Ten Contradictions in the Bible

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Is the Bible inerrant? We look at a few internal tensions and outright contradictions in the perfect word of God before taking a minute to discuss fundamentalism.

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07:22 eight
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08:57 ten
10:10 fundamentalism and inerrancy

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I'm glad you included the silly numerical errors like David's horsemen. As a fundamentalist that's the crack you can't deny. I still remember reading the apologist explanation and the dreadful words "scribal error". Error. Plain and simply, "inerrant" includes "errors".


It's easier for me to believe in a god than in the Bible maybe if most believers took it as a collection of allegories and not something to be taken literally, a study like this would not be necessary. It's like beating a dead horse.


Emerson, could you add subtitles in Portuguese? Thanks.


Genisis 2:7- And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Idk where you get your verses but based off that alone your a false source


Some non alchemical source sent me here. You seem a likely enough suspect: subbed.


One of the reasons people misrepresent God / are confused about God are the horrible translation errors in our bibles made by clerks of "a certain denomination".

They had no clue about God's intend, so made it fit their conviction.

Luckely the original line is clearly visible.

1: God created us after His own image and likeness. Gen 1:27.

2: Man fell. That is what you see in this world: lust, greed, selfishness, strange philosophies, sicknesses, corruption, terrorism, death, etc, etc. Genesis 3.

3: God, the spirit of life, manifests fully in Christ, pays the debt for mankinds fall so we can be indwelled again by His Spirit and be transformed back to origin. John 14-17.

Pure grace, love, power of God for His creation.

Hence the divine healing miracles and casting out of demons His first friends, i and many others experience up to this day!

Some examples of these idiotic translation errors.

Saved, from the Greek "Sozo" actually means: made complete, brought back to origin.

Eternal life from the Greek "Zoë" means: life of God, divine life.

"You will see Jesus coming on the clouds" actually reads: "You will perceive Jesus from a heavenly perspective"... who He is, what He did, who you are IN Him.

"Everyone not found in the book of life will be thrown in the lake of fire" actually reads: "Everything not found in the book of life....". Jesus is the book of life, the word made flesh, the exact image of the invisible God. Through Him every lie we believed about God and ourselves will vanish into thin air. 2 cor 3:18, col 3:10. Etc. Holy Spirit brings forth after His own kind.

Wrath from the Greek "Orge" means PASSION. So there is no wrath of God upon mankind as was translated in Joh 3:36! For God so loved the world... God IS love!

Wrath from the Greek "Thumos" also means PASSION. There goes the "bowls of wrath" poured out by God over humanity... it's "bowls of boisterous PASSION through Christ" that are poured outt!!!

Kpicic. Translated in to judgement, actually reads: "to put straight, a positive judgement. After all the Father judges no-one and the Son took upon Himself all judgement. For... God is love.

Parousia. Tranlated as "second comming", means GODS IMMEDIATE PRESENCE.

Etc, etc, etc, look it up in the Kittel Theological Dictionary or in any Greek/Hebrew Strong's app. It's there.

So now we have ignorant preachers parotting the lie that we have to be saved from God's wrath by Jesus (who is God....) and "have to repent or go to hell and wait for the bus that gets us to heaven". Utter nonsense.

In stead it is: God restores us through Christ by His own atoning blood sacrifice and indwelling Holy Spirit, from mankind's fall, to His own image and likeness (Christlikeness) because of... passion. John 14-17, 2 Cor 3:18, Col 3:10,

For God so loved the world....

It pleases the Father to give you His Kingdom/Spirit/divine nature.

In this the love of God manifested: WHILE we were lost... Christ died. Now reconciliated by His blood we shall be restored to origin (saved) now He lives / by His passion....

God cannot be tempted to do evil....

There is no turning or shifting with Him....

If you don't love you don't know God, for God is love....

The goal of all instruction is... love

The Father Himself loves you....

Jesus healing love

Jesus raising the love

Jesus casting out demons.... love

Jesus controlling love

If wrath would be in God, it would be the tenth fruit of the Spirit.... and it is not!

So... we're made for God's image and likeness Gen 1:27. Man and woman He made them. That got lost in mankinds fall. Hence all confusion, sicknesses, allien doctrines, egoism, etc, etc. Gen 3. Now God stooped down in Christ to, by His perfect sacrifice and Holy Spirit, transforms us back to.... Gen 1:27. John 14-17.
God already came full circle. Yay!

For us to embrace His love, truth, Spirit and be changed back to original created value (Christlikeness), by His Spirit.


Question to Green: do you agree with religious apologists that libertarian/contra-causal free will is properly basic? That is to say, do you agree that most (if not all) people have the intuition that we could have done otherwise, even if all external and internal factors were exactly the same?


