How To Stop Your Child's Whining Without Yelling | Dad University

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When young children or toddlers whine we often battle it with some expert parenting techniques like:

- Please talk in a big boy voice
- I can't hear you when you are whining
- Use your words
- or the amazing: Stop Whining!

The problem is they rarely work. In this video, Jason first goes over why children whine so we can understand it better. He then explains some techniques and tips you can use to get your child or toddler to stop whining.

They are trying to communicate but really don't know how. They are needing something so it is important for us to understand how to assist them in order for the whining to be stopped.

Remember, positive reinforcement and empathy will go along way in reducing your child's whining.

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I am so thankful for this video it really helped me teach myself to stop whining.


Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!!! My husband and I have been struggling with our 1 year old... The whining is out of control, and I didn't know how to deal with it


I’m a teacher and I hear my entire room whining if they don’t get to watch what they want to watch. It’s a cacophony of “nOOOO” and “we’ve already seen this”. I’m going to pay really close attention to the ones that don’t complain and make a big deal out of it.


Very enlightening video! Made me realize I was doing the stop whining and use your words 😂!! The question I had was I have been teaching my almost 5 yr old son how to ride his bike with training wheels. He has been doing an amazing job the last coue of weeks. I know what he is capable of and have been put through challenges of hills, falling and going down hills. The last couple of days he had rode.his bike on average of 2.hours. I'm a single dad and he never has a consistent schedule of spending about a 50/50 amount of time between both parents. So other day when my son was riding over a bridge and up to the top he was going down hill and in control. He just started unpredictably screaming I'm scared and wanted to get off the bike and push down hill. I will be honest I go into coach mode trying to motivate and keep him interested in riding his bike. My son screaming I'm scared was that his way of connecting with me or was he genuinely scared? If neither have any red flags to look for cuz I know him pretty well to pick out a fake temper tantrum which he does a lot to a real tantrum 😂. Thanks and hope this is easily understood haha.


I have definitely fallen into a pattern of 'stop whinging its annoying' with my 5 year old, I need some help with this because it drives me crazy. I will use your tips, I really hope this works


I have twin boys. My one whines alot and tells me I hate him when I reprimand him. Thank you for your help. Ill be more patient with the little guy😇


The first couple of examples in the first couple of seconds we're fuuny


Going to try this method .
If you have any suggestions when they talk back and keep doing it and not obeying simple instructions like “ sit down please” “pay attention to your class” ages 6-7 any tips will help 🙏🏻Thank you


Don't let it bother you...riiigggghhhtttt. 😭😭😭lol Thank you for the vid.


@Daduniversity.The way I look at is you can teach your child to behave or the world will do it for you in a lot less forgiving way and which will probably lead to all sorts of psychological issues for them in later life.

So be hard if you have to( not physically) to get them to behave otherwise they will suffer un necessarily when trying to make sense of the real world. We don't live in a perfect times where everyone's emotions are considered so prepare them for it. Be there as support not a doormat. Interested to hear your reply if you have time.thanks


So she’s NOT trying to ruin my life?!! 😂


I have Auditory Processing difficulties so I really need help with this. 🙏


My mom’s answer for whining was a beat down


i will.try this and let you know whats the good result


When my brother sits in the halfway by my mothers door and cries for attention in the form of whining or a tantrum


I let this go until she was 2 years
Old. I gave choices, I was fun & patient and happy… for 2 years straight on my own. I thanked her for being such a good girl.
We had an outing with family and she is even more spoiled and not only needs my boob & shares my bed (I can’t sleep! I can’t move), but she’s so mean to me!
Why should I keep being so patient? It’s not working. The only time she does listen to me is when I’m mad.

It hurts my back to have her wrestle me just to change her diaper. I give her everything, I laugh, I make it all fun…. She can be so sweet and usually laughs too… but it can take hours to get her dressed!


What if the child is 7 years old? Still whining after so many techniques


I find that my 3 year old whines most often when playing with his older sister. She will do or say something that sets him off on a screaming and whining fit faster than you can take a breath. Often times I have caught my older child doing something to purposely get a rise out of him but sometimes it’s something as small as her picking up a that he perceives as his and beginning to play with it, this is even when he wasn’t playing with the toy. I have done my utmost to try and encourage calm communication and problem solving techniques for them to employ but nothing seems to help. 🙄


but my kid doesn't whine on subjects like she doesn't want to leave. She whines all the time because of mundane I can't stop the It's impossible. She drains me so


My girlfriends daughter is 9 and somewhat special needs. All day the whining is almost nonstop from the moment she gets home from work. She is diabetic always asking for something with sugar, she whines when she can't go outside, when she has to take a shower, has to brush her teeth, has to wash her hands. Almost every task or anything she can't do when she asks is accompanied with whining and sometimes with a cry and turning completely red in the face as if she is going to explode. "no you can't go outside right now" for example is accompanied by "but why" with a string of 'but whys' following it even when an answer is given. I'd say more than half the time she has to be told 2 or 3 times to do something. She can verbally communicate just fine and everyonce in a while she says things like "I'm sorry for being bad all the time" she understands shes doing it but it feels like she doesn't comprehend a lot when trying to explain to her. I can't get her mother to try any other approaches and she doesn't think she is that bad (she is) although she is aggregated or annoyed with even just her presence sometimes and is just in a mood when she comes around. She doesn't notice it but she is miserable all the time. Idk what to do 🤷‍♂️
