r/Trueoffmychest I Caught My Brother ****ing His Daughter

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0:00 Intro
0:09 Broke my wife
2:38 Down in the comments
3:59 Cheaters
7:11 Divorce
9:55 Comments
10:45 The mistress
14:55 Comment
15:02 Awful situation

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Wow. If I had a wife who openly told me if her husband came back from the dead that she'd divorce me all because her kid called me dad, I'd tell her "I'll save you the time. We're done." That is arguably the worst thing to say to your spouses face.


Story 3: "If my wife came back from the dead, I would divorce you in a second!" Lady. Take that as the MASSIVE red flag it is and divorce him first. That is NOT the kind of thing you need your husband thinking. That man needs therapy, and you need to protect yourself in some way (if divorce isn't the option you want to go with, there are plenty of others). It would suck for the kid to lose the person he considers his mom, but your husband revealed that this is not he loving marriage you thought it was.


Story 4: Yet again, there is already an update. The friend's husband was already married when they started dating, so she LITERALLY was a mistress, and then married him. But he was indeed not as wealthy as she assumed


The mistress story had an update:

OP decided to cut contact with the friend and the husband. OP will be getting divorced.


Why no one is talking about the abuse in the last story?
OP was right in calling the cops and should contact the CPS, not posting in social media.


Imagine remarrying a woman you're supposed to love then yelling at her for loving your biological son. Dude. Get therapy, overcome your grief instead of dumping it on your family


The woman who witnessed her brother doing the unspeakable: She was right to speak out, because it could make the difference between whether or not he has future access to other children, and it •might• stop the abuse he’s already committing (although unlikely). But the •way• she did it? What a mess.


Story 1: He said he loves her for more than her looks. Maybe it's just because I'm not attractive, but it seems to shallow to me to dump an entire relationship because he didn't scream from the rooftops that she's pretty. Especially cause he did so afterwards, anyway. What a stupid way to end a relationship.


In the final story, there was an update saying the Facebook post was taken down. It seems like OP wasn't thinking straight and when people started messaging them and explaining the harm it can do, OP realized and took down the post. We can only hope it won't follow the little girl further into life.


Regarding the story with the dead mom: that boy lost her when he was tiny and if he remembers her at all, it's very little. She has always been a dead idol to him, he's been at her grave every weekend for his whole life and the moment he shows his stepmom love, his dad absolutely chews her out instead of looking inwards and realizing that the child's mother is in his life. The woman who birthed him might not be any longer, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love a living human like he would have loved her, had she still been in his life. The dad needs therapy.. it's just no longer a normal grieving process if it's this raw after 10 years..


Your hunch was spot on in the Mistress story. There was an update where OP found out her friend was in the mistress's shoes before.


Story 3: That man needs therapy or a divorce. To be morning the loss of your wife that way for 7 years, good heavens. He's still married to a dead woman.


story one: when op said his damage control was worse i was expecting worse. But hearing “my wife is beautiful i just love her for other things” is such a huge confidence boost. You think i’m pretty AND you still love me for other things like my personality and my humor and everything else?? This wife has some major insecurities she needs to work out lol


A big part of the reason why abuse and toxic behavior is still rampant is because people, especially the family, try to keep it under wraps! "Oh, that's a private, family matter" is toxic speak for "we don't want the family to look bad to our friends, community, and congregation, so you just stay quiet so we can pretend it didn't happen", just like "be the bigger person" means "we don't want to deal with the other guy's attitude and meltdown, so just appease them", and "keep the peace" means "put up with the abuse and toxic behavior so nobody has to deal with the actual problem"! I understand wanting to respect the child's privacy, but I would want to know if there's a threat to my child's safety in the community! I know enablers like these who either blame the victim or deny that it actually happened, even though the perpetrator is still in prison. "Oh, the girls lied" or "he didn't get a fair trial" are the bull$h!t excuses they use to defend the R-word-ist! IF YOU DEFEND AN ASSAULTER BECAUSE "FAAAMILY" YOU ARE A TERRIBLE HUMAN AND ENABLE THE EVIL IN THE WORLD TO CONTINUE, AND I HOPE YOU REAP WHAT YOU'VE SOWN!


Last story is a good example of my past experience of social médias. People would rather hide the fact that their relative did something horrible, than calling them out for said act and risk shame by association.


I agree with the last one, when there are children involved, the adults should do their best to protect their identity. Also "not airing out family drama" is just code for "we support the abuser."


If I remember correctly, the guy in story 1 edited his reddit post to cut out what he ACTUALLY said the first time to his friend, which was something to the effect of "My wife is only a 6 and she's a better wife than my ex who was more attractive." He literally gave her a low number score, assigning her beauty to less than desirable while comparing her to an ex, but when he got backlash for it in the comments he changed it.


That poor stepmom. I have a stepdad, he refers to my sister and I as his daughters (I call him by his name but refer to him as my parent). You’re right Rslash, having a caring stepparent is something I am blessed to have and I don’t get why the dad acted that way.


The story about the husband who got butthurt about his son calling his wife mom is that the husband needs to calm the hell down and hope that the biological mother haunts her abusive husband dreams at night and saying that she's unhappy about how he treated his new wife


He visits his dead wifes grave EVERY DAY, over a DECADE after she died? Nah girl, that was a MAJOR redflag, he has NOT moved on, and doesnt love you, he just wanted a bang maid and live in nanny.
