Did the 12 Find Paul Was A False Apostle? Did Pauline Christians alter Ambrose to delete the reason?

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The work of Ambrose(iaster) from 360-370 in his Commentary on 1 Corinthians 9:2 reads:

1 Cor. 9:2 "Although I am not an apostle to others, yet I am to you;"
"Because by the Jews who believed, and nevertheless kept the law, he was denied to be an apostle. For he was already teaching that the circumcised [sic: sion] should not be observed, nor should the Sabbath be kept; but to the rest of the apostles, who, because of the scandal, concealed [or hid] themselves from this matter, he seemed to teach differently; therefore the Apostle [i.e., Paul] was denied by them; for to these [i.e., the Corinthians], he was an apostle for from him they had seen him signs of virtue." ‘For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord;’ [says Paul] for by preaching this, they were converted from idols to the faith of the one God." [Translation from Latin]

Patrologiae. Ambrosius, Sancti Ambrosii, Opera Omni (Paris, Garnier / J.-P. Migne, 1879) Vol. 17 p. 369-70

Alternatively, you can go to this url:

Then look for chapter 9 (Caput IX) and then go to verse 2 to see it. It says page 241 and 242 on top.

The verbatim Latin is:

(Vers. 11.) Cum autem venisset Petrus Antiochiam, in faciem illi restiti; quia reprehensus erat.
Post concordiam societatis, et honorificentiam primatus, quam sibi invicem per gratiam Dei detulerunt;
nunc interveniente causa negligentiæ vel erroris,
dissidere inter se videntur apostoli, non in propria
causa, sed in sollicitudine Ecclesiæ. In faciem,
inquit, illi restiti. Quid est hoc, nisi in præsentia
ei contradixi? Et qua causa subjunxit dicens :
Quia reprehensus erat? • Reprehensibilis utique
ab evangelica veritate, cui hoc factum adversabatur. Nam quis eorum auderet Petro primo apostolo, cui claves regni coelorum Dominus dedit, resistere ;
nisi alius talis, qui fiducia electionis suæ sciens se
non imparem, constanter improbaret, quod ille sine
consilio fecerat.

The following quote is not in this video, but Galatians commentary explains the "scandal"

"But when Peter came to Antioch, I stood up to him; because he had been rebuked." This is my translation from Latin:

"After the concord of society, and the honor of the primacy, which they conveyed to each other through the grace of God; now intervening because of negligence or error, the apostles seem to differ among themselves, not in their own way but for the cause of the care of the Church. In [his] face he [Paul] said, "I stopped him." "What is this, except in the present who I contradicted him?" And for what reason he added, saying: "Because he was caught? Of course reprehensible from evangelical truth, to which this act was opposed. For who of them would dare to resist Peter, the first apostle, to whom the Lord gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven except such another [i.e., Paul], who knowing himself to trust in his own choice [would not be] the odd one out [and thus] he [Paul] would constantly disapprove of what was not made according to his own plan."

Go to page 188 of PDF that shows. Go to verse 11, and use this text to translate with.

For whatever reason, Mr. Bray in 2 books does not have the quote matching the Latin version that is in Patrialogie and confirmed to be in the CESL too.
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The Bible and Christian history are both equally complicated. We accept what we are told and are encouraged not to think too much. If we question anything we are accused of heresy.


Bottom line, when someone wants to find excuses for sin they find it in Paul or chosen verses that will give license for sin. Deut13:3, Prov25:2 God tests us to see who we will follow


The fact none of the 12 wrote that Paul was an Apostle is very important. They didn't find him part of their cloth.


Its amazing how they twist the story by slandering Peter as arrogant for not eating with the Gentiles when in reality it was not his refusal to eat "with them" but rather his abstaining from eating meat sacrificed in the name of false idols which Paul had no issue doing.


