What is Hell (False Bible doctrine Revealed!)

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What is Hell? Many people think they know the truth about Hell, but you might be surprised that many of the ideas are not based on Bible facts. Have you ever wondered what is Hell like, does Hell exist, or what does the Bible say about Hell? In this video we will show 7 Bible facts about what Hell is really like according to the Bible. Listen carefully as world renowned international author and speaker Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Mark Finley gives a Bible study about what Hell is.

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The thought of eternal hell messed me up for a long time that it turned me away from god, it didn’t bring me closer to him, I did a lot of research and the more people preached about an eternal hell the more I rejected it, the idea and god. I couldn’t fathom knowing that my loved ones would be suffering for all eternity for a life’s worth of sins, including myself. It was so repugnant to me that I completely lost my faith in god to the point I didn’t believe a god existed so you can say I became an atheist, still living in sin more than ever actually I gave in to all sorts of sin. The idea of hell didn’t bring me to god, god brought me to him! How amazing is he ? He calls on everyone but are you willing to hear his calling in your whole being ? Don’t let the lies fool you, how many lies have we been taught that we actually believe are true ? Think back to your god is good in every sense of the word, if we “sinners” have the ability to love our children how much more can a perfect righteous loving god love you? Let’s use our common sense and let the holy spirit really speak to us when we read the Bible, and to the people who believe in an eternal hell, do you really ?


Before we love God, He LOVED US UNCONDITIONALLY. He even Gave his only son to save us. To God b all the Glory


I told a friend of mine who's a Christian that I didn't believe that hell exist. He got a little upset and said"if hell doesn't exist then why am I going to church". So the only reason he's going to church is out of fear of hell. But God has not given us the spirit of fear. This is why I don't believe in eternal everlasting punishing.


This is powerful. I have not heard this doctrine and pray that it is true. I think its true. I have friends and family members that are not saved and at least their pain will only be for a limited time and not forever.


Thanks for this video. I grew up thinking God tortured people and it really hurt my relationship with God. I just found it deranged that we don't ask to be born but, yet because we were born we are destined all to be tortured endlessly and he is suppose to be a just and loving God.


Your explanation is better than any other video I have watched about Hell.


I agree with you. Also, even if the fire lasted forever, or "eternally" as some believe, that doesn't mean that the people IN the fire lived eternally or forever. It simply means the FIRE was eternal.


Thank you so much I struggled with this for over 20 years. until I discovered the truth 20 years ago, or what I believed to be the truth that is you just confirmed it in a very powerful way I am not a Seventh-Day Adventist I'm a born-again Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and my salvation lies in him and him alone. Praise God! But I do have much respect for your understanding, explanation, and wisdom.


Wages of sin is death… very compelling argument!


Glad I finally discovered the truth after being a Christian for 46 years.


to torment a person for millions of years for the acts committed through a broken mind, during a 70 year lifetime, is unconscionable


Thank you for this lesson.. big relieve makes it more easy for me staying natural and sober than horror driven panicing in the attempt to convince versus generously love


This video has made clear to me the meaning of punishment and hell. I had an idea in my mind that a soul that is cast into hell is burned into ashes and therefor no longer exists. I couldn't hold on the idea that a loving God would torture a soul for eternity. I liked the differentiation between punishing and punishment, it explains God's actions.


I’m having this conversation with my boyfriend, I pray God opens his heart to receiving this message. Please pray for us.🙏🏾


Yes, hell is destruction. The wicked will perish and disappear forever.


Those of you who are believers in Jesus the Christ and Messiah. I am seeing a lot of divisiveness over Teachings and beliefs that are different from your own. We are not going to believe all the same things perfectly in line on this side of eternity. We are to search the Scriptures daily to see if things are so. In many areas you can disagree on and still make it to Heaven and love God. As long as it does not mess with core truths of God and the Lord Jesus and Salvation. We are still brothers and sisters in Christ.


I sometimes even doubt the existence of fire in Hell. I like to think that people aren't 'burning to death' literally, but rather they experience intense emotional grievance while they're being wiped out of existence.


1 Corinthians 15:1-4, the GOSPEL by which we are SAVED, JESUS CHRIST DIED for our SINS was BURIED and ROSE again on the third day!Grace through FAITH.


I fell away from god today. but after watching this video and I prayed with you on the video I stating to feel different. I know that god new I fell away to day. And I was feeling the conviction in my chest. it felt like chest pains. I think that was god bringing me back to him. I really want Jesus please pray for me .ty.


Isaiah 43:17-18 "Who brings forth the chariot and horse, The army and the power (They shall lie down together, they shall not rise; They are extinguished, they are quenched like a wick):
Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old."
