Excel Magic Trick 1349: Power Query with Input Variables from Excel Sheet to Extract Records
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See how to use Power Query (Get & Transform) with Input Variables from Excel Sheet to Extract Records and create a Revenue Report. Here are the steps:
1. (00:15) Introduction including Preview of Finished Solution and Preview of steps necessary to accomplish this goal.
2. (02:00) Import and transform Data Set, including removing Columns, Filter For Records and adding an extra Column to calculate Net Revenue using the Number.Round Power Query Function.
3. (06:38) Load Report to Sheet
4. (07:09) Import each Parameter/Criteria Table.
5. (07:36) Convert each Criteria Table to a single Text Item using the Record.Field Power Query Function.
6. (11:38) Declare and Insert Variables into M Code for Report
7. (14:10) Test Reporting System
8. (14:30) Create Recorded Macro To Refresh All and assign it to a Form button
9. (16:40) Test Macro and Reporting System
10. (17:25) Summary
See how to use Power Query (Get & Transform) with Input Variables from Excel Sheet to Extract Records and create a Revenue Report. Here are the steps:
1. (00:15) Introduction including Preview of Finished Solution and Preview of steps necessary to accomplish this goal.
2. (02:00) Import and transform Data Set, including removing Columns, Filter For Records and adding an extra Column to calculate Net Revenue using the Number.Round Power Query Function.
3. (06:38) Load Report to Sheet
4. (07:09) Import each Parameter/Criteria Table.
5. (07:36) Convert each Criteria Table to a single Text Item using the Record.Field Power Query Function.
6. (11:38) Declare and Insert Variables into M Code for Report
7. (14:10) Test Reporting System
8. (14:30) Create Recorded Macro To Refresh All and assign it to a Form button
9. (16:40) Test Macro and Reporting System
10. (17:25) Summary
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