7 Times Paul Contradicted Jesus

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Was Paul a messenger sent from Christ or one of the false prophets Jesus warned against? In this video, I discuss some contradictions between the words of Jesus and the writings of Paul to see if they compliment or contradict one another.

*Please keep in mind that all everything I say here is my subjective opinion, and is intended to deconstruct fundamentalist/evangelical/conservative Christian ideologies from an ex christian perspective*

Outro Music | "Pixels" by Jeff Kaale

tags | Ex christian, deconstructing christianity, exvangelical, former fundie, leaving christianity, gospels, jesus, bible, god, christian, evangelism, apologist, atheist vs christian, agnostic, recovering from religion
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Every time that I have been in a deep discussion with a Christian, I noted that when they liked what God said, they quote him. When they do not like what God said, they quote Jesus. When they do not like what Jesus said, they quote Paul. When I point this out, the discussion is often over.


I tried to point out to a pastor how Paul was teaching opposite to Jesus and the response I got says it all…. This pastor didn’t address any of the points I made but got angry and said, quote, “How can you speak against him, he died for us”. I replied, “I’m speaking about Paul not Jesus”. He replied, “I know and you’re speaking against him”.
So that in itself says everything to me. Paul has taken the place of Jesus for this pastor and he’s not alone.
Please do more videos on Paul, the church needs to wake up. Thank you for your good works.


It’s sad that if the church just mainly focused on Christ, many of the current problems plaguing the church would be fixed instantly.


Paul preached independent of the Church in Jerusalem. When representatives from Peter and James encountered these groups controversy arose. The Jerusalem group created no documents, so when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem only Paul’s groups and writings survived. Thus modern Christians are mostly followers of Paul


What has always bothered me is that Jesus gave the keys to Peter - the Rock. And yet, we have very few of Peter's words in the modern Bible, but a ton of Paul's 'teachings' who didn't even know Jesus. IMHO, Christianity should be called Paulism because most Christians do not even follow Jesus' teachings. I would love a deep-dive into Paul!


The Bible makes a lot more sense when you look at it as just a collection of religious writings, instead of trying to harmonize it as a collection of writings from the same perfect mind.


FYI: I just found your channel yesterday. And I am all over it. I have not commented so much in such a short time, since I came across your channel. It resonates with me so well. So, I have been stalking your videos and shorts like crazy. Thanks for them and sharing. It is so important for women in particular to question religion and all its forms.


I too find Paul's writing apauling.


I do find it sketchy that the person who was "loudest" in spreading the message about Jesus was the apostle (?) who never actually met him.


About women, also Jesus considered one of the Mary’s his disciple — Martha scolded her for not helping her in the kitchen and Jesus said she had chosen the better part by sitting at his feet learning (disciple).


Thank you for sharing this as it's an eye opener.


I love how whenever Paul discusses Jesus’ teachings, he ONLY quotes hallucinations that he attributes to being Jesus. He never quotes Jesus directly, nor anyone who knew him.


I see a female counselor. I prefer it. I was telling a guy I work with. He said "make sure you see a man, because it's not biblical for a man to be instructed by a woman." I looked at him like he was crazy . He was straight up serious. The view towards women in Christianity has always been an issue for me. Among several other things. I love your videos. Thank you!


However, Kristi < i still like most of what you say. Paul had problems and would disagree with the main authority of the established church leaders, James and Peter. I also believe the bible shows Paul saying things about the Apostles that didn't ever happen or were a lie. How do we know? because in Acts and writings of Peter and others, their story CONTRADICTS Paul's story of what happened when he met and argued with Peter and James.


Paul called himself a faithful teacher… the word in Greek is actually Apostle. And no doubts that Paul was spoken reliable by one of the Apostles: Peter. Paul was truely anointed by Jesus, a Apostle to spread Jesus teachings to the Gentiles. If he faked it, he wouldn’t get whipped, stoned and imprisoned for that.


The irony is that Paul said the law was abolished and following it was bondage but then he added a bunch of laws. Exactly like the Pharisees.


Jesus and Paul were in perfect unity. The reason why their teachings are different is because Jesus taught to Jews, Paul taught Gentiles. Jesus spoke to crows, Paul wrote to churches. Jesus addressed human issues, Paul addressed church conflict. Please read 2 Peter 3:15-16


I am a Christian and while I believe that Paul was a man after Gods own heart, I believe he was just that, A man. He was not divine and he was not a prophet. Therefore, he was not Gods mouth piece.
There are many Paul worshipers out there that make me want to hate Paul because he does contradict but I am brought back to Paul was just a man.
Yet the Paul worshipers will claim that Paul was commissioned to write the New Testament. Show me the verse!!! Paul was commissioned to take the gospel to the Gentiles.
Paul worshipers claim that Paul was Gods mouth piece. No he was NOT. Paul was not a prophet and only prophets are Gods mouthpiece.
Paul worshipers always state “Paul said this and Paul said that and if you don’t do what Paul said then you’re in rebellion to God”.
That IS them calling Paul God. Yet Paul worshipers will deny that they worship Paul but that’s exactly what they are doing.
Paul worshipers teach what Paul taught and like to beat people upside the head with it like it is a salvation issue and you will not find one single verse that states “women who teach will not inherit the kingdom of God”. It is no where found within the thou shalt nots.
The big issue that the “Paul is an apostate” has voiced is that while we have Paul’s writings, we do not have the churches writings. We don’t know what their issue is. You know why courts let both parties speak? It’s because that is how you get the whole story.
Paul’s writings puts a huge split in the church because with the way the Calvinist interpret his writings, they do contradict.
So either Paul was just a man or God is a God of Chaos. As a Christian, I’d rather believe the former.
As for women, Mary Magdalene was not the only woman.
There was a prophetess who prophesied over Christ as an infant.
The woman at the well went and preach “Messiah has Come”. In another book of the gospels, other women were with Mary Magdalene and they all went away and preached “Messiah has risen”.
I’ve asked the Calvinists to make this flow evenly with their interpretation of Paul’s writings. I get gas lighted and told that I am just in rebellion to God.
John McAuther and Voddie Baucham are the worst about teaching this nonsense.
I debated a Calvinist who told me that it was Gods will for men to keep their women in line through domestic violence because a man is a woman’s thought adjuster, disciplinarian, and she is to obey him.


Very talented commentary. Well illuminated. Bless you.


Paul told people not to get married, not because he was against marriage but because he was expecting the end times any day. He thought his followers should focus on that and not be distracted by earthly things.