Hello Emerson, just discovered your channel. Here would be my response to these supposed contradictions

1. In Genesis 1, God refers to the creation of “mankind” in His image, not the single person of “man” (Adam) as it is detailed in Genesis 2. The human family, constituted by “male and female”, is the image of God because of its unity in diversity which is modeled upon the Trinity. This is why God says “Let US make mankind in our image”, the “us” in question being understood by Christians since the earliest times to refer to God’s inner Trinitarian life. The reason why Genesis 1 places “mankind” after the animals is because Eve was created AFTER the animals precisely because all the other animals were not suitable partners for Adam. In the context of plants the same thing applies. This actually reveals that God didn’t merely create the garden for Adam without his involvement, but formed everything in front of his very eyes, teaching him how to cultivate the earth as he was meant to (Gen 2:15). There is no contradiction here.
2. I believe that 700 horsemen in 2 Samuel refers to 700 companies (10 people per company) in each. I’ve heard that “horsemen” had a looser definition at the time in which Samuel would have been written. I’m inclined to accept this charitable interpretation as someone who has experienced the profound richness of the Bible.
3. If we read further into 1 Chronicles 22, we are told that David bought the land surrounding the threshing floor. The overall price for all this land was included in the 600 hundred shekels number. I’m pretty sure 2 Samuel does not mention the extra land bought, which explains why the author only mentioned the money paid specifically for the threshing floor itself.
4. Your translation of Jeremiah 17 is wrong, at least according to the KJV version I’m using. In my version, God says “Ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn forever”. Thus, it is the fire which burns forever, and not God’s anger. I’m not entirely sure what this means yet, but it isn’t a contradiction.
5. This just isn’t a contradiction, even if it seems to imply two distinct moralities. The first one refers to the commandment God gives to his people not to punish the children of criminals (specifically with death), which was a common pagan practice. The second one can only be understood if we keep in mind the traditional and Biblical understanding of the family as a single organism (much like the human family as a whole) which can be put under a curse. I do believe there is a consistent morality to all of this, but even if there isn’t, God does not have to hold to the same moral standards that he commands. Even if this offends our modern minds, it's not a factual contradiction.
6. This one’s more complex. From the brief research I’ve done into it, it seems like the father and the son (Ahimelech and Abiathar) both shared the same names. It is likely that they didn’t merely have one name, but multiple. This is why in 2 Samuel 8:17 Ahimelech is referred to as the “son” of Abiathar, while in 1 Samuel 23:6 the opposite is said. So you could chalk this up to another contradiction, but it makes more sense to me that there are no contradictions here and both father and son used two different names.
7. This is way too complex for a YouTube comment, as it was perhaps the most important issue of the Protestant Reformation. I’d only say that “works of the law” refers to the Mosaic law which Jesus fulfilled, while the “works” James refers to are the works done in faith (i.e. concrete expressions of faith) for the glorification of God. A deeper reading of Scripture reveals that “faith” is not merely “believing” (as Jesus makes clear), it is a state of the heart which is embodied in our concrete activities.
8. This was dealt with more than a thousand years ago by St. John of Damascus in Chapter 14 of Book 4 of his “Exposition of the Orthodox Faith”. It is complex and involves taking into account the laws surrounding marriage in Israel, but it deals with any supposed contradiction. Long story short, Heli died before he could have children, and his brother Jacob married his wife and bore Joseph. Heli was therefore father by law, but Jacob the father by nature.


Simple logic in todays mindset

You can literally have 2, 3, 4, 5 of your closest friends with you and something amazing happens “ catch a big fish “ hole in one on a golf course “ something amazing whatever it may be but if you separate each friend each one will give their personal recollection of what happened not one will be exact to the other “ I saw him catch this beautiful big red fish “ I saw his rod bend and his struggle to reel in the fish “ it was a perfect day zero clouds perfect fishing day “ ect each account will be different but they all witnessed the same thing. Funny how the mind works and each story is different or you have friends that lie lol 😂

I’ve several hole in ones on the golf course and each one of my playing partners saw something different “ the ball hit the flag “ the ball skipped and bounced in “ the ball spun back and went in the hole “

I could flip it and use quantum physics the observer and when it’s not observed two totally different things happen ones a narrative and the other is cosmo


Deuteronomy 24 is talking about humans punishing other humans, while Deuteronomy 5 is talking about God punishing Generations that rebell against him; this is not a contradiction.


1 Kg 22-22 "'By what means?' the LORD asked. "'I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all his prophets, ' he said. "'You will succeed in enticing him, ' said the LORD. 'Go and do it.'
It's impossible for God to lie...
