8 Signs It May Be Time To FIRE Your Boss!

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8 Signs It May Be Time To FIRE Your Boss! Are you working for a toxic boss? Are they holding you back for promotion? Or treating you with disrespect? If so, this video will show you signs that you may want to fire your boss - aka - quit your job.

0:00 - the toxic boss
0:52 - they are unpredictable
1:46 - too hands-off (my story)
4:08 - they are holding you back
5:00 - they don't value you
5:51 - work-life balance
6:34 - public feedback
7:23 - they don't have your back
8:07 - honesty



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In my opinion, the worst trait a boss can have is being condescending.


Personally I don’t fire my boss, I put them on a PIP. I write down my unmet needs and problems, and I set a date 90 days away. They can improve the situation, or I quit. I don’t tell them about this, obviously.


I quit two jobs with two toxic bosses. Narcissistic bosses are the worst and can tear apart your self esteem and confidence. Gaslighting and projection and blame are just some of the toxic behaviors.


If a coworker tells you to watch your back with management and one day he/she just vanish...RUN.


This one really resonated with me, as I had to quit a job with TWO toxic bosses last month. One was short tempered and unpredictable, always at odds with second boss...and both channeled hostilities at me. Detailed scope of my duties defined, then dropped new unrelated projects on my lap that were suddenly more urgent regularly. Approving work from home three days a week then venting about me "never being in the office" when both of them lived 2-6 hours away from said office and came in sporadically. When they served me with a PIP my stress level maxed out and I quit a few days later--along with the second boss the same week.

Stressed out over burning through my emergency fund at the moment, but feeling WAY better than I did in that company.


I landed my first professional job back in 1998 at a chemical company. No joke, in my first week, my coworkers were literally telling me “Yeah if I were you, I would just keep looking…”

Toxic environment was a nice way to put it .


I just realized my current boss is doing almost all of these. The one that I really appreciate you sharing is the "hands-off" because I was not sure why this bugs me all the time as my boss is never aware who is doing what, but she always demands us to finish the tasks she needs right away without seeing how busy we are at the moment. And most of the time the tasks she wants us to do can wait.


I am a cop (for over 25 years) and I have had many bosses who ticked these points! The problem in a job like mine is that you can't just leave and go elsewhere (because then you wouldn't collect your very significant pension after age 50 etc) and if you point out the problems, you can very often be kissing any advancement or progression/development goodbye.
I'll be hopefully retiring before Christmas and I can't wait.


I was at my last position for 14 years. After coming across your videos over a year ago. I’ve made the changes in my career and treat myself as a free agent. It’s such a breath of fresh air!


Every thing you said happened to me at my last job. I was doing the work of 3 people, my supervisor talked about me to my coworkers, even upper management. I quit my job on the spot when he lied about approving my vacation time. I was there for 21 years so I knew it was time to go. Now I have a better job that offers a work life balance, I work from home, and the benefits are exceptional. When a company starts to disrespect you it is time to go.


Your videos help me rethink my career and mindset. I had to fire my old manager/job due to unrealistic expectations and terrible work life balance.


I had a boss that screamed at me, threatened me, etc. He later fired me. I heard that he was terminal in the hospital about a year later. I visited him, and told him "i am glad you are going to die" in front of his wife. #karma.


My boss is ok but the main thing with her is that she will straight up lie to us. Even when she knows we know she's lying.


Yep. After the 3rd or 4th boss like this, I just decided to fire bosses in general and work for myself lol


I have a supervisor who regularly gives me negative public feedback in front of my peers. Not only that but she likes to create her own narrative that I never go to her for help (which is NOT true) whenever I do make a small mistake. I've been going to her for help the whole week and regularly ask my colleagues for help because she told me to as well. It seems like if she didn't see me do something, she likes to assume I didn’t do it. Not to mention, I do ask her for help but she hasn't been very approachable to me and most of the time she has an attitude when I do ask for help. She's told me in the past that there is no such thing as "stupid questions" but then treats a question I have like it's a stupid one when I am. genuinely trying to learn and not make more mistakes. I am tired of her toxicity and how her feedback causes my usually friendly co-workers to change their behavior around me. I think it's time to quit.


the boss I had is hands-off in real work, but micro-managing on petty matters like status on chat, late for meeting for 1 minute, etc.
She asked everyone in the team to attend night meeting, while she herself go offline and take our summary from that meeting.
Not just that, of the 10 things that I did right, she magnify the mistakes during meeting in her passive aggressive manner. I just wish there's karma for a piece of trash like that.

Ironically... I'm having a hard time explaining myself why I am leaving the organization. I love the organization, but not the boss. Unfortunately, the big taboo in job interview is, we shouldn't be complaining about our boss. Not even briefly mention about the toxic boss I can't work with.


It’s like the employer/employee relationship is not healthy, and should be done away with.


I think what I've seen happen is many "bosses" take the promotion to their leadership role because they want to enjoy the benefits and priveleges, like being paid more and being seen as an authority figure. But when it comes to the hardest part, which is ultimately their core role of being responsible for the outcomes of the business as it relates to individuals' performances and how their outcome affects the business as a whole, they star to fall apart. When they get moody, it's the stress. When they remain "hands off", it's because they don't want to be too involved in your development or decision making so that they can't take the blame for your results. Because ultimately, in many institutions, it's their head that gets rolled if things aren't working the way they're supposed to.

I was a retail manager for a little over a year, and for the last six months I struggled to meet expectations from my own superiors which seemed to remain unclear. Ultimately what I was told is that it was "them or us", meaning either I started writing up/firing the people on my team or it was me that lost my job. I ultimately stepped down, because it seemed like the company I was in wasn't really setting anyone up to succeed, and it simply didn't feel fair to my team to hold them "accountable" for things out of their control, like unmanageable workloads, unrealistic expectations and being blamed when short-staffing and payroll issues meant everyone was expected to do the work of multiple people.


Dealing with toxic people in any situation is never easy, but they can prove to be a great personal development tool if you allow yourself to learn and grow from your experiences with them.


My boss sadly fits many of these. He's unpredictable, way too hands-off, doesn't value the work I do, never has anything positive to say, doesn't understand the job I do but yet still seems to think its easy and doesn't provide any feedback, apart from criticizing once in a while, which I don't call feedback. I know he won't change and I'm happy to say that I've started looking for a new job. Thanks Bryan, your videos have been quite helpful!
