We NEED to talk about SNOWRUNNER !!!

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Hey guys, this is a rant video about SnowRunner and the current state of the game . I received a lot of comments from you guys who feel some type of way about the game and the direction ita heading in . In this video, I voice all of my frustrations about the game #snowrunner #rant

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Gotta say I agree, it feels like the devs are getting lazy and sort of treating the dlc's more and more as an easier money grab


I 100% agree with you on all mentioned points. I want the Devs to focus on things the community and modders cannot create:
We don't need new maps, missions, trucks. We need new features and game mechanics to be added. In the past I have made a comprehensive list on various aspects of the game, which could be improved upon. Fans have been crying out long enough asking for certain game mechanics and these requests seem to be totally ignored. Example? Manual transmission.

All of this adds up to a feeling in my gut that Saber Interactive isn't paying enough respect to its fan base. Especially when selling old features and miniscule content as new seasons. My only hope is, that they are working on a new iteration of the game. But as things stand I will pass on a year 4 pass.

I especially ask for more openness and communication towards/with the community and less secrecy on what they are working on, as I feel that this secrecy rather hurts the game as a franchise. I don't think I am alone with high hopes for a new season with being disappointed than having me thrilled.


I like that the new maps are more drivable for normal Trucks and not only the 70" wheel Trucks. The only bug i had was that the rail section wouldnt spawn on the season with the restoring of the Truckfactory.


Truth needs to be told even though it’s bad. And yeah ur right imo


I remember making how to videos for season 8 and literally in the same season they have 2 bridges called log bridge and in the same season they have 2 bridges called broken bridge. Like they can’t even bother to rename them literally thing else broken bridge 1 and 2. At least they have some way to know which one you’re talking about. This is just one of many examples and that’s just the names you went into good detail on many issues. The worst offense in my opinion is season 8 living space contract it was on the focus home forums 2 weeks before season 8 came out. And it took them 6 months it was mid April before it was finally fixed yes like end of season 9 times. All they had to do was put 2 cargo containers on the map ANYWHERE. Instead you had to steal them from contests or a task to complete the contract. That’s the worst part it was for a contract so to complete the main portion of the region you had to complete that.


A lot of great points, I think the most frustrating thing though is when they release unfinished content like the mack, that truck was almost useless for a long time, I would rather wait longer knowing that the content will have more effort put into it rather than having a fast release date with 10 different bugs found in one day


Well, if they would use the newly introduced mechanics on older maps, I would love it for sure. Maybe most hated farming, but I think some would agree it would be fun completing faming quests, building water towers in Michigan, etc


I don’t wanna begin on the laziness of the game mechanics where we can’t take a chainsaw and cut trees down that’s effing unacceptable


I would also like to see the devs giving us the tools to remove possible obstacles rather than driving over/through them countless times. Rubble? Bulldozer! Deep snow? Snow plow! Fallen trees? Chainsaw/Tree cutting truck! Swamp/river? Bridge construction! Broken road? Road paving machine! Let us FIX the stuff instead of having the feeling of annoying obstacles! I want to see my efforts being reflected in shaping the environment! That's a satisfying game mechanic!


I definitely agree with, i actually went back to mud runner and i had forgotten how much missed the old physics.


You know what id like? The physics fixed.


Great video and well explained issues!

I definitely agree with you. If SnowRunner is supposively here to stay, they need to expand on the game's scope. For three years we've seen the same biomes rinse and repeat. Yes, they would have to create more assets in order to create new biomes like deserts and jungles. Stuff that made perfect sense for sequels. But "if" they arn't going to make a proper "trucking" sequel with those features anytime soon, then they need to re-think the SnowRunner IP. I'm fine if it stays, just give us "new" content.

I haven't gotten to Belozersk Glades yet. I'm actually looking forward to the repeatitive farming tbh. I personally like the idea of the farming expansion, however bcs it is so controversial, they should have done less essential runs and made more of it optional that doesn't contribute to the region's %. Or add an auto farm thingy.

I like the farming aspect bcs they are trying to expand on the various industries in which trucks are needed and making that work in their game. Construction is a big one that i hope they get to sooner than later. There's so much potential there. Cement mixers, dump bodies, so many options for heavy trailers, like transporting excavators and dozers, prime load parts. It could honestly be its own game at that point. The scope for that one industry is crazy. I also want more interaction with the game. Like in MudRunner we had skidsteers to lift logs and SnowRunner sort of has that too. But imagine transporting the escavator, digging the hole with it, transporting pipes there, lowering those pipes with a crane till they snap into place after alligned then refill the hole. Similar processes could be made with making a paved highway or plowing snow, gravelling a muddy path. With the plowing and gravelling we would have to repeat those processes overtime as the roads get used or the snow falls again. And those features could be an optional approach to the player to make hauls easier. There's mining with bore tunnelling machines and lugging the contents out with dump trucks.

The level depth and interaction that could exist in the SnowRunner franchise is really endless. But if they keep content making within the box, that's all its going to be.

The core gameplay should always be offroad trucking, i just want more sustenence in there with it. Flesh it out more. And for people that just want the trucking experience and that's all, add an auto duty system like the auto load feature. Maybe make it so players get a little more money and XP for doing the extra things so there's insentive.


It felt like something happened between Season 6 and 7. Season 7 took a long time to release and ever since the new regions have been much more same without as much of the unique missions, terrain or atmosphere in previous seasons. Just compare how the mountains and maps all look the same seasons 7 - 11 and then compare the mountains and maps between say Season 1 and season 6, the best two maps IMO.


If it weren't for the incredible work modders do, I feel like Snowrunner wouldn't have held my interest for nearly as long as it has.
Iceberg, Yansors, Rng3r, zxp990, Poghrim, Oleson, Johnjohnhotrod, kot76rsk, Glitchworks, TheWanderingMerc and so many others genuinely put Saber to shame with the quality of work that they consistently put out there, FOR FREE, for the playbase to enjoy.
Saber owe so much of the success of this game to these people and do not give them the credit they rightly deserve, and should be learning from the modding community if not outright hiring them because they are the real source of innovation for this game.


Welcome to modern games, movies, TV shows, etc


I would like to see a bigger selection of tires especially chained and mud tires for the scout vehicles instead of tractor designed tires!! Also remove the road construction signs after completing a mission, especially the mission in Alaska where you have to do pipeline repairs.


You are 100% right....this game is copy and paste content go to work every morning I see different types of trucks every other day and I be wondering why this truck not in game hmmm why I never seen this trailer in the game, Monday morning I seen a cement truck I was like this would be nice for the game have us take cement truck somewhere and pour cement down as a mission or task....or give us a tree cutter truck where we can cut down a tree that is blocking us moving...and most important thing is bring life to the game it would be nice to see npc moving around doing stuff in town or working at these construction


Yep, I gotta 100% support you on this. I feel very much the same about this game, big time.


Hey friend. Just got the game. About to start my adventure. Thank you for the heads up. You see this lack of polishing with a lot of games late in their life cycle. I'm not surprised. It's a shame I know. I won't let it tarnish the adventure for me though. I went through the same feelings over time with Grand Turismo and Total War. So I know where you are coming from. Thank You again for an honest review :)


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