Thank you for all your work Doug!
I appreciate you!
Passover is coming up... And as of last night, the fellowship that I associate with has denied me the privilege of attending their 7 day Passover celebration.... Due to the fact that I'm questioning and testing the words and epistles of Paul. Very sad!!
They made this decision even after I adamantly told them that I believed every word from our Messiah and The Most High!!

Apparently that was not enough for them... Now I'm banned.... shunned and unwelcome.
It goes to show that they place Paul above Yahshua and Yahweh. Very unfortunate!!

Blessings to you my friend! Please keep up the good work!


Pauls Epistles were left in the bible to show opposition to the 12 apostles and prove what Yeshua was saying about the Pharisees. Which becomes apparent reading other books like "Jude" and "Revelation."

After Rome was nearly destroyed unto death but yet did live it adopted Paul's epistles as the new Christian Theology and became the most popular belief in the world (Rev 13:3)

However, people should not throw out the resurrection with Paul. Even in the book of Revelation which calls Paul a false apostle in Rev 2:2 it also says Yeshua was resurrected Rev 1:18


Well done! The proof was always right there, but like I tell others, Paul is a test of discernment. Only those seeking truth will see the truth.

‭‭Deuteronomy 18:18-22 GNTD‬‬

[18] I will send them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will tell him what to say, and he will tell the people everything I command.

[19] He will speak in my name, and I will punish anyone who refuses to obey him.

[20] But if any prophet dares to speak a message in my name when I did not command him to do so, he must die for it, and so must any prophet who speaks in the name of other gods.’

[21] “You may wonder how you can tell when a prophet's message does not come from Yahuah.

[22] If a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord and what he says does not come true, then it is not the Yahuah's message.

That prophet has spoken on his own authority, and you are not to fear him.

‭‭Matthew 7:15-20 GNTD‬‬
[15] “Be on your guard against false prophets; they come to you looking like sheep on the outside, but on the inside they are really like wild wolves.

[16] You will know them by what they do. Thorn bushes do not bear grapes, and briers do not bear figs.

[17] A healthy tree bears good fruit, but a poor tree bears bad fruit.

[18] A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a poor tree cannot bear good fruit.

[19] And any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire.

[20] So then, you will know the false prophets by what they do.

👉🏾Nail in Paul's Coffin 👉🏾‭‭Exodus 23:7 GNTD‬‬

[7] Do not make false accusations, and do not put an innocent person to death, for I will condemn anyone who does such an evil thing.

[7] “Keep yourself far from a false matter, and do not kill the innocent and the righteous, for I do not declare the wrong right.

Remember Saul/Paul showed up on the scene associated with the high priest and Pharacees when they confronted and murdered the Apostles assistant Stephen (Acts 7, 8 & 9). It says very clearly that he consented to the death of an innocent man regarding a matter that had NOTHING to do with him.

And God says very clearly in his law that he does not justify anyone who would do such a thing. Yahushua seconds this notion when he says a bad tree does not bear good fruit. Paul shows up as a wicked man, do you really think he changed to do Gods will? Or did he disguise himself as a sheep in order to ravage as a wolf from the inside.



Love the clementine homilies btw. Peter brings so much clarification on the Truth.



🔥The Abrahamic, The Mosaic🔥 Covenants of GOD mentioned
AS being the Doctrine & Gospel
of the 12 Apostles! It's right there!
《 The 🔥 Way! 》

Paul taught different OBVIOUSLY!

❣️ HalleluYHWH ❣️


Stanford's website says that they participate in interlibrary lending, so you should be able to get the book that you are interested through your local library. If not, the Stanford librarian might scan a specific page is you request it.


Great explanation, thank you for sharing


When the 12 apostles judge the tribes will it be Matthias the chosen apostle or Paul the self proclaimed apostle in number 12?


There are many YT videos addressing the end times and Paul is always included in the conversation. Aside from the fact that Paul teaches a false gospel, why does he sound insightful on end time eschatology?


Rev. 21 makes it clear that Jesus had only 12 apostles. Who do you think He was referring to in Rev. 2:2? Paul was a liar and it can be proven by his own words, in multiple places in the NT.


