Deflating Over A Dozen Gospel Contradictions (Holy Kool Aid Response)

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In this video, we'll be taking a critical look at a popular videos titled "12 Contradictions in the Bible and 13 More Bible Contradictions" by the popular Atheist YouTuber Holy Kool Aid. Holy Kool Aid's video claims to have found numerous contradictions in the four Gospels. In the last video we looked at his claims of contradiction in the Old Testament.

He we'll examine each of the supposed contradictions presented in the video and evaluate whether they hold up to scrutiny. Many of the contradictions presented by Holy Kool Aid are based on misunderstandings or misrepresentations of the Gospels, while some are a little more difficult to reconcile. But overall, there is nothing here that should put a dent in one's confidence in the Four Gospels.

0:00 Why Harmonization
02:23 Jesus' Genealogy
09:26 Jesus' Nativity
15:33 Peter's Calling
16:55 Death of Judas
18:35 Jairus' Daughter
20:39 Double Donkey
22:32 Peter's Denial
24:28 When Did Jesus Die?
27:33 Stay In Jerusalem or Go to Galilee?
29:35 When Was the Spirit Given?
30:49 Conclusions

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No matter how much we disagree, Holy Kool-Aid gets props for his Princess Bride reference. 👏


As a tax collector I don't think Mathew made a calculation mistake in the Gospel


By the way, the hypocrisy becomes pretty clear in these discussions. I literally had a person on this thread in a SINGLE comment on the one hand pointing out discrepancies between Matthew and Mark while at the same exact time criticizing Matthew for “copying” 80% of Mark.
Which is it, folks? If the four Gospel writers wrote completely identical accounts without any discrepancies, you will shout “AHAH! PROOF THEY COLLUDED AND MADE UP THE STORIES!”
But when they happen to disagree on some minor points, you will shout “AHAH! PROOF THAT THE WRITERS CONTRADICT EACH OTHER SO THEY MUST HAVE MADE UP THE STORIES!”
Do you see how ridiculous this sounds? You are really looking for any excuse to discredit them because you already have decided that you don’t want to believe they were what they claimed to be: A collection of first and second-hand accounts of real, historical events that actually happened over 2, 000 years ago.
Being what they claim to be actually explains why they agree on all major points, and even share a lot of the same source materials (the 2nd hand content they heard from other first hand eye witnesses), while also not being carbon copies of each other, and even providing accidental clarification when one writer neglects to share some detail that another includes. This is exactly what one would expect to find in four independent 1st century Greco-Roman biographies of the same person: Jesus of Nazareth.


Joseph adopted Jesus
Saul adopted David
It’s almost like the Bible is full of symmetry and foreshadowing and symbols


Anybody here keep a journal? A fun exercise is to go look at your old journal writings for key events in your life. Now, take note of many of the "contradictions" you find in your journals. Can you harmonize them? Yes. Because you know the contexts and how you didn't cover every single detail in every single mention of the event. Very few of these contradictions skeptics bring up are hardly worse than some of those I have found in my own journal. I think it is more special pleading to say you can't harmonize than it is to try to harmonize.


HK would do well to pay heed to one of his heroes:

“Essential Christian beliefs are _not_ affected by textual variants in the manuscript tradition of the New Testament.”

Bart Ehrman, _Misquoting Jesus_
(appendix to paperback edition, p.252)


Bottom line: Different accounts from different people who remember different details is going to result in some differences within the accounts, but that doesn't mean the story overall is inaccurate. Especially when the Gospel writers pretty much agree on everything else.


There is a difference between contradiction and discrepancy. A contradiction claim both A and not-A. A discrepancy claims A and B (i.e. the two accounts simply differ). Either could be true or both could be true. B does not necessarily imply not-A (and A does not necessarily imply not-B). A little basic logic would solve most of the claimed "Bible contradictions".


For anyone who's not read it yet, I recommend J Warner Wallace's Cold Case Christianity. The author's an LAPD cold case homicide detective who specializes in harmonizing witness statements in murder cases, figuring out when apparent discrepancies point to truth and when they are lies. He analyzed the Gospels using this skill set when he was an atheist and came out convinced that the New Testament is reliable and true.


Given the amount of "unknown" background context, proving or disproving a contradiction is near impossible. If we have good independent evidence that Christianity is true, then I see every reason to be "charitable" to the NT writers and assume that a reasonable harmonization exists even if I cannot see it.


O excellent Erik Manning, I hope you never forget the impact you have; by the decrees of our common Lord, you have been an instrument to convert many, and have strengthen the faith of the brethren. You are an example of what we as Christians ought to be. Persevere onward O Erik, and may the God of Heaven bless you forever and evermore. Godspeed to thee.


The seemingly ever-present problem of reading Scripture through a modern, Western lens.


Jimmy Akin in his debate with Bart Ehrman last year said that he thinks Joseph may have had two residences. When I first heard the claim it initially sounded ad-hoc and perhaps even absurd, but when explained in full, rather than a short segment in a cross examination, it actually makes quite a bit of sense. Akin wrote an article on this titled "Where Was Joseph’s Residence?" which is worth checking out.


Testify is demolishing misconceptions and false facts at this point and I'm all for it.


To be Frank, nothing makes me cringe more than when someone says they’re consulting the “original Greek” while using a meh online interlinear.

If you don’t understand the language, ask an expert… Holy Kool-aid needs to listen more and speak less.


“Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”
‭‭John‬ ‭17:17‬ ‭

“And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭


I like how you rebuked every one of his claims with a straight face ! So badass !


Have anyone noticed that Holy Koolaid’s depiction of Jesus is rather…unsavory?


Thanks alot for making videos like this!!! I honestly would love to see a long indepth video disproving "contradictions"!!


Personally I don't care if people think I'm stupid for being born again.
