Skeptics Wrongly Claim Apostle Paul Didn’t Know Jesus

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What Paul the Apostle knew about Jesus is important if for no other reason than the dismantle poor arguments against the resurrection of Christ. This is a systematic look at what historical details Paul had about Jesus so that we can rule out the idea that Paul didn't know of a historical Jesus or that Paul was merely making things up as he went along.

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Jesus never spoke to Paul. Paul was a self appointed apostle. We need to focus on the words of our Savior, not the man who contradicts Jesus numerous times. Anyone can claim to hear from the Lord or see Jesus. We should not believe those who contradict what the Risen Messiah, even if it goes against what we’ve been taught.


When you study Paul's writings, its kinda weird to realize that he had to deal with Christian cults very similar to what we have today. He actually deals with most of the same false teachings with what is taught now including prosperity teachings and the groups that indulge in physical excess.


Paul is a self proclaimed apostle with no named witnesses. There are 12 apostles according to Jesus listed in Matthew 19:28, not 13, the requirement to replace Judas Iscariot is listed in Acts 1:21-26 spoken of by Peter himself, after which they elected Mattias as the replacement of Judas. Jesus' apostles numbers 12 in total: this is also confirmed in the book of Revelation 21:12-14.
Peter, the man who Jesus said "I will build my church upon this rock" to in Matthew 16:18, was the apostle to the gentiles listed in Acts 15:7, but Jesus said he would be taken captive in John 21:18, so then his church by proxy had been prophesied to have been taken captive.paul hijacked Peter's responsibility that the gentiles might hear from his lips and believe.

Also the rest of the 10 remaining apostles (Judas was dead at the time, Mattias was not yet elected) they too were charged with going out to all nations (Translated from greek: "Ethnos" this means heathen, gentiles) to teach in the way of the Father/Son, Holy spirit and to obey everything jesus had commanded them to do, Matthew 28:18-20. James and the Elders and the other apostles also gave gentiles basic instructions - such as what is listed in Acts 21:18-28 (verse 25 specifically for the gentiles) where paul is called out for teaching apostasy contrary the things he should have taught indicated by in Acts 15:19-20 and Acts 21:25 about how the gentiles shouldn't bear the yoke of the Jews, but rather stick to certain laws... not "grace"(which is mercy) by paul's idea of faith alone, which goes about as far as acknowledging Jesus as you would Santa claus.

paul was teaching the Jews who stayed among the gentiles to forsake Moses and even the EVERLASTING Covenant of circumcision described in Genesis 17:4-14... which if Jew neglected, they would be cut off from Abraham's blessing... cut off from a blessing from the God of the living: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

After paul was called out for teaching apostasy(lawlessness, do as thou wilt, let no man judge in you in any matter of food or drink and so on), he tried to 1 Cor 9:20-22 his way out of it (to the Jew he became a Jew to win the Jew etc...) by going through with what was known as a Nazarene vow, already discussed prior to this paragraph, listed in Acts 21:18-24.

Rather than explain the law away like he usually did - calling it nailed to the cross indicated in Col 2:13-14(yet there are no reports of him being there at the crucifixion) calling the Law of God a "ministry of death" in 2 Corinthians 3:7 (when God's law are precepts which preserve our life according to King David in Psalm 119:93), rather than declaring that he and anyone else "in christ" was dead to the law by his own arbitrary means and arbitrary gospel of grace (mercy) through faith alone listed in Romans 7:4, Galatians 2:19 - Rather than all of these things, paul was found trying to complete this vow by the Jews who knew he was teaching apostasy before he was able to complete it, 6 days into the ritual. He was rightfully thrown out and found himself standing before the courts for teaching apostasy, lawlessness, a crime punishible by death.

He has no named witnesses to his conversion stories, his conversion stories do not line up, there's translator bias surrounding his text and even in 2 Peter where it is deceptively translated in english to make paul seem like too much of a genius to understand, when in reality Peter called his writings "dys-noetas" meaning to destroy understanding - which others would take and twist to their own destruction, like constantine in 324 AD when he used paul's lawless gospel to cause people to disregard the sabbath and worship his sun god on sunday.

the paul we read about in the bible, who takes up more than half of the new testament, is an anti-christ Jesus prophesied would come in his name, performing signs and miracles even to fool the elect if possible: According to paul the sign of a true apostle is in signs and wonders or 2 cor 12:12, but according to Jesus, these are the sign of a deceiver, or Matthew 24:24, and he said not to believe the person who said they saw Jesus in the wilderness like paul had in Matthew 24:26. paul taught no parable, quotes nothing Jesus said(other than take this cup and drink, last supper), and Jesus himself never taught "grace" through faith but rather obedience for grace, and to build upon his teaching or else build upon sand (matthew 7:24-27), that the law wasn't over until heaven and earth disappeared and to exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven(matthew 5:17-20) and that in the end, everyone is judged by their faith as well as their works (Revelation chapter 2 to 3, also in the final judgement - Revelation 21:8, 22:12.)

