What is Hell Really Like? - Swedenborg & Life

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We give you the details of the spiritual system of hell, to help you make sense of this often misunderstood part of the afterlife. Are you condemned there? Do you burn there? Do you suffer there? We tackle each of these and why hell even exists at all.
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Curtis Childs is the director of OffTheLeftEye at the Swedenborg Foundation. While obtaining his degree in communication studies from Oakland University, Curtis experienced an internal battle with depression that led him to question God and his lifelong interest in Swedenborgian theology. After a period of intense suffering, he recovered from his depression with the help of modern medicine, therapy, and a return to the spiritually uplifting messages he found in Swedenborg’s writings. Now, Curtis is applying his education and desire to help others find peace through Swedenborg’s insights by producing and hosting this weekly webcast.

Rev. Dr. Jonathan S. Rose is the series editor of the New Century Edition, an ongoing project that incorporates the latest scholarship to produce a modern, accessible translation of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Holder of a B.A. and a M.Div. in religion and a M.A. and a Ph.D. in Latin, he has worked for years in the study of Neo-Latin and in Swedenborgian research. He was both chaplain and a tenured professor of religion and sacred languages at Bryn Athyn College before taking on his current position with the Swedenborg Foundation.

Karin Childs is a scriptwriter and online moderator for offTheLeftEye. Her spiritual growth is largely informed by a lifelong Swedenborgian education. While raising five children with her husband, Jon, she applied her love of the Bible and Swedenborg's writings to volunteer work, creating Sunday school programs and church pageants. It was Swedenborg's works that Karin turned to for solace after the devastating death of their oldest daughter. For 17 years, she and Jon ran a small Swedenborgian publishing company to help others dealing with loss and grief, and wrote three novels herself. Now, Karin puts her compassion into action through the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.

Chelsea Odhner is a production manager and scriptwriter for offTheLeftEye. A lifelong Swedenborgian, Chelsea's interest in Swedenborg's spiritual work intensified in her early twenties when she realized she wanted to make conscious changes in her life and behaviors. When paired with her study of yoga practice and philosophy, Chelsea found Swedenborg’s worldview connected all the spokes of different faiths and philosophical perspectives that she values. Initially interested in pursuing a career in integrative medicine, her passion for poetry, writing, and music led her to focus on serving the spiritual side of health and well-being.


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Рекомендации по теме

This is so important, thank you. It took me a while to get over my misconceptions but now I am at peace, thank you Lord Jesus!


This honestly gives me so much inner peace. Thank you.


This is a great episode. Still, I like every episode and look forward to each and every one. I understand this way of thinking. The discussion prompts me to examine myself daily. God holds my hand daily; otherwise, I would be completely lost. When I see rageful people, I know they are under attacks from hell. When you become aware as to where chaos and selfishness comes from, you want God leading you and not the stupidities of rage, anger, deceit, all of which, are hate.


So excellent. Seems that when looking from the perspective of evil that the limitations appear imposed from the outside, whereas when viewing from a heavenly perspective the limitations on one's self are self-imposed. My favorite part was the comment that we each naturally choose our distance from either polarity.


I love the opening going through all the phases of life


"People in hell burn with the desire to punish each other." Mind blow moment here.
Jesus says: "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you..." (instead of: if you burn with desire to punish them), "...your heavenly Father will also forgive you." Matthew 6:14-15
Our heavenly Father never burns with desire to punish us, only we do. And whenever we do, either before or after death, we are in hell.
"But if you do not forgive others their sins..." (if you keep burning with desire to punish them) "...your Father will not forgive your sins." Because he honors my free will to burn.
My wonderful Father wants me to stop burning, and He sends His angels to help me stop. Oh wow. Praise God!


This was SO informative and wonderfully done. Extremely appreciate you all putting this together for us. Love you ALL...❤


I'm really looking forward to seeing this episode! I just now got done watching the " what is heaven really like" and I just love! How it was explained and put together. I love all of your Videos! All of them are so informative.. I just sent the reminder you have here to remind myself when it will be airing 😊 thank you again so much for everything you and your Team do for us all! Much love & thanks! 🙏🌈


I love this video. I can see you all put a lot of people and resources together to make this one. Not only that but you are totally organized in your delivery of this important and misunderstood topic. Bravo 👏 Way to go guys! I’m loving it.


Swedenborg's writings, even on hell, give me a sense of a God that is fair and patient and smart and strong. This hell makes sense to me, and this video is so well made and entertaining. Can't wait for #WhatTheHeaven


I think this is a very useful episode. I think it will help dispel fears in a lot of people's hearts and minds. I really like the idea that resisting the temptation to fall into self serving actions can help mitigate the suffering in hell. I have had dreams where I was entrenched in rage and couldn't pull myself out of it. It's such a terrible feeling. I feel a lot of pain for the people in hell who are constantly feeling horrible like that, even though they are choosing it freely. I guess it's like a parent watching their child head down a destructive path. Even if that's what the child wants, it grieves the parent. If I feel that grief, imagine how much more the Lord must feel it.


Some spirits choose to go to hell but is there still hope for them to change their behaviour and love of falsity and be moved to heaven I hope so . Jesus visited hell and saved many souls . I hope this is still happening now


Swedenborg was the first writer who ever gave me a logical understanding of the concept of Hell within the context of a loving God and his plan for humanity. I was blown away the first time I read 'Awaken from Death'.


THANK YOU so much for this wonderful video! It's a relief to see it, and you both state these teachings so beautifully! Having been brought up in a fundamentalist church where even bad thoughts could constitute infractions bad enough to "be thrown into Hell, " it lifts a heavy burden of fear to hear these explanations! Unfortunately the fear card is used in almost every category, and I've concluded that it's for the purpose of power and control. And if God is Love, He would not delight in punishing people, but in bringing them to His love. The false teachings using fear have done damage to a lot of people; I've seen it in my own family. In fact, I read in a book about The Four Agreements recently that fear is the King of the Underworld. Many, many thanks! P.S. I also loved the visuals!


I keep coming back to this masterpiece. Thanks a lot guys!


Listened to this again....my first item of "to do" in my quest to improve my inner self. The health of our souls is dependent upon the health of our hearts and minds. For these things, we open ourselves to God. Wishing you all great joy and happiness today and everyday.


Long is the way and hard, that out of hell leads up to the light.


Thank you for this beautiful show and explanation! Concentrating on God is the solution, God works through a lot of situations and people and always surprises, I thank him deeply for that. Be blessed by the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen.


I became interested in an FBI memo 6751 dated 1947 describing Tala & Loka planes. It was identified as Brahmanical literature concept. It said that there were 7 "Earths" all nested, comingled and interpenetrating. That concept took a few months to "simmer". Then amazingly I became able to identify what Tala (more material) or Loka (more spiritual) plane anyone I met was actually associated with. We see each other outwardly but the inner state of being is knowable. I only identify 7 Tala planes (but others my have up to 9) and 14 Loka planes. It is an amazing perspective.


I dreamed of visiting hell once and the angle that accompanied me told me when in a cavern overlooking a lake of fire full of people that no one brought them here. After watching your video I now have a better understanding of my dream and freewill.
