What is HELL?

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Hell is a very real place that we as Christians need to understand. It is a place of torment and judgement where God's wrath will be poured out. In this video we provide seven points about hell, what hell is like, the difference between hell and hades, and most importantly, how to avoid it.

00:00 // Intro
00:17 // Point #1. Hell Currently Has No People In It
01:19 // Point #2. Hell Is The Final Destination For Those In Hades
03:01 // Point #3. Hell May Have Different Degrees Of Punishment
05:07 // Point #4. Hell Is A Real & Eternal Place Of Punishment
06:51 // Point #5. Hell Is Deserved, But Can Be Avoided
09:23 // Point #6. Hell Is God's Wrath On People
12:25 // Point #7. Hell Is A Place That Many People Will Go To
14:01 // Outro



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To who ever is reading this I pray we meet in heaven


I pray that God may take whoever who is reading this in their heart to have a great after life. I may be imperfect but I wish the best for you ❤️

Edit: look mom I’m famous, idk how I even got so many likes😮


I used to fear death. I don’t anymore. In fact, I will die with a smile on my face, knowing I will be met by Jesus. I almost can’t wait.


I don’t comment often. This video was such an eye opener for me. For a long time I’ve been waiting for the “right moment” to repent of my sins. I’ve learned that the right moment is right now. I repent of my wrong doings in the name of Christ, Amen!


I used to sometimes use the phrase, "go to Hell" or even joke about people in Hell but have come to realize how terrifying Hell is.
No person should want anyone to go there.


Not gonna lie, this video scared me. And I really do mean that in the best way. Like you said hell is a REAL place. We should be deterred from ever wanting to go there.

It can be scary, having thoughts sometimes of "what if I go there?" "What if I'm not good enough?"

But remember that as Christians, there is NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Belonging to him, our eternal destination and our citizenship is set. And may we see even more of those citizens of God as we live out his word 💕


I love how this video doesn't sugarcoat the reality of Hell, while also reminding us that there is still hope in Christ.


I used to be a very sinful person i used to watch corn, i would blaspheme against the word of God and i use to be a horrible person until i realised that im doing very wrong so i decided to start repeating and this video motivated me to repent. I wouldn't wish this to anyone i know and i love how this video doesn't babysit us and opens our eyes to reality. I am happy


15 years clean and sober by the grace of God to God be the glory and honour completely clean amen to that who the son sets free is free indeed 🙏


Who ever is watching this I pray that we meet in heaven


thank you for this. I have been trying to help my dad come to the lord for a while now, but now i realize just how important it is. Thank you.


this is genuinely the first time i've heard of the concept of hades, and while it's a bit embarrassing to admit to my lack of knowledge, I'm thankful I was able to grow in my understanding of god's creation!


I am a very awful and imperfect sinner who does lots of bad things daily, but I repent and do what's right when I can. Hell and Hades are NEVER to be joked with. They are real and they are the way that God pours out his righteous anger to those who rejected him. But God in his love for us made a way out, and he did it in the most perfect way possible. Jesus loves you!


Many people are in the lowest part of their lives right now and they cry out to god "God, God help me'' but I will tell you this. God has never turned his face from you and he listens to your cry for help. Even though you can’t see him or touch him you can feel him in your heart for as he has been with you all along. And he will give you comfort and rest.


The saddest thing about all this is everyone’s treating this like a game so was I God‘s woke me up please wake up world not the world. The people wake up I have family that believe hell is not real. I have loved ones that don’t believe they’ll be punished for disobedience to God, I even willfully have been disobedient to God folks I live over 14 years in a personal hell on earth before he open my eyes. I don’t wanna go back if hell is anywhere as bad as what I lived in this earth which it is it’s much worse It is so worth avoiding it can be avoided so easily strive to enter the narrow gate, please love the Lord your God with all your heart everything you’ve got and may God bless you all


im really drunk rn but im rlly scared of my eternal life plz pray 4 me


I cried at the end. I don't deserve Lord Jesus, but He had abundance of mercy and grace. I did ungodly things like getting drunk and struggling with staying close to God., but God did a mighty turnaround for my life to Him. I no longer get drunk (i don't even tempt myself because I stumble in alcohol), and I been so good thanks to Jesus (who IS righteous and my righteous is like filthy rags).

I'm so thankful to God. I am not getting off the narrow path! God have mercy on Your people and unbelievers! I'm going to preach gospel more too in Jesus name!


I almost cried man.

God really does love us.

He loved us so much, he sent his son.

That alone is incredible, amen


I'll tell you, I myself was raised in the Christian faith and in a really good family all my childhood, but I strayed far from the right path.

It was never because I didn't believe or because I didn't want to believe, I just didn't care, I didn't care, and I took everything for granted. I have sinned in all sorts of ways and done things that I wish I hadn't done, because I see every day how it affects you. And even though I always wanted only good things, I was never really happy, I was always full of anger and hatred, and I realized every day how much it destroyed me.

It's been about a year and a half since I started to deal with the subject of faith again and work on it more intensively, because every day I observed what was happening in this world and what horrible things were the norm in this world. .

I started going to church regularly again and learned to hear God's voice in my daily life in a way that I hadn't experienced before.

The church sermons that were very helpful to me were about how God speaks to us.

I always had this loud angry voice in my head when I experienced injustice. And I accepted it as right because it is actually against what is wrong, but I tell you, it is not God, God is not yelling at you. He speaks to you gently, whispers in your ear, because I know that God is always with you.

The devil is a liar, he doesn't care about the suffering of the world, the important thing is that it leads to further confusion, that is, when something bad or wrong is happening, the devil can let you know, the important thing is that he will turn you against other people and thereby cause further confusion that we are suffering in this world.

I finally got baptized just recently and I couldn't be more happy with that decision.

It was a voluntary baptism. So I didn't have any discussions or anything like that before about baptism and my congregation didn't know my story, but still I received the baptism motto, which was also the one you gave at the end as an example. Video, Peter 3:9.

The last thing I want to say is that it doesn't matter what you think about yourself, how unimportant you think you are, whether you think you have done something unforgivable. That is exactly why Jesus came into the world for you and me. You have the opportunity and the full knowledge to follow this. It is not difficult; you just have to be open to living your own way.
Hate never produces peace. If you want to live in peace and love, be the light that brings it to the world.


Thank you so much, Im so blessed to have found this channel. Ive throw away thoughts of despair about this life, and will repent and build my life with faith with Jesus and God 🙏🏻
