5 Reasons Why I HATE Smite!

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As I mentioned, these aren't necessarily things I hate, but things that need improvement within the game, if I hated the game I wouldn't be covering it on YouTube would I?

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Check out the 5 Reasons I LOVE Smite video afterwards! =D


1. The released a Zhong kui skin. Like doesn't he have enough!


Great list. If I may add my own one to the pile, I think it would be nice if there were more opportunities to help newer players improve at that game. Maybe similar to a daily’s reward system where higher-ranking players can earn Favor or Gems for going into Co-op game modes with lower-ranking players and giving them pointers. After the match, the newer player can give awards and answer simple questions (like it is in Normal mode, but with different reward system) and both players feel like they’ve gained something. Anyway, great video and keep up the good work. :)


Sad thing is fixing the skin system is really easy, just look at what league of legends does. I'd say around 90 to 95% of skins in league are direct purchasable including all tier 5 skins. Even seasonal skins come back as direct purchasable depending on the time of the year.


1:48 nice censor even tho it fades away and you can see his nickname xd


1. They accidentally put khumba in the guardian class, and they were too lazy to change it!


My number 1 is people who won't surrender when we have a DC or we're 20k gold down with one phoenix left. It's just the worst feeling in Smite to be forced to keep playing when you know your team were bad enough to get into this position and in no way have what it takes to turn it around. There's literally nothing you can do but continue to get farmed. Fun.


can you tone down the sexiness in your voice? my hormones cant


1. Loki
2. The trickster god
3. Thors brother


1. Toxic and/or bad players
2. Small bugs that impact the game
3. Instalockers
5. Chest


I'm actually legit kind of sad you didn't go in depth with loki. I think he is genuinely a bad god for the game. He isn't even necessarily op or broken, his design just sets up a bad and unfun playstyle for a player (or players) when he is locked. His kit puts an legitimate incentive for picks over actual team fighting, and split pushing over helping out with objectives or trying to control jungle. I mean, look at the best lokis in the game, like tsulls. He literslly afk split pushes half the game in ranked and he is a masters (i think even gm) player for fuck sakes, if that doesn't say something about the god. He is also genuinely unfun for a lot of players on his team or against him, as a good loki will just splitpush you to death and consistently pick a carry, forcing your team to get magic shells and group up SUPER hard. It changes the game from "group up and team fight" to "group up and protect the carries from getting one shot" which isn't a very interactive playstyle. At all levels of play, loki just ruins games for everyone, as even having a good loki on your tean can feel frustrating as he opts to not team fight and instead play selfish. Loki as a god was genuinely interesting, but his kit changes the entire way you have to play if he is half decent and can aa cancel. It's poor design imho, and his 1 stealth no being interrupted by damage only makes that worse lol


6. Every smite stream loki mains thinking hes going to get a buff


Better update this video and add the new UI lmfao


#1 - Smite claiming to have released an unreleased god (fenrir)


Loki is the definition of an assassin. Full glass cannon. "He can't team fight." Yes, he can. Just because you're fucking trash and can't do it with him, doesn't mean he can't. It's worse than others, but it's possible, and he works VERY well in them in the right hands.

"all he does is split push." I main Loki and I dislike split pushing. It hurts the team. But anyone can split push, you just see it more on loki because you're blinded by your arrogance and think he's the only one capable anymore.

Don't ever call a Loki good just because they're high elo. You can spend 20 hours split pushing and get high elo with it, yeah. Doesn't make you a good Loki.

Protect the carries. You should be grouped up protecting the carries anyways. If you're not, then you're doing something wrong regardless.

I'm not saying Loki is amazing and underrated. His kit is generally worse than the others. But people look at him way too poorly. He has chances to do everything people are too blind to see. "Loki is annoying and bad at all levels of comp."

Solo carried with Loki, no split pushing, from Gold to Masters last season. Please just open your eyes, he's actually useful. It's just the annoying people who play him.

edit: forgot to mention there's FUCKING COUNTERS TO HIM, ESPECIALLY MANTLE


People in this game are still hating on Loki? A good Loki can carry your ranked games if you aren't in masters. He is not unfair in any way and if I am sitting in midlane and get Loki ulted suddenly and die it is my fucking fault for not respecting that this is how Loki works and placing wards / positioning myself correctly. Can't believe people still hate on him when we have *way* better, stronger and mire cancerous gods in the game. Everyone hates Loki ult oneshots but you aren't gonna talk about Poseidons cripple into ult? Or blink taunt athena? Or Neith ult? Sure its all counterable but Loki is too and if you think about it, he is far from being the most cheap/annoying god in the game. I can think of many characters way more annoying.


Although I do report toxic players and want them to be punished for being little bitches, as a pretty casual player I do find it funny. You know, sometimes I try a god I'm not so used to and I don't build that well or I feed and it's genuinely accidental. But when a child starts messaging me on my Xbox, man it's just entertaining. There's more to life children. Just because the ullr on your team in a casual match died three times you don't need to spam "you rock!" "Cancel that!"


why immediately Loki? What about Hebo?


I really thought you were going to go back to number 2 but nope. Just loki.


Take a break for a long time. After getting mad because of toxic players. Angrily go play apex legends have a good time. Go back to smite like couple hours later.
