Is The Bible Full Of Contradictions?

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The Bible is inspired, inerrant, and infallible. What you may think is a contradiction is simply you not understanding the passage at hand.


I'm speculating here, but I imagine the "if there's two, there's one" explanation is more likely to put a Christian at ease than effectively satisfy a non-believer struggling with inerrancy. To Christians generally, if your goal is to evangelize, most contradiction explanations will come off as mental gymnastics. I bet you'd get further with a non-believer by agreeing, and then explaining why contradictions exist and ultimately why it doesn't matter.


Awesome video… although I was distracted by what appears to be a deflated football on his shelf. Then all I could think about was “deflate-gate”. 😂


There are many reasons why the body of Jesus may be AWOL. 1. He didn't exist 2. The grave hasn't been found 3. It was 2000 years ago, try coming up with any body from that long ago 4. He was a criminal and his body was dumped in a mass grave 5. He resurrected and flew to heaven, an event so mundane that only one of the gospels mentions it.


Very true good sir, contradictions or differences in the Bible doesn't prove Christianity wrong. It does however raises some questions (for me at least) about the Bible when people claim it is the unfaileble word of God. For me that means it's more likely written by humans with God/Jezus as their inspiration.


A young man isn't angel. It's a young man. And two angels means two angels present, not a young man present. Stop denying the obvious.


Victim: then a big man came up on me and looked like he intended to hurt me
Eye Witness: I was walking and saw two men walking toward the victim.
Perhaps something about one of the men stood out to the victim, even though there were two men


We don't have to prove anything false. You have to produce Jesus, to show it's true. Burden is on you. Mere words in a book don't count, plenty of characters in books come back to life.


Also when one writer decides to omit certain details or give more details than another writer this is not a contradiction


Well I guess Jesus is a trick rider ridin on a donkey and a colt. There are contradictions but does that really matter to you if you are a believer?


Know this is a short, and am glad to see your first point concedes that this is a secondary issue. But the rest of the video mainly seems to be an issue of semantics that I personally don’t find all that helpful. There seems to be a qualification of terminology and re-framing of texts saying mutually exclusive, different things as “differences” rather than “contradictions” - but isn’t that exactly what a contradiction is?

Yes, we can get major theological and doctrinal points out of the agreements in the gospels, but what need do we have to try and reconcile the unreconcilable? Was Jesus crucified at the 3rd or 6th hour, did he ride 1 donkey or 2 donkeys, was he born under Quirinius during the time of the census taken when Archelaus was deposed per Luke or under Herod the Great while Quirinius was off fighting in Cilicia per Matthew? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I guess I’m just dismayed by what I see as the theme in apologetics of dismissing real textual tension and arguing for an inerrant text through semantics when it’s not at all necessary for an understanding of core Christian doctrine. Even as someone from an evangelical tradition, I feel like the strong emphasis on inerrancy 1. winds up being used predominantly as a tool in church politics, 2. causes strong divisiveness within the church along inerrantist/non-inerrantist lines, and 3. sets up critically minded Christians for walking away from the faith when they realize:

a. how contorted harmonization of every contradictory statement within scripture is
b. how little the historical and archaeological records support stories in the Old Testament prior to the divided monarchy, and
c. how conflicting the history of (predominantly OT) canonization is with the protestant canon that many within the tradition consider inerrant


Ooooh the thumbnail aLONE!
GLORRAYYY! I went to 4 years of Bible College for what you said in 49 seconds.
I'm going back for a refund.


Can you put at least one recourse for people to go to in the description to help them on this topic?


If only Jesus had selected some fellows with a bit more intelligence as his disciples, we would have been much better off.