I know I said this before, but I do not believe Peter was at Antioch during the time Paul is talking about. based on time line from Acts and Paul's travels. In Acts peter did not back down to the Jews at Jerusalem so why would anyone think Peter did that at Antioch.


Great points, once again. I have read the Clementine Homilies but obviously the corrupted version as Simon Magnus is mentioned in place of Paul. Is there anywhere one can find an English version of the original Homilies?


Hi brother 😊...I have been learning so much and I'll like to ask in regards to the hebrew manuscript can they be trusted?


Some really out thete strange folks commenting here. Didn't realize they had such a cult like this


Heres what God showed me..

JESUS NEVER SAID THE WORD GRACE. NOT ONE TIME!! part 1: the false apostle-Paul
(All information from Bible, Google, Wikipedia, and various, articles.)

Jesus says BOAST:

Matt. 5.16

John 3.21
(He says, ''you are the light of the world''...
Jesus wants us to Take "that light, " {you} and shine it in such a way that attract people's attention so they can GLORIFY God.

That is Jesus' own words.
Matt. 5.13-16
13. "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men."
14. "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
15. "Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good WORKS, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
Jesus says we shouldn't hide the light, but put it where all can see it.

Jesus Says,
"WORKS" are the only
thing you are "judged"
and"rewarded" by.

Matt. 16.24-27
24. "Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.
25. "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
26. "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
27. "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his WORKS.'"
John 3.21
"But whoever lives
by the truth comes
into the light, so that
it may be seen plainly
that what they have
done has been done
in the sight of God."

John 8.39
“They answered and said unto him, 'Abraham is our father.' Jesus saith unto them, 'If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the WORKS of Abraham.'"

John 14.12 study(chps) 14-15
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the WORKS that I do shall he do also; and greater WORKS than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
Jesus says even now tha he's gone we will do even greater works then we've been doing.

Heb. 6.10
"For God is not
unrighteous to forget
LABOUR of love,
WHICH YE HAVE SHOWED toward his name,
(this sums it up
entirely and perfectly...
We must DO WORKS...
And those WORKS are "Teaching" and "Keeping"
The 10 commandments {ministering to the saints})

Rev. 14.12-13
12. "Here is the patience of the saints: here are THEY THAT KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and the faith of Jesus.
13. "And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may REST from their LABOURS;

Rev. 20.12-13
12. "And I saw the
dead, small and great,
stand before God;
and the books were
opened: and another
book was opened,
which is the book of
13 "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: AND THEY WERE JUDGED L, EVERY MAN
(No mention of

Rev. 22.12-14
12. "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward
is with me, to give
every man according
as his WORK shall be.
13. "I am Alpha and
Omega, the beginning
and the end, the first
and the last.
14. "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."
(No mention of


Paul says, The opposite
of Jesus' words.
As a FACT.
Paul, also says opposite
of his own words.

The very word Paul
used to explain how
we should NOT boast,
in Ephesians.
The word he used
For "BOAST" Means
"to (make) boast joy glory rejoice."

'Strong's Concordances'
Definition of "Boast"
"Greek: καυχάομαι
Pronunciation: kow-khah'-om-ahee
Definition: From some (obsolete) base akin to
that of αὐχέω aucheō
(to boast) and G2172;
to vaunt (in a good or
a bad sense): - (make)
boast glory Joy rejoice."

Look at the last line...
"Make Boast, Glory, Joy Rejoice."

Matt. 5.16
Jesus said,
"let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good WORKS and GLORIFY" your father in heaven."
("Glorify, " {glory} is a word used for "Boast" in Strong's. Concordance. And he's literally telling us to let the light shine so our "WORKS" will be seen by people and know God is involved in those works. And rejoice... )

In John 3.20-21
Jesus says, "for everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light. That his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been
done in God"
(that's boasting. Jesus said, to say out loud, what works we do. So that everyone can see the works and know it was God responsible for those good works. If Jesus says to Boast andpails says no Boasting,
Isn't Paul one of these Jesus refers to in John 3.19 ""for everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed."? After all, what deeds has Paul done, that would be bad for him to bring to light?)

