SMITE: My Top 5 Gods

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Ewin Chairs - Use "DUKE" for 15% off:
Published on Nov 30, 2016

• Game: Donkey Kong Country (Nintendo, 1994, SNES)
• ReMixer(s): ZiSotto
• Composer(s): David Wise, Eveline Novakovic, Robin Beanland
• Song(s): "Aquatic Ambiance"
• Posted: 2016-11-30, evaluated by Chimpazilla
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“I think Awilish is one of the most gods in SMITE, and has always been, and will always be”
Well Duke, I guess I can’t really disagree with that...


my favorite 5 are Ymir, Kulkalkan, agni, neith, and hercules, yes i know they are basic, but each one is special for me, ymir and kulkalkan were my little brothers favorites before he had passed away, kukulkan was also a close friends favorite that i had lost touch to. agni was my first god i had purchased, and i have had a lot of fun with him over the years, neith i just have fun with cause i dont have to think when playing her, hercules became my favorite over time with the corrupted arena and hel arena. now some honerable mentions are chaac, hades, guan yu, ra, zues, and bellona (i only like bellonas design, she is a great god though)


1. Kuzenbo
2. Kuzenbo
3. Kuzenbo
4. Kuzenbo
5. Kuzenbo


Watching this at 4am with my eyes almost closing. Awesome. Well my list is this.

Honorable mentions: Hun batz, and actually for the same reasons you pointed lol. Then Sun Wukong, it was back in s4 when Swk was good, it felt like a trump card for me, still love to play him to this day but his position in the meta is questionable for me but the buffs are gonna be interesting! For the last honorable mention Osiris. Probably because S4 solo lane was a thing and deaths toll. It was just so fun matching anybody with osiris and wrecking them.

5. Cabrakan, the way that he can play three roles and perform very good in that regard makes him at top 5. Walling three plus people and then have like a Ho yi or ra ult to decimate them STILL feelsgood.

4. Tyr. Blink 180 fearless nuff said.

3. Bakasura, literally after the buff he became my best god. Like not favorite but best. Idk what it is, but everytime I play baka it just feels so damn good to throw the ult and get a triple. Also the voicelines of Whoo and you rock really reflect me irl.

2. Hachiman, my best hunter by far and definitely my second favorite god. He is my favorite probably because of my supp main, that always plays Sylv, Ganesha, and sometimes geb. I wanted to learn duo lane to get some freeelo. Stayed duo (until solo q conq, rip ) for Hachi, he is just so much fun, the basics, the combos you can do.

1. Without a doubt Thantos. After hating Thor I thought there would be a better assassin, then I tried him. First match, I did a flick with the scythe to do so much dmg to kill the target. Well my face had the biggest grin ever. That is why he is my favorite, that one ability. Literally one ability makes him my favorite. Uffff. Sorry for the final exam essay duke.


My top 5
5 Hercules Nearly inmortal
4 Geb Helping with Shield
3 Skadi Kalder is fun to use
2 Vulcan I just like him
1 Hou Yi Ricochet for me is the most gratifying ability to land after a bounce


My top 5 deities are mostly Greek Gods except for one. In increasing order, they are:

5. Nike
4. Athena
3. Poseidon
2. Apollo
1. Kukulkan

Special Mentions are Chang'e, Amaterasu, Ra, Bellona and Freya. I mostly play mage and ability based gods.


1. Nox. I lover her design, kit and character, the way she locks down an enemy and blast them to Hell, and her 3 is super fun. She is also my favorite deity outside of Smite.
2. Fafnir. Turns into a God damn dragon, can directly buff an ally's dmg, and his kit got a whole bunch of nice things going for it. I love this guy!
3. Camazotz. Healing for days! But I also like how he is an assassin with 2 ranged abilities to poke the enemy with, or secure a kill. I also like bats. And vampires.
4. Cerberus. The amount of dmg he can deal, combined with his team fight ult, is just great. Being a monsterous helhound is pretty cool too.
5. Ah Puch. Explosions! But also, all that anti-heal, and that huge ult. I have a big thing for necromancy as well.


1. Awilix
3. Mercury
4. I’m a monster
5. Ratatoskr


5- Kuzenbo (Get NeNed)
4- Bakasura (I just like to run them down and throwing up minions)
3- Kuku (Because tornadoes)
2- The Morrigan (I just like to be able to play as any god at the same time)
1- Amaterasu (I don't know, I just love all of her kit with the high mobility)


1 Camazotz
2 hou yi
3 sun wukong
4 xbalanque
5 Sobek and/or (dont hurt my family pls) Baron Samedi

Honorable mentions ( yea i cant spell)
Change, xing tian, cu chulain, erlang shen, cerberus, vamana, bellona


Hell yeah, Vamana's one of my favorites as well! Way too underrated.


Xbalanque, Hou Yo, Sun Wukong, Achilles, Ao Kuang.


My top 5 gods
1. Nu wa: Almost 200 hours just playing as her. Enough to have 4 stars
2.Geb: First just a pick when I had to fill, but soon became fun enough to hit level 10
3.He bo: 3 ults in one god!
4.Amc: solid hornet skin is amazing.
5.Agni: one of my favorites since I started playing.


Brother from another Mother.

5 Osiris
4 Chaac
3 Erlang
2 Wukong
1 Vamana

Mentions to Hun Batz, Neith, Morrigan, Cabraken, and Artio


5. Xbal
4. Athena
3. Ao Kuang
2. Skadi
1. Sun Wukong


My top 5 are Hades (mainly cause I was fascinated with his chibi skin) chronos, I love how he can cheat death and deal massive amounts of damage, rama cause I love aa gods and sniping people, susano because I love the aa cancels and skill cap and number 1 is definitely Osiris, I love to get kinky with his flail 😎


The best hun batz emote is his clap. Don’t @ me


1. Osiris
2. Tyr
3. Hercules
4. Chaac
5. Poseidan
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Despacito ───────────⚪── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 3:15/ 4:14 ⠀🔊 ───○ ⠀


A couple honorable mentions are Nike, Jing Wei, Nu Wa, Chaak and Ra, I always enjoy playing them, but they are not the first gods my mind goes to when I need to pick someone.
And since I absolutely hate playing assassins, there are none here, alas. But still, here you go:

5. Erlang Shen - a very satisfying warrior to play. Safe, plenty utility, good damage. Great character overall.
4. Chang'e - the most fun healer there is, and I love myself some healers (as you could probably figure by my name).
3. Isis - to be fair, my single favorite mage in this game. The moment I played her the first time I knew that this feels right. And thankfully, her skins are getting better and better.
2. Artemis - not so much a favorite, since I'm not big into hunters, but she is definitely the highest ranking hunter I have, so... that must mean something on subconscious level, right? She's just such an easy god, that I always feel safe taking her when I need to fill for a hunter. Good DPS, amazing ult, and somehow people still step in these traps.
1. Bellona - the moment I installed Smite the first time (or, well, the moment I got myself a god pack), she became my very first main, and I never looked back. That's pretty much love at first sight. Hands down the best default skin in this game and a very fun kit. There was a time when I thought than Nike can replace her for me, but in the end, Bellona ended up victorious, as she should.


Ullr is my favorite god since i watched sexy rexsi's ullr guide and watching his montages really inspired me to get good with what use to be a hard god to play