Jesus said that the only way through to the Father is through the son and whoever doesn't gather with him only scatters. Ask Jesus how to be saved and you'll see that you must do the will of his Father in heaven. In order to do that you must worship him as he desires, by the power of his spirit or John 4:23-24, in order to obtain what is necessary to worship God is John 14:15-17.

AND NO WE ARE NOT SAVED BY OUR OWN WORKS - there is only one who is good. Good deeds can only come from the holy spirit. We are saved by doing the work of the Father, or by doing the will of the Father, or as Jesus so adequately put it - his mother sister and brother are those who do the will of his Father in heaven or Matthew 12:49-50. If one wants to be saved, simply become family. If you want to inherit eternal life, look no further than Matthew 19:16-19, or God's law, precepts which preserve our lives as King David would say(Psalm 119:93).­­ Blessings


People really tripped me up with their accusations about Paul. It really hurt my spirit & walk with God, and before you knew it...I had stopped reading the New Testament. I didn’t want to learn about spiritual warfare or anything Paul taught (I actually really loved reading Paul’s letters before!) I even became afraid to say the name of Jesus. I started doubting Jesus & who He claimed to be! I had just began my walk with God back in July, and wasn’t strong enough to stand firm when the deceivers & accusers came. It took me a very long time to recover from it. I have been back into the NT since, doing all that I can to eat it all up. I don’t believe our Heavenly Father would allow Paul’s epistles into His Holy Book for thousands of years if he was a false teacher or ravenous wolf. God is too good & His will is that not one perish.


This is such a good topic. I was Jewish before coming to Christianity, and I really fixated on the Gospels and the Old Testament for the majority of my studies. When I got to Paul, something felt very different and off to me.


Let's check and see how many quotes Paul has of Jesus. Tell us mr Winger.


Acts 26:14  [...] it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

This saying "it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" is a quote from a Greek God within a Greek play from 406 BC.

Jesus would have never quoted wisdom from an Idol from a Greek play.

John 10:27  My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

John 10:4  And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
John 10:5  And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.


keep reading. how does the Torah prescribe adding writings to scripture? look it up, PLEASE.


I had something like this happen today I have never heard anyone question Paul not legitimately being an apostle before. Crazy!


If I lie to glorify God, how does that make me a sinner?
What is the actual answer to that question?
And why would God rely on Liars to glorify him?
Sincerely asking.


Where in scriptures does it tell us that Jesus knew Paul/killerSaul?


The Most High said trust NO MAN. HE also said cursed is one who trust in man . JEREMIAH 17:5
Obey Chist. Thats it.


Paul was not there at the death and burial nor was he there when Christ spent time with the disciples after the Resurrection, where was Paul???
GOD is the Savior
Isaiah 43 1-3


Sloppy! - the title of the vlog is "Paul Didn't Know Jesus" but you immediately launch into "Paul Didn't Know ABOUT Jesus". This is a completely different issue. Paul did not know Jesus (ie never met in the flesh) but he certainly knew about Jesus, and later even claimed to have seen him in some sort of vision. Paul's vision (or whatever it was - the Bible accounts differ in some detail) is the only first-hand account in the Bible of someone encountering the risen Jesus. The Gospels are at best 2nd-hand accounts - which is probably why they suffer from the usual coherency problems with reported events. Nevertheless, I do admire the energy and enthusiasm you devote to defending Christianity and trying to fit Biblical square pegs into round holes. Most pastors and preachers avoid the issues and opt for the easy life by just cherry-picking Bible verses that they know their followers want to hear.


Paul was way ahead of his time....a t.v. evangelist before t.v. even existed.


One can read the scriptures and understand that Paul was a false apostle. One can not contradict the Messiah and his Apostles. And yes Mike, you are “making it up” just like Paul.


To the last question... The actions of Jesus in the temple were righteous indignation. He had to make a point, but couldn't sugar coat it, or they wouldn't have taken Him seriously.


What do you think about Jesus warning of a false Christ in the desert ....and then paul finds a christ in the desert?
Or if Jesus was around why didn't he choose paul and teach him like he did the 12


Paul had nothing to gain. He had respect when he persecuted Christians. But yet, he risked his life for what he believed. But if he knew what he believed was false, why would he willingly spend the rest of his life ducking and dodging people that wanted his head on a stick? In and out of prisons. His name put fear in people who believed in Jesus, but he decides to become an apostle of the very religion instead???


You're debating Matt? lol Sye debated him too may the Holy Spirit guide you!
