How To Correct Your DUCK FEET For Good | No BS Guide

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When it comes to addressing duck feet its important to not get hyper focused on the feet themselves. Although the feet tend to be more flat or in an over pronated position we'll need to zoom out to see how the bigger joints have an effect on what's happening down stream.

In order to fix duck feet we'll need to look at the orientation of the hips and how that has a trickle down effect through the femur, tibia, and eventually into the feet themselves.

In this video you'll learn some of the primary causes to duck feet as well three different recommendations to get you moving in the right direction.

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The only thing I did was fix my feet placement while walking and standing. I rotated my legs inward and made my feet straight. Then I went on a long walk for a couple days, making sure to also walk up hills, conciously reminding myself to keep my feet straight.

After two days of this, I experienced muscle soreness in areas of my legs, inner hips, glutes and feet that had never usually gotten sore. I chalk that up to underused muscles, finally getting a workload after changing my feet position.

Now, it hasn't even been a week and my body is already positioning my feet straight without much mental effort. It's feeling more and more natural. The arch of my foot is not touching the ground anymore. I have new pressue on my feet. It's so weird.

I noticed that my posture has improved (I stand up straighter, my neck and back doesn't lean forward as much) and my arch doesn't get super sore like it used to. Certain areas of my leg feel like they are getting stronger too.

Also, STRONG glute activation. Like, after straightening my feet, I can feel the glutes contract after every step. It's like my body is saying "It's about damn time!"

This reminds me of when I trained myself to stop breathing from my chest and start breathing from my belly (the diaphragm.) It was hard at first and I had to keep reminding myself how to breath but one day my body just...clicked. I started breathing from my diaphragm automatically without thinking about it.

The mind-body connection is so real! It's astounding.


I got surgery to fix this. Sometimes, it's beyond excercises, especially for people with rigid feet. I had this problem since I was 11. Well I noticed at 10. It only got worse. I had three surgeries in 1. I had achilles lengthening, my foot moved inward and stretched down. It was the best decision 2 years later. I have to get this other one done now. My foot is an inch smaller and is completely straight.


Great vid, fixed my duck feet with bare feet toes straight forward forced 90 degree (knee angle, so above parallel) squats. Took about a year, never really had any pain or issues due to my feet, but after straightening my feet forwards, my sprint speed has increased ridiculously.


Wow!!!! You just provided me an important piece of my puzzle, Thankyou
I have only the problem with my left side, it shows up in knee pain, and yes, lower lumbar on the right side.
I’ve spent 40+ years as a hairdresser and fine artist working at my easel and geez, I am paying the price!
Again, thank you so much!!!!


sadly i have tried many exercise to fix it but couldn't😢😢😢😢😢 today i am going to try your exercise .i hope it will work for me i am frustrated with it


thank you so much for this video, it gave me the intuition to understand what was happening with my duck feet. for anyone trying to fix duck feet, what worked for me was to follow the excersizes in this video so your body gets an idea of what the correct placement should be like. Once you have some intuition, do some hip and hamstring stretches. I found that my duck feet as explained by the video, was a result of hip tightness which led to my "neutrality position" to be at the point where my hips were pronated. hope this helps, and thanks so much for the vid


You have put together all the puzzle pieces i had.great exercises, awesome explanation. Movements weren't outlandish. Yay!


I was just doing this today but scared that I was going to make issues worse. So glad I saw this! Thank you for posting!


Tried and immediately worked! Thanks a lot it saved me doctor visit.


I have duck feet on another level and it makes so many things uncomfortable for me (seriously, my “natural” foot position, or what feels natural is literally my two feet pointing away from each other, basically 180 degrees). Makes so many things hard for me. I hope this helps at least a little


I just found this searching for stuff for my wife who I've always noticed has "duck feet" but she's always said that she's just "always been like that". In searching, I find this which is showing how it's related to excessive anterior pelvic tilt and I realize my wife also has that as we found trying to do a workout the other day where she couldn't get her lower back to touch the floor.


Ye i have outward rotated feet, the legs are aligne though and i in fact have a very high arch and if anything overly strong leg muscles. Also all my weight goes into the outside of feet, most of the weight on my forefeet.


how can this not have millions of veiws and likes people just love bs videos


Thanks for this video! You summed up my exact issues. Internally rotated femur, externally rotated tibia and duck feet. I hope your exercises will help!


First, great quality content! I have a chronic knee pain during my weightlifting sessions for years, went to few doctors without any help, don't lift heavy weights was their best advice. So I started watching my movements and inspecting where the problem could be and I noticed my hip-knee-ankle path during a squat seems weirdly off, like the line isn't very straight. I have duck feet especially noticable when running or when lifting my knee up the whole shin naturaly want to point out, so I figured thats where the problem might be.


This video proves that every single random thing I’ve done for my posture has a tutorial for it on YouTube somewhere.

Nothing I do is unique

On the plus side, at least now I know what it’s helping with lol


bro nice work feels like you are doing this work with full dedication


JUST 4K SUBS!? Dude u deserve a million man!


Man I had this duck feet condition for about 2-3 years without even knowing what it was. It has been really embarrassing for me.Whenever I was standing or walking, my feets were turned outward and this caused some sort of humiliation to me. My walking posture looks awful and has got worse.
Thanks to you, I am now aware of the issue and I will try my best to do the exercises regularly and fix this duck feet.Thanks for the information man...🙏🙏


What do you think about the idea of binding the feet together while laying down resting? To prevent the feet from wanting to relax in duck feet position. Ive been trying this for a while now.
