SMITE's Most HATED Gods...

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Today we go over the results of 500+ answers to the question: Which SMITE God is the MOST HATED?

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No one hates Fafnir, we just want a skin for him.


As a solo and support main, i hate athenas instant global pressure. A good athena outrotates all other supports, and can change any fight at a whim. Furthermore she has recieved a lot of skins over the last years where her ult is harder to notice and see as an athena ult while you are in the action.


No one hates faf more then smite itself


This one is more personal, but I also hate Cabrakan. When he's meta, he's impossible to kill before he kills you, and when he's not, he's pretty irrelevant altogether.


with Athena, I think it personally comes down to a factor of map mobility in her core design. Every Guardian is expected to roam at some point, I'd say it *usually* happens around the 10-15 minute mark in my games, but it can be earlier or later. Where this is impactful with Athena is that the EXACT MOMENT she hits level 5 she can ult to another lane for a gank, and if she's coordinating effectively with the enemy team's jungler, that turns a potential 2v2 (if your jungler counterganks) into a 3v2. (even nastier, a 3v1 if your jungler doesn't countergank.) She can rotate FAR faster for ganks than any other support, and this would be fine if she didn't have much utility IN those ganks, but unfortunately, Athena Taunt is one of the single most "this ability needs to be beadsed right now or you might be dead" abilities in the game. if this is, again, combined with the coordinated CC of an assassin (most have some kind of cc to help gank) and whatever cc your laner has, and you can potentially leave your opponent out of position for an extremely long time if they don't beads, forcing "beads or die" situations much earlier than other supports reasonably can. while i don't personally find it to be the most frustrating (a large majority of her utility in this regard fades once the other guardian starts rotating and especially once the laning phase ends, where she mostly becomes "dash in, taunt, pray to god your team kills the taunted enemy" and very little else, i can't help but understand and even empathize with people who hate being 3 man ganked at level 6


I also rated Vulcan relatively high. I really do not like his play-style and personally find his kit boring. He has only a small CC on his Meatball and the entire kit is Damage focussed. While the turret is a bit annoying, because it's a bit braindead to use, I am really annoyed of Vulcan players using their Ults. More often than not my Teammates were trying to shoot for the Stars and missed their Ult. I've played Smite for about 8 Years, and It feels like I could count the well placed Vulcan Ults I saw with one Hand.


I hate hunters as a class not as a certain character


Guardians tend to be either underpowered or balanced with demands for nerfs. so not to suprised they are the least hated one as aside from the breif tank meta many years ago. They get very little in terms of proper balance chnages. Compared to hunters who get everything and then some with little thought. Rather shocked they are not hugher atm. Then again Mages kinda did recently take over almost every role.


Generally speaking, devs in almost any game cannot understand the concept of "annoying"


How is Samedi so low? His ramp to root is uniquely frustrating in its mechanics and even often buggy interactions with characters who are immune to roots and slows getting slowed and rooted. I’ve even had beads not properly cleanse it multiple times. It’s also nearly impossible to shake off his stacks if he hits you even once. Not to mention how annoying his ult can feel when the samedi player stalls the final pull.


*laughs in 61% wr on Aphro over 830 games*

Having a target painted on your back for picking Aphro is the ultimate double edge sword for the other team because they itemize for the Aphrodite then get rolled by your team. Alternatively, they ignore you because "muh aphro does nothing" then gets 1 rotationed by birds and back off.


I think, of all the low ranked gods, Pele is the one I'm least surprised to see so far down the list. Like, yeah, when I get flattened by a Pele, it feels like that Pele was good at their job, not playing a busted god.


I feel like Loki is super high because people hate Loki players. Reworked Loki is terrible so picking him feels like handicapping the team yet he's insanely popular. It's the Teemo effect from League.


I’m so surprised the hunters weren’t higher. I rated Athena high because she’s like the one guardian who you HAVE to beads her normal ability almost everytime or you just die. And I rated Vulcan high purely because I used to main duel so I will always have a mini grudge because of that


Top 10 hated for me: Thoth, Hachiman, Thor, Achilles, Kuzenbo, Susano, Bastet, Nike, Hercules, Chang’e.

Thoth - free repeated long range poke and big ult is annoying

Hachiman - free long range poke, safety, poon poon god

Thor - always clapping my team but my thors are normally bots that miss everything

Achilles - me roll face on keyboard and 1v5 with execute

Kuzenbo - annoying af

Susano - two escapes and two knock-up type cc’s

Bastet - roll face on keyboard annoying

Nike - annoying kit

Hercules - the hit box of my abilities is questionable 😊 especially ult

Chang’e - me roll face on keyboard, me blink dump kit and think me good 👍🏼

Good video, vulcans the most interesting one to me. People really must be having a hard time with that cannon 😂


I think many players have not changed their impressions of Loki, Ao Guang, and Morrigan this season. Using the proximity ward makes them unable to do anything.


I love how it said "Least Hated Warrior." If it was "Most Hated, " I could imagine a lot of people picking King Arthur on Inter's poll, just for the hell of it lmao


Arachne pisses me off so much, it feels like I can barely do anything before she bum rushes me and disables me and kills me with no way for me to resist.

I think the least hated gods who often have "Rules" you have to respect, their strengths so to speak, which allows you to engage them with knowing what to do when encountering them (Ra, Terra, Medusa, Horus). Some of the more hated gods are hated because it feels like there is no definitive what to do and not to do when fighting them, that doesn't make them Invincible or Overpowered, but it makes them frustrating to play against.


The kind of playstyle that Arachne allows for is beyond infuriating, easily my least favorite character to play against and I refuse to even touch her.

Surtr was also infuriating to play against in solo


Do a custom game with most hated vs least hated
