Why Walking With Turned Out Feet Is So Common! #posture #running #runner #kneepain #footpain

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Can you expand on this topic please?? This would help me a lot. Thanks


In my case, the moment I realised I had "anterior pelvic tilt" and fixed that, not only did my "bended" legs suddenly turn out to be straight, my outward rotated feet suddenly fixed themselves too. It was quite a shock...


It's my hips and knees that make me duck footed. But my turnout in ballet was incredible. I can turn my feet backwards past 180 degrees. I have to make a conscious effort to walk with my feet straight.


Heeyy, my knee, my flat foot, my anterior pelvic tilt. I'm gonna get well because of you


Dude, I'm a personal trainer and I've been trying to solve this problem for myself. Thank you.


This is why, I've subscribed your channel


When I finished with cancer in my leg I hadn't walked in a few years and had to walk like that for balance, it took conscious effort to fix it


I see it in a lot of people who wear too tight shoes! Or those growing up having too tight ones.
The feet have deformed into being unable to roll of so they roll of over their arch basically.


Alot of times , ,Big toe bent towards smaller toes causes this walking defect, ,, USALLY CAUSED BY TURNED IN SHOES , DEFORMING BIG TOE AND DAMAGING BIG TOE JOINT, PAIN, , , ,relieved DUCK WALKING EASES THIS PAIN


There's a torsion in the femur between hip and knee joint about 11 degrees internal torsion.

In German "Antetorsionswinkel". Sorry, I don't know the English word.

And the "Tibiatorsionswinkel" with a torsion of the tibia about 23 degrees outward.

This means that the foot anatomically is in a light external rotation and this is exactly the foot is made for.

The big toe is the strongest of the toes and it is the last point that leaves the floor with a strong impulse.

The axis between pronation and supination is through the second toe.

Some people aren't able to rotate outward, cause anatomically their bone torsion is different.

Leave the people walking with slightly external rotate feet!

And just check their pronation and supination.
Perhaps their hip rotation and possibility of their knee joint internal rotation against knee pain.


This is my topic of expertise, and i believe there are significant errors in this view. The overwhelming number of biomechanical studies show that while we do need to supinate from a pronated position to propel ourselves, it is from limited ankle dorsiflexion (the ability of the leg to go far enough ahead of the foot) that we compensate by overpronating. The reason overpronators turn their feet outwards in not to help with pronation, but because pronation lets the tibia fall inwards at an angle, and when moving forward, we need that angle to match the forward direction. Therefore, the body turns the feet out. However, strengthening the ability to supinate from pronation may be helpful to keep the tendon healthy and limit/treat tendinosis.

If you have evidence to show that the studies are now changing our understanding from that model, then please share.


I thought it was also if hip flexors are not strong. Like when you lay down and if your foot or both feet sort of just externally rotate, that means your hips are not strong enough to keep your feet straight. I always thought that that is connected with how you walk, too.


Is there a longer video about this problem? Maybe explaining causes and how to avoid them and also offering more information about the exercise?


I am going to try this tonight during my workout. Thank u


Unless your tibia is literally rotated by itself, as in the ends of the bone are misaligned, either congenitally or from a fracture, in which case that is not going to help because keeping your foot "straight" is going to limit your movement the same way as if you were to turn your toes inward if your bones were factory standard XD

I have this, my right tibia is torsioned outward by about 30 degrees. Even assuming muscles could "deform" it to make it twist back the other way, that would take fucking forever and this would not do it.

To check, see if your foot still points out when your knee points forward. If your stance is only due to adjustments to bad posture/limited flexibility, your knees will be in line with your feet. Mine aren't.


Can also be caused by piriformis and psoas tightness and shortening. There’s always two ends to every problem.


I walk with my right foot at like a 45° angle 😭 I’m so self conscious about it and constantly catch myself and will purposely turn my foot in when I know people are watching me walk away. Thank you for this, i didn’t know it could be fixed without a brace


I used to walk with my feet at an angle when I was young. I really didn't like how it looked, so I practiced turning my feet straight until it became my new normal.


Mate you need to look up the definition and role of ankle dorsiflexion before claiming tibial torsion. Ankle eversion or hip external rotation is a stratergy for getting around a lack of dorsiflexion.


40 years ago I’d heard of research that claimed people who had toe in gait actually ran faster than other foot presentations. Can you speak to this? Thanks 😊
