I Made The Most OP Support God Out Of Existing Abilities In SMITE...

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Today we create the most broken Support God imagineable using existing abilities in SMITE!

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Feel like Fenrir ult would also be fantastic. Cc immunity, movement speed the kit is missing, extra protections, and then the single target pick up


2:08 Dan passive...
Fafnir passive "Am I a joke to you?"


As a support main, this is my version of support mashup

Passive: Kuzenbo, free mitigations!
First: Scylla, max it for 3 roots
Second: Artio cripple, torture for all
Third: Eset Silence, to make sure they can’t charge
Ultimate: Khepri, for obvious reasons

Tammy, can peel and dive, and can save teammates if possible, sure lack of movement abilities, but I’ll take that for this kit anyday


I think this god would be disgusting to play against, but it really lacks movement imo. It could really use a dash like ability or even something like ne zha's 3.
If I saw a god like that I'll be kiting it all the time using wards to make sure not to get ganked by the portals. Buying movement speed items to stay out of your range and poking you down if possible.

A big main reason athena's taunt is so incredibly good is because she can dash and immediately after taunt. Making zoning her out almost impossible

P.S. I do love the video's


This custom god sounds like the most cancerous enemy you can possibly play against


These little thought experiments are fun. Also a big underrated ability for pretty much any kind of these videos is Sylvanus passive. Free mana sustain + cdr + on a non support the level 17 for the main effect is way less limiting. Imagine Guan 1 + Hel 3 + sylv passive. It procs on heals (we know this because of sylv heal) so with 40% cdr you could realistically group as a team and full heal in less than 10 seconds


Interesting thought experiment, but so far, one of the best Guardian/Support concepts I've ever seen, and one I'd actually like for you to review at some point Inters3ct, is a POTENTIAL concept for a future Guardian in Smite. The Guardian in question is Hestia, Greek Goddess of the Hearth, and there is a concept for her on Reddit which is honestly one of the best "pure" Guardian concepts I've ever seen. The author states that the goal behind this concept was to make Hestia the "ultimate area denial Goddess".


Good choices, but I would have picked Gilgamesh 2, Eset 3, and Terra ult.

Gilgamesh 2 would just be the funniest thing to combo with the portal to banish the enemy to the other side of the map. It also somewhat fixes the lack of wave clear since it does hit decently hard.

Eset 3 I think is arguably a stronger shield than Geb due to being able to affect multiple allies, in addition to providing a silence, slow, and protection shred.

Terra ult is really just the best way to completely make a fight one sided. I don't think saving 1 person is worth more than the huge difference that heal and damage proc can provide.


Oh I LOVED this video last time, excited to see it again!


I know Khepri was already considered in 2 spots, but I honestly would've also considered the passive and the 1 lol


The best support kit (and probably the best kit full stop) would be Yemoja passive, Ymir 1, Bacchus 2, Ganesha 3, and Yemoja ult. Ymir 1 plus a leap is insane, especially with the ability to immediately wall again with Yemoja passive. Ymir 1 also makes every Yemoja ult an inescapable death trap. Ganesha 3 with no cooldown will be an infinite CC chain until you run out of omi. The only issue with this kit is that you can't farm very well, but that won't matter because you can just farm enemy god's instead.

Maybe Geb shield could be added instead of Ganesha 3 because this kit has enough lockdown already.

If you wish to enforce the one ability per god rule then swap out Yemoja ult for Olorun ult - it might be better anyway.


This is super fun. My support is as follows:
Discordia passive
Sobek pluck
Bacchus flop on your plucked target
Khepri root to start the combo
Nemesis ult to help kill the target no matter who they are


I'm kinda surprised light Hel 2 wasn't considered. AoE cleanse for ~2 seconds would be pretty good on a support along with multiple CC abilities and a atrong ultimate


Lmaooo that god would be the end of my Smite 💀
Imagine the Thanatos/ Execute meta to try and counter this guy 😅


9:46 hun bats is specifacly a fear from the totem, so it moves enemies if timed well.
Big cc but also displacement.


Gonna be honest, Sanctified Fields would have been the bigger pick up there.

Sure, Khepri Ult is good to save one life 90% of the time, barring executes or unfortunately timed DoT ticks, but think about the potential here.

On the offensive side, Portaling through a wall, dropping SF and hitting a multiman confound requires people to try not to win off of that engage.

Defensively, you could buy a full 10 seconds of free disengage by properly chaining the full kit without really being hugely concerned.

Practical immortality for an entire engage versus a potential revive on a single player seems way stronger.


So Cthulhu ult wasn't considered for the ult? 30% health boost, multiple knockups that won't use mana, a heal and power buff for allies, long duration cc immunity, prot shred.


Im surprised Merlin 3 wasn’t in consideration. A free blink on a support character with athena taunt would be insane


Could you also make a video about the best synergy of gods and their ability combos?


Here me out, Thanatos ult. Gives your guardian map pressure, a massive aoe stun, escape tool and an execute.

Love the videos btw.
