Law not abolish it. Also, Isiah 66 says all who eat pork when Jesus returns will be consumed. Also, if we aren’t under the Law and are not required to celebrate the Biblical Feasts, then why would we be required to celebrate The Feast of Tabernacles during the Millennial Reign. Jesus celebrated the Feasts, then so many claimed we don’t have to because of Paul, but then we go back to doing the Feasts again in the Millennial, it makes no sense., because Paul is False.. If it wasn’t for Paul’s teachings, we all would still be following The Torah.