And as we see in
1 Peter 3.15...
We better be able to prove faith and hope and works. And be ready for whatever occasion, at anytime, ANYONE asks on demand, why we have faith and hope. Why we "believe."

1 Peter 3.15
"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”

And again as explained
In Wycliffe's Bible
1 Peter 3.15
"But hallow ye the Lord Christ in your hearts, and (for)evermore be ye ready to [do] satisfaction to each man asking you (for the) reason of that faith and hope that is in you, but with mildness, and dread, (But consecrate the Lord Messiah in your hearts, and always be ye ready to give satisfaction to each man asking you for the reason for the faith and hope that is in you, but with humility, and fearful reverence, )"
-Wycliffe's Bible

Check Strong's
Look at all the times
Jesus says the words
1. Grace
2. Faith
3. Works
4. Boast

"Faith." Jesus never
says the word "faith"
in the context of "the
end of ages, " or
"salvation." Just a
Leper here, a dying
person there.
Either Paul is stupid,
(which I don't think so,
he was highly educated)
or, he's deliberately
trying to trick us.

The definition and meaning of the word/name PAUL

Paul: meaning and etymology
-"Small, " "Cessation,
"To stop, " "Stopper."
"A Small (lie) Whisper(ed) That Propagates Into A Roaring Multitude"
From: the Greek verb
παυω (pauo),
"to stop, "
and Latin adjective
"little" or "small."
(1) the verb פעה (pa'a),
to propagate a call for
support, and
(2) the letter ל (lamed), onto.
From the verb פלא (pala'),
to be Extraordinary.

From Late Middle English: from Latin extraordinarius, from extra ordinem
‘outside the normal
course of events’.

(Or, here, in his case,
To, "Stop" or, "Cessate"
(cease) The gospel
A derivative of Apollyon?
From the verb απολλυμι (mapollumi), to destroy: from απο (apo), from, and ολλυμι (ollumi), to terminate.

(A list of what
Jesus says, gets you
1. Sanctified, and
2. have the Mark/Seal of God.
3. To Abide in The Father.
4. To be Judged and rewarded, and thus qualifies you to be in his kingdom.

We are to do works of God to qualify for the kingdom... (keeping and Teaching
The Ten Commandments)
The books will be opened. Then, every deed, and every action will be accounted for. Our good works better out way our bad works.
Ans what if you didn't accrue
work? Because you ignored Jesus, when he said works, you followed Paul when he said Grace... A word Jesus NEVER SAID ONE TIME.

"Boasting" of
ones works,
"to bare witness"
to Everyone,
the magnificent
Glory of YHVH.

Thats all that gets
you saved.
No other methods,
that jesus mentions.
No mention of -Faith-
No mention if -Grace-

'PAU'L'S list:
(not Jesus')

1. "Grace"
that Jesus NEVER said one time. Yet Paul's whole premise is built on
A False gospel of,
'saved by grace,
through Faith.'
Jesus never mentions
the word Grace, or
faith, in the context
of the end of days,

Jesus says, 'spread
the word, of our good works.
And let our works be shown, and pointed out specifically,
so people will know its Gods works.

"WORKS" is wrong...
Works are of no value...

Paul is obviously
Teaching something
Jesus does not.
A False gospel.

If there is nothing that
we can do, that could
save us, and only the
"grace" of God can
save us, Then Jesus
is of no use to us.
And Jesus died in
vain. That's the purpose
of this, false gospel, paul preaches.
False apostle.
Paul is an AntiChrist.

And don't bring up
Peter either...
Matt. 10.33


im sorry who is the person that would "know best" where Paul died, and why are you giving so much weight to this commentary in the beg of the video